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Locked This is why asylum is ahead of olympus x100

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Like i said, it wasn't to advertise asylum it's really not but when i got onto it today to see what the fuss was about i saw awesome features, and i looked at change log and found that, Sorry but i can't think the last time olympus had an update like this, yes we have alot of devs but what i notice they get over 100$ a day which is plenty to hire a new dev, It's really no excuse we have a test server the person can be tested on his skills and what he can do and from the beginning he can just make scripts on the test server, we can back it up so if he does fuck it up it's all saved and backed it's not that hard really, I'm sure asylum had to take risks i doubt they had so many devs from the start.


And yes i do agree asylum has many more features, more things to do but i love the community this server has.

It seems like your trying to promote Asylum on the Olympus forum. If you think Asylum is so great then no one is stopping you from leaving this community.

Dear lord, did you even read the thread?

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I've tried leaving Olympus atleast 3 times, this really is the best server as far as a community goes. I feel like I could do a drug run, fed reserve, jailbreak etc etc with nearly anyone on the server. The features are behind other servers for sure but the mass rdm/vdmers is so low must people dont even understand. The features also aren't whats killing the population. Its big gangs robbing anything they see (I am 100% guilty of this myself) I've been trying to help people new get started as much as I can, even doing something simple like bringing someone a tool kit can go a long way. Maybe ACTUALLY answering someones question in sidechat instead of telling them to ALT F4 or make fun of them. Another thing killing the population is everyone banning everyone for the tiniest rule. If a Deputy accidentally seizes a weapon the first thing you hear on recording is "OMG HE SEIZED MY WEAPON IM SUBMITTING GG" or if someone gets caught in crossfire or is in the gang but not wearing tags or 5m outside of a red zone the same thing is said even if people say they're sorry it was an accident, ill comp yada yada. It's our fault its happening more than it is the Admins/Devs.

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I've cheated on Olympus a couple times with Asylum and . Here is my honest opinion of all the servers. Asylum is fucking crazy with Rdm and is for the most part chaos. Play Asylum if you wanna hang in Kavala getting rdm'd every minute and watch people ram each other and medics tell you to fuck off faggot and blow up their vehicles. you can make a billion dollars in a day. Play if you want to be rich off a quadbike run and get no satisfaction robbing someone of a million dollars or not give a damn if you get shot with a mk 200 loadout. Olympus has a good balance of chaos which is usually in kavala where it needs to be and you have to work and play smart to make money but its not too hard like everyone complains about. Olympus has a great balance of everything and also the community it has built up is the best I have met a lot of people who I consider my friends and actually miss when they are not around. So Olympus for life, Asylum for rdming, and for idk.

Thomas, it's a very similar market to olympus. It's alot harder you have to pay for fuel, actually get charged for pulling cars out the garages, I've been playing it for a few hours today no one has rdmed me, medics have been great and i actually roleplayed with someone at a rebel base. Kavala is the same on all servers, That's why on every server there is always atleast one cop there, when olympus was maxed out all the time everybody knew you would get rdmed in kavala so don't make out olympus is golden because okay in the past it was a great fun server but it's getting old.

It seems like your trying to promote Asylum on the Olympus forum. If you think Asylum is so great then no one is stopping you from leaving this community.




again ur not getting the point he isnt he is just calling out for help to see if we can get olympus on the bloom again people need to stop with the " if its better then go play" thats the whole fking reason we have no pop right now we all want is for someone to listen to what we what :/ ..i mean we have news crew yet dont even see them EVER .. there is never any events now ... im not trying to bitch just what i see with my eyes 

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I've tried leaving Olympus atleast 3 times, this really is the best server as far as a community goes. I feel like I could do a drug run, fed reserve, jailbreak etc etc with nearly anyone on the server. The features are behind other servers for sure but the mass rdm/vdmers is so low must people dont even understand. The features also aren't whats killing the population. Its big gangs robbing anything they see (I am 100% guilty of this myself) I've been trying to help people new get started as much as I can, even doing something simple like bringing someone a tool kit can go a long way. Maybe ACTUALLY answering someones question in sidechat instead of telling them to ALT F4 or make fun of them. Another thing killing the population is everyone banning everyone for the tiniest rule. If a Deputy accidentally seizes a weapon the first thing you hear on recording is "OMG HE SEIZED MY WEAPON IM SUBMITTING GG" or if someone gets caught in crossfire or is in the gang but not wearing tags or 5m outside of a red zone the same thing is said even if people say they're sorry it was an accident, ill comp yada yada. It's our fault its happening more than it is the Admins/Devs.

Yes I am actually able to feel relaxed on asylum and most other servers because the rules are not as strict and i don't have to worry about being band for the smallest thing. 


Another thing has anybody noticed Burban has left? (well i think they have anyway), They went off to join , and how long have they been on the server? 

Yes I am actually able to feel relaxed on asylum because the rules are not as strict and i don't have to worry about being band for the smallest thing. 


That is something ill give Asylum the upperhand on but that could also be because people don't know you, you don't have enemies yet that will report you for every little thing.

That is something ill give Asylum the upperhand on but that could also be because people don't know you, you don't have enemies yet that will report you for every little thing.

I also agree, even though i try to follow the rules as much as possible, on servers like and Asuylim, i dont have to worry. The problem with olympus is that its like A3L, before you can even RP you have to think about all the rules. Most of the rules are simple to understand, but they are still a bitch. Cant call terror from a Heli? What the fuck do i do with this shiny new ghosthawk from gary? Wtf? These are the type of rules that are just retarted.

again ur not getting the point he isnt he is just calling out for help to see if we can get olympus on the bloom again people need to stop with the " if its better then go play" thats the whole fking reason we have no pop right now we all want is for someone to listen to what we what :/ ..i mean we have news crew yet dont even see them EVER .. there is never any events now ... im not trying to bitch just what i see with my eyes 


You don't see the news crew because it's a whitelisted slot that you can't just apply for. If your not on the community team you don't have access to the slot and if your on the team you can only use the slot if your making content. Some people think it's supposed to be role that anyone can apply for like cop or medic but that's not the case. If you want to see more news members players are going to have to start applying and making content. 

you guys forget that for these type of udates  to happen on olympus calls for mods that ppl have to download seperate to the game. Which the olympus staff dont want. if they made ppl download mods just to play the server then we would still loose ppl. we just need a stronger community! 

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I've tried leaving Olympus atleast 3 times, this really is the best server as far as a community goes. I feel like I could do a drug run, fed reserve, jailbreak etc etc with nearly anyone on the server. The features are behind other servers for sure but the mass rdm/vdmers is so low must people dont even understand. The features also aren't whats killing the population. Its big gangs robbing anything they see (I am 100% guilty of this myself) I've been trying to help people new get started as much as I can, even doing something simple like bringing someone a tool kit can go a long way. Maybe ACTUALLY answering someones question in sidechat instead of telling them to ALT F4 or make fun of them. Another thing killing the population is everyone banning everyone for the tiniest rule. If a Deputy accidentally seizes a weapon the first thing you hear on recording is "OMG HE SEIZED MY WEAPON IM SUBMITTING GG" or if someone gets caught in crossfire or is in the gang but not wearing tags or 5m outside of a red zone the same thing is said even if people say they're sorry it was an accident, ill comp yada yada. It's our fault its happening more than it is the Admins/Devs.


You are right Trenton. We all need to take a step and make the server more welcoming to new players, one way way that I like to RP with some people when I find them driving on the highway is text them: "Please pullover to the shoulder of the road, this is a customs check". I hope and pray for their sake they will pull over for good rps sake. We land and ask for the keys and explain we are just going to make sure there is nothing illegal in the trunk with our guns down the entire time. some will give the keys, the ones that dont we restrain and lockpick the car, if there are illegal items, yes we rob the car, take the drugs and set them on their way, but if no illegal goods, they pass the check and give them a lollipop.


I really try to make people feel safe to do legal goods, there should be about no risk if you are following the law. Lets try to help the server people, lets not rob people who are doing legal goods, its like 20k for you, and thats nothing...


Do your part role-play the situation, that is why we are all here anyhow.

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you guys forget that for these type of udates  to happen on olympus calls for mods that ppl have to download seperate to the game. Which the olympus staff dont want. if they made ppl download mods just to play the server then we would still loose ppl. we just need a stronger community! 

There is no mods on asylum. That was the point of this post...

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When im Playing APD and someone txt the police saying there car broke down i always try and help them out. or if someone says there new to the server and was just robbed i try and give them some money (even though im poor as hell) in my opinion its the little things that make a big difference if someone is asking for help on sidechat help him/her out you see someone broken down on the side of the road try and repair there car I believe that Olympus can come back and have all 3 servers maxed out again. 

I don't think Olympus is really hurting, on the weekends the servers are pretty full and during the weekdays they are low but thats how its always been pretty much. Also mecka keeps getting taken out of my last post, is mecka a bad word lol

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The number one thing I am seeing in this thread are comments like the following:

  • We need more staff.
  • We need more developers.
  • We want more features.

What I am NOT seeing are people OFFERING to help. As it has been stated multiple times in this thread, one does not simply become a developer or a staff member. There have been other developers in the past and they are all but gone because as it was also stated "people are people." Not everyone wants to take the hard road and WORK to make something for our community, they'd rather copy/paste it and claim it as their own. That is not Olympus, we do not steal from other communities. We have been burned and it takes time for burns to heal and until someone is willing to step up and say "I'd like to help, can I put together a little package of code that would let Olympus do <insert concept>?" then why should we reach out and ask? This is a community, which means everyone should be willing to help out and most people do.


The same goes for adding the the pool of staff. Anyone may apply for a staff position, provided that you meet the requirements. The problem is, no one wants to give up being in a gang or wants to dedicate the time to apply and wait while your application is evaluated. People want power and in most cases, they abuse it. I'm sure it would be amazing to have more staff but my own personal opinion, there are very few people that I would trust with the ability to issue bans, respond to comp requests and be entrusted with what staff are given.


As for developing new features for the community, we have Poseidon. Poseidon has a life that he has to keep a handle on besides just writing code for us. Not everyone can sit at their screen all day, people have lives that take priority. New features are planned, however new features are useless if existing features don't work properly. Point proven, Poseidon is working on fixing the issues with housing, who doesn't want a house?


I know that this post is coming across as me essentially saying to stop your bitching and I apologize for that, however I can easily count the number of times that someone has publicly offered to help and the times that someone has said they're going to put something together even if it isn't going to be used.


Last thing before I quit ranting, new players. This is talked about constantly, how new players are run off the servers because it is so hard to get a foot in the door. Try not robbing them blind? Instead of robbing someone new.. assign a member of your gang (maybe the new guy... because FNG) to go with the new person. Their job? Watch them, perhaps protect them and after the run is over, a "protection fee" is paid out. This benefits all parties, the new players gets their money, the FNG of your gang has to deal with being the FNG and you guys get money. Robbing people blind only pushes people away and no one wants people to leave. 


Negative side of my post finished, there are some cool features on the list that would be amazing to have on Olympus. Personally I think it would be cool to have the oil rigs and underwater oil cartel, which would give a whole new dynamic for civ/civ and civ/cop interactions. Plus the APD boats could be used more often as that would be yet another thing on the water that could be patrolled. Same with the prestige system, that way you have donator perks but those that can't afford to donate can still get some cool items with the large amounts of money.

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asylum is gey. kthxbye. 


Can't go anywhere else but here. Thanks everybody for making this the place that this is.. :')

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Speaking freely here...


From having experience running a gameserver, community, and being a server developer, I can say i've never seen such a pathetic staff.


I mean there are four? five? ....nope, TWELVE staff members, perhaps you should begin giving people roles and responsibilities. The fact that a ticket is submitted for 3 days+ and never gets reviewed proves this. I could do this on my phone when i'm bored at work.


And its not only the ticket reviewing but whatever happened to server events. I play during prime time hours every night (which is when events should be happening) and I haven't seen a server event go down in along time.


If your staff can't find any interest to be here and be online then perhaps you should find some people that are. I know trust is a large factor in giving power because it can be so easily abused... but aslong as its monitored(by a head admin) then there shouldn't be any issues.


And perhaps the rules need to be cleaned up too. There are to many and it's beginning to make the gameplay feel like your walking on a single path.


Let people adventure and have fun, instead it's oh that guy was 5meters outside the redzone so 3 day ban for rdm. 30 day because that players been banned twice before since he's played here for 6 or 8 months. The server suffers from lack of players, maybe because your banning all the active ones and people want to play with friends.

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All i am saying is something needs to be done. you can't keep defending all the time at the end of the day the only thing that matters is the low population on the server 

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All i am saying is something needs to be done. you can't keep defending all the time at the end of the day the only thing that matters is the low population on the server 

This is the bottom line, whether we like it or not at the end of the day, the servers have about half the population they did pre-wipe, Lots of people are switching to different servers, one of the most notable gangs to ever play olympus has even switched in favor of a different server. Oh yeah, by not letting me use "Mecka" in a sentence, not even advertising it shows me how scared you are. Jus saying. I love this server, and call it my home but for real.....





I mean there are four? five? ....nope, TWELVE staff members, never  


^ this is a eye opener for me, didnt realize that there was 12 staff 0_0

I have played a decent amount on Asylum and as a solo player, it is not fun. Obviously playing with a group or friends makes any game tons of fun, but none of my real life friends have gaming computers so I'm mainly on my own when I play games. Olympus' community may be small, but from my perspective, and despite seeming daunting to get into, it is very tight-knit and good-willed. Asylum has so many people that there really isn't even a community, it's just people playing on a server. And Asylum can be just as boring as Olympus as regard to making money, on Asylum it's just continuously running meth over and over. I am new here. so there is probably plenty of drama and issues that I don't know about, but Olympus definitely seems like the better server to play on.





What I am NOT seeing are people OFFERING to help. As it has been stated multiple times in this thread, one does not simply become a developer or a staff member. There have been other developers in the past and they are all but gone because as it was also stated "people are people." Not everyone wants to take the hard road and WORK to make something for our community, they'd rather copy/paste it and claim it as their own. That is not Olympus, we do not steal from other communities. We have been burned and it takes time for burns to heal and until someone is willing to step up and say "I'd like to help, can I put together a little package of code that would let Olympus do <insert concept>?" then why should we reach out and ask? This is a community, which means everyone should be willing to help out and most people do.


The same goes for adding the the pool of staff. Anyone may apply for a staff position, provided that you meet the requirements. The problem is, no one wants to give up being in a gang or wants to dedicate the time to apply and wait while your application is evaluated. People want power and in most cases, they abuse it. I'm sure it would be amazing to have more staff but my own personal opinion, there are very few people that I would trust with the ability to issue bans, respond to comp requests and be entrusted with what staff are given.

I would love to help, but I am probably too young/new/inexperienced to, and I don't know any coding or scripting or whatever so I probably couldn't do much anyway.

I want this out there, I love this place. I've played here for a long time, and a lot of the members of my group have been with me in that time. over 1k hours on the server alone, more unrecorded (3.4k hours on ARMA).. And I've watched the slow deterioration of the player base. I have strong loyalties to somewhere I've devoted so much time/effort to. I only want it to continue. I would do anything to help, but I know myself, I do not fall under the category of ''Staff Material'' So, saying you're understaffed, yet even your most of loyal players are not allowed to help, bit strange.. 


And I'm going to Dive into the unknown here which is take a shot at the admins, which from what I've seen from every comment against the admins ever, will result in hell-fired fury.


Only about half of the staff members actually give a shit about what goes on here, maybe I'll be spared if I don't name them, But half of them don't even play the server (Arma?) anymore.


Why would you keep your position which is almost like a community rep when you don't give a fuck about it all? Get rid / Replace. Thanks for the service, but if you don't want to continue to help anymore, then thanks, but goodbye. 


My opinion on that. before I am lambasted for it. take a step back and look at the staff. I know those that do care, and those who do not.

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I, and many others, have had staff applications since late last year. We have people that are wanting to help out, but it seems like only senior APD are allowed to become staff. Myself, as well as others, have been playing on the server for 8+ months and have read up on all the rules and know whats going on. We have people that are willing, just not given the chance. I know that it takes time to trust someone before handing over a higher position in the forums/server but I think with more staff I we can get things done faster.


I do appreciate the admins and moderators that constantly are doing what needs to be done. In no way is this post directed towards them. I just think we could have a little more staff to help out the community. Just my opinion. Thank you for all of the admins/developers/moderators that do bust their ass to make Olympus awesome. 

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