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Group Effort Olympus Video

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I have always been interested in making a video for Olympus, and I've decided that I'm going to attempt doing so given the recent announcement from Ryan. I believe there's no editing task that I cannot overcome, but I don't have all the footage I need. I want to make a video that is all-inclusive; the video that really shows every aspect of the server. I don't think a single person can really represent what's available on the Olympus server. I think we're all good at different things, hence why I am asking for you to join me in a combined effort.

What You Get:
I will not keep any of the in-game rewards, I only want the forums tag. I will disperse the rewards fairly and equally among the footage providers. Your cut of the rewards will be based on how many of your clips were used in the video. If I use 100 clips from the video, you provided 10, you'll receive 10% of the rewards. I will also request that whoever submits the most used footage will be rewarded the custom in-game title. It is highly likely that your clip will be used in the video since I plan on using a lot of them. There is no limit to the portion of money I'll give you. For example, if only two people provide all of the clips I use, they'll each get half the money. I will also add 15m of my personal Olympus bank account to the total money to be split.

15m | Gang shed being sold
15m   | from Noahhh!'s bank account
30m | Total money to be split

How You Can Help:
I need clips that are at the least 720p @ 30 fps. Do not be concerned about mature language or jokes audible in the clips, I can remove it. I will accept clips through the DropBox link below and also download clips off YouTube if needed (just dm me a clip link if needed).

I've listed some of the specific clips I would like to have; some are easy to obtain and some not-so-easy. You are not limited to submitting exact clips I have asked for below. If you want to submit a clip that's not listed below, by all means, feel free to do so.

APD: These clips will be used to present the APD. They'll show the normal activities and highlights of the APD.
- Large groups waving into federal events.
- Pulling civilians over, questioning civilians, processing civilians.
- Car chases, helicopter chases, boat chases.
- Finding a large group of trucks at an illegal zone while patrolling.
- Scouting illegal zones while in an airplane, in different types of helicopters, in ground vehicles.
- Large groups of officers piling into a hunter, armed quilin, and helicopter.
- Tasing rebels.
- Shootouts

- Jailing a bounty under 100k and jailing a bounty over 1m.
- Ghosthawk kills (ground targets and aerial targets).
- Use of flashbang followed by double+ tase/kill.
- Successful pits.
- Footage of SAPD in their high-level armor.

Civilian: These will be the easiest clips to obtain. These will be some of the beginning clips of the video.
- Spawning with no gear or armor.
- Picking peaches or apples.
- Clips of completing a legal run other than diamonds.
- Clips of completing a diamond run.
- Clips of excavating.
- Clips of being questioned by the APD.
- Clips of being caught in the crossfire of a fight.
- Kavala shitter clips.

- Buying civilian-legal weapons.
- Buying different licenses. 

- Buying a hemett box. Buying a tempest device (buying clips can be substituted with clips of you pulling the vehicle).
- Buying a hatchback. Buying a flat-bed truck.
- Buying an M-900. Buying an Orca. Buying a Huron.
- Buying a Blackfish.
- Being robbed by rebels.
- A clip of you putting your hands up to following the demands of someone trying to rob you.
- Clip of you spying on a group of rebels doing a run and calling the APD.
- Clip of you naked, watching rebels fight at a cartel.

- Buying a workers protection licenses, buying WPL guns.
- Using WPL guns to protect yourself.
- Selling items with the WPL money boost.
- Doing illegal runs with the WPL.

Vigi: I've never played vigi, so the clips I want are a little more loose here.
- Standing in Kavala and checking the wanted list for bounties.
- Asking people to put their hands up because their wanted.
- Tasing bounties.
- Processing bounties.
- Speaking with the APD.
- Following rebels doing a run.
- Spying on rebels with large bounties.
- Teaming up with rebels.
- Teaming up with APD.
- Buying bounty hunter vehicles? Is this even a thing or am I retarded?
- Jailing small and large bounties.
- Camping drug dealers, cartel, houses, gang shed, and rebel outposts (yikes).
- Shootouts.

Rebel: I have some clips I would like to have for sure, but I'm leaving this one pretty open too. I'll pretty much take whatever you have for this.
- Doing illegal runs.
- Cashing in large amounts for illegal runs.
- Buying loadouts at Rebel Outpost.
- Buying illegal vehicles.
- Doing runs in and out of a gang shed.
- Pulling and using ghosthawks.
- Pulling and using AT-offroads, titans, RPGS, bw weapons (yummy).
- Killing cops.
- Killing unarmed civilians.
- Fighting at warzone [I don't care if they've been used in a NBA youngboy music playing in the background, pulldowns activated, Olympus (insert number here) montage before].
- Getting tased by APD.
- Getting vigied.
- Getting jailed.
- Fighting at federal events, banks, jails, etc..
- Loading money bags, gold, bw items. 
- Searching for people to rob.

Medic: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk. ReVivInG pEoPlE?

Edited by Noahhh!
Raising amount of my Olympus money invested from 5m to 15m.
  • Like 7
  • TriHard 1
Just now, billdroid said:



Just now, Madnesss said:

need any clips of rdm?

Yes please.

22 minutes ago, Noahhh! said:


Medic: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk. ReVivInG pEoPlE?


this could just be the death screen looking at how far the medic goes for 15 minutes until you bleed out :kappahd:

  • Like 1
  • Haha 3
1 minute ago, Strae said:

this could just be the death screen looking at how far the medic goes for 15 minutes until you bleed out :kappahd:

Sounds good. I will use this for the entire video 🙂

I forgot to add medic at first, I had to edit it in later. lol

3 minutes ago, Strae said:

this could just be the death screen looking at how far the medic goes for 15 minutes until you bleed out


4 minutes ago, Unjo said:


Would you be willing to submit those for me? I remember watching your o7 video and thinking they were pretty damn cool. I would use all of the clips for sure.

Just now, Noahhh! said:

Would you be willing to submit those for me? I remember watching your o7 video and thinking they were pretty damn cool. I would use all of the clips for sure.

Already uploading the edited video


Just now, Unjo said:

Already uploading the edited video


I appreciate it man. Each individual clip will count as a clip, not everything as one clip 🙂

2 minutes ago, Evannnnn said:


Thanks boss!

Just now, FrankieTwinkletoes said:

ask @Jelly Donut he has some pretty good singles


I will, thanks dude.

@Jelly Donut wya boi

  • Pepega 1

Since it seems like many people only have clips on YT that they've deleted from their PC storage, I'll accept YT clips. Thank you!

1 minute ago, buckie said:

Lemme know if u need any loud voice clips I will provide

Honestly, at this point, I just really need a library of stuff to look through and pick clips from. I'll even take raw footage of normal game play. Like, if you want to send me a recording of a 1h long session, I'll split it up into b-roll clips and you could get a few clips worth of credit out of it.

  • Like 1
Just now, Noahhh! said:

Honestly, at this point, I just really need a library of stuff to look through and pick clips from. I'll even take raw footage of normal game play. Like, if you want to send me a recording of a 1h long session, I'll split it up into b-roll clips and you could get a few clips worth of credit out of it.

I don’t need any credit just want to help lmao I think people will recognize my voice anyways

  • Like 2
Just now, buckie said:

I don’t need any credit just want to help lmao I think people will recognize my voice anyways

Fair enough. I would appreciate your help either way. I'll reserve a cut for you if I use your clips; if you don't want to accept it, I'll split among everyone else equally.

@WALT™ I feel like you got some shit for me dad 🙂

  • Like 2
Just now, Mr Majestic said:

I'd love to send you some clips but each one is 5-6gb each, no easy way for me to get these to you 😞

If you take the time to cut them down into parts and upload to YT/DropBox, I'm sure I could get a shit load of clips from them, not to mention that I would appreciate it very much. It might very well put you in a great clip % position for the rewards.

Also, any pictures of high bounties? I might use some screenshots here and there depending on what it is.

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