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Potential Ways to Enhance APD

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52 minutes ago, Squeezy said:

Alright this will almost definitely be way too long, but the basic idea of this post is me looking for ways to make the APD kinda more fun for both APD and Civs.

The Problem: There are tons of PO's that career cop everyday and don't feel any improvement or rewarded for working hard and committing a lot of time to the APD. In the current structure of the APD, not ranking above PO for a very long time makes sense. There's obviously a very finite amount of people that can become a corporal in each platoon (5-6) and there are still people who are worthy of getting Corporal that literally just can't because no one want's a server full of corporals. Also, the rank of Corporal carries a lot of weight among police and rebels alike, and overpopulating the Corporal rank would just dilute the value in that rank. 


Civilians, also don't see a very large difference in forces, mostly just Deputies and Patrol Officers as well as the occasional Corporal+. Most of the bigger gangs aren't scared do federal events or large illegal runs, because they know they can outgun the standard Patrol Officer taser MX or Spar-16.


The Suggestion: Create sub branches for the APD. Sub branches could be literally anything. Anything from different gear, to different vehicles, and of course each sub branch would have different purposes. Each branch would still be lead by sub branch would still be lead by a Corporal, and each sub branch will have its own requirements. A certain number of hours on cop, maybe a certain field training, and a field test that has to be passed, etc. The point is that Patrol Officers that are obviously dedicated to the force, would have something to look towards besides Corporal rank. They would have something to work for and look towards, as well as making Civilian Vs. Cop life more dynamic and interesting. 


Now I know, at this point in the post, whoever is reading this is gonna say something along the lines of: "It's too much work, the devs will never do it," "The APD will never implement this" "These branches have no use" "The admins won't do it" "You're retarded" ":hmm:" " :yikes:" So on and so forth. 


I get it man, its definitely going to be a lot of work, and its gonna be very hard to figure out who's running each sub-branch, how each sub-branch will be regulated, how they fall into the chain of command, potential uniform changes, promotions, organization, maybe slight rule changes, all in all, this would be a very hefty project that would take, a very long time. But, if you're still reading this post, here are a couple of ideas that I've had for different divisions:


Altis Police Escort Division

This branch would be utilized by Workers Protection Civilians. As implied in the name, these cops escort workers doing legal runs and get large payments at the end of selling the goods to a trader.

Since this escort division will be in close quarters most of the time, APED would be issued high rate of fire with small caliber ammunition, like the car-95 5.8mm, car-95-1 5.8mm, TRG-21 5.56mm and a van.


Altis Police Designated Marksman Division

This branch could only be used in special circumstances. Federal Reserve, Blackwater, Jail Break, Pharmaceutical Escort, second wave red zone responses. Patrol Officers within the APDMD could trade in their standard MX or Spar after the special circumstance is called and respond as an APDMD unit. Designated Marksmen can be issued low capacity, high caliber marksman rifles: Rahim 7.62mm, CMR-76 6.5mm, MAYBE the Mk-14 7.62mm.  


Altis Police Armored Car Division: 

This branch could only be used in special circumstances. Federal Reserve, Blackwater, Jail Break, Pharmaceutical Escort, second wave red zone responses. Patrol Officers within the APACD could trade in their standard MX or Spar after the special circumstance is called and respond as a helping force for other Patrol Officers. Armored Car division can be issued several new tactical vehicles for example: a Hunter, Quilin, or Prowler. 


 Altis Police Small Explosives Division : 

This branch could only be used in special circumstances. Federal Reserve, Blackwater, Jail Break, Pharmaceutical Escort, second wave red zone responses. Patrol Officers within the APSED could trade in their standard MX or Spar after the special circumstance is called and respond as a helping force for other Patrol Officers. Small Explosives Division can be issued a weapon with a grenade launcher that either throws stones or tases players on explosion. However since grenade launcher are very powerful, there would be no ammo in the rifle, the grenade launcher comes with. Officers in the Small Explosives Division will still be able to carry a pistol, and will work with other patrol officers to clear small buildings from greater distances. 


All of the options I've listed above are obviously just some ideas that are bouncing around in my head. The point is that a greater variety in the APD, allows Civs and Rebels to play with and against the APD more dynamically. More options allow Patrol Officers to look forward to progressing in different branches instead of everyone just aiming for corporal. 

Congratulations, you've made it to the end of my post!!!



Instead of having this focus on all the PO's that complain that they don't get corp. It should focus on the fact that this could actually be a cool addition that if used right could be very good.

I'd like to suggest a few things though. Each corporal should be able to form Units, with deputies and PO's. I know they already do this by putting other cops in the Unit channel, however an in game mechanic would be cool to support this. Each squadron, Alpha, Bravo, Delta, etc. would have different branches. Let's say Alpha could be Marksman branch. Any corporal in the Alpha squad, could make a unit with fellow officers in game. This could maybe make PO's temporarily being able to buy MXM's, until the unit is disbanded.

A few rules that wouldn't make it completely fucked and OP in game.

A max of 4 people per unit, including the corporal leader.

If a Sr.APD member comes online, a unit shall not be formed to gain advantages in situations, f.ex if there are 1 corp, 1sapd member and 4 PO's, these PO's won't become mini corps in a situation, such as a federal event.

Only one unit of a certain branch is to be formed each server. (could be like 3 branches with different perks, like you suggested)

If a unit is disbanded, the gear /perks should be revoked/removed/seized immediatly.

A unit CANNOT be formed in an ACTIVE situation, in an attempt to get an advantage over the counterpart.

If all members of the UNIT die, the unit will automatically be disbanded, and would need to be recreated.

Units can only be created every 35 minutes.


So essentially, your idea. Just, smaller and temporary. And to ensure a more powerful first wave in a fed, unless a sapd is on.

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Honestly just play cop follow the rules if you ever feel like your in the wrong or semi wrong just comp the person or let them go. Talk to a higher up to get something that’s a grey area to you cleared up. Eventually your day will come when you get pulled and take the test and kill it then boom your CORPORAL! Lethals loaded ;) 

23 minutes ago, Squeezy said:

The point is just because someone plays for a really long time, doesn't mean they deserve a promotion because Corporal after all is a roll meant for players who are good with people, know how to think, and lead other officers.

Now this is something I can agree on

1 hour ago, Bojo said:

Instead of leaking a video that might spoil shit il instead just call you a retard and ask you to fuck off.



1 hour ago, Squeezy said:

I'm probably the last person that wants Corporal. There's just a lot of POs out there that grind out for hours and hours, if you talk to some patrol officers that have been on the force for a while, you can go months and months, even years, without shit changing on cop. The point is just because someone plays for a really long time, doesn't mean they deserve a promotion because Corporal after all is a roll meant for players who are good with people, know how to think, and lead other officers. Divisions would give committed POs something to work for that is much more obtainable. 

If you want to "progress further within the division of apd" go join a roleplay server, coplympus is not for you my friend.

I don’t think any of this would enhance the apd. What frustrates me the most about the apd is that a single sgt and a deputy are more effective and useful than ten Pos. The power of the higher ranks is incredibly unbalanced but I also know no way to fix this that wouldn’t either nerf the sapd into oblivion or make lower ranks dummy op.

  • Like 2
17 hours ago, Kamikaze said:

Now this is something I can agree on

Honestly I think a program to give qualified and deserving POs more leadership or responsibility is a good thing as it might reduce the amount of people rushing to make cpl and raise the level of supervisors.


But "units" or whatever the fuck this is, is stupid as fuck. Honestly it feels like if you're just running in a hamster wheel at times, I like the APD too much but I dread coming in on most days because it's boring as fuck and I honestly feel unmotivated and depressed most days I play APD for more than an hour, after 2 years not much has changed and I can slowly feel myself starting to get burnt out. A little professional progression or option to do more unusual things would be fun and help reduce burnout but it has to be implemented in a way that doesn't interfere with the corp rank.

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