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Locked This is why asylum is ahead of olympus x100

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Why is it we're being brought up for this? We just want to have fun? We might do 1 fed a day IF EVEN that.. Most of our time is now spent in Kavala. Because the cops stack 1 server. Whether it be from a sergeant+ being in the room, or because they're incapable of putting any actual work in and going looking for something to do, Like me, and ALOT of the older Corporals/Patrol officers had to do, which was play during afternoon/Morning time for the UK. So. Look at it this way, 24/90 server (Generally server 2) With no cops on, at prime time.


NOBODY wants to play on a server when there is no cops. We showed this the other day, it was 32/90. 0 cops. we put 6 cops on to 38/90.. little more than half an hour later, this increased to 72/90. Take the simple logic, and APD put some fucking effort in.


Now, I take that much consideration into the fact that the server is declining, by decreasing our enjoyment, Even so much so by allowing other groups do drugs with us/Do drugs without us robbing them. I won't even go near anything less than a box truck now in fear that if I kill them they'll get pissy and never come back to the server.


Believe it or not, I care A GREAT DEAL about this place and what goes on in it.


Weren't the cartels added to increase Civ v Civ action? rather than pre-wipe Civ v Cop 24/7. Now, I'm so fucking worried about the population, we have to Civ v Cop because we know the cops will stay, wereas civs won't.


Now all we do is hang around Kavala and fuck with cops with Rooks and Pdubs so they have a fair chance so nobody can complain that we did the BurBan, which was Rob everything, Fed/Jail/Fed/Jail/Terror/Fed/Jail, Repeat Etc. 

This is certainly not our fault what is going on, and I think we're taking the best steps we can to circumvent the flow out, which is minimizing our fun, whilst trying to let others get on with it, but then again.. Why are we here in the first place if not to have fun?

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Our populations isn't only due to features or bans. It also has to do with the type of players that are on the servers. No matter what kind of economy or features we have if a gang does nothing but harass players, rob, steal, ect all the time then people will not stay. If someone gets on and all that happens is they are hit hard by a group then of course they are going to leave. I witnessed this firsthand the other-day when MC decided they didn't want to play on server 2 since they pushed so many onto server 1. They get on and instantly start causing a ruckus. IT went from robbing the fed, directly into doing terror and then continuing onto the players on the server. While we don't want to tell players how to play everyone needs to understand if all you do is hit hard every-time your on no one is going to want to deal with it and in turn they will simply find a new place to go which has happened. Now again I'm not saying it is just on the large gangs but it doesn't just fall on the staff. Everyone in the community should work on being a community and helping out the noob players until they get settled. I'm not saying hold there hands but don't rob a guy in a quad at the peachfield with a group of 6-7 players holding Mk18's. If someone has a question then just try to answer it or say nothing at all. Don't be toxic.





If the economy was not so rough on new players people would not get so mad if they die on there offroad run.

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Speaking freely here...


From having experience running a gameserver, community, and being a server developer, I can say ...............................


Firstly, Do Not confuse me with Gator. I am John Wayne.



Sorry, but if you do pay for 500$ each server, it's not that smart perhaps get a cheaper one?


A cheaper one would give you severe desync. The servers are real demanding so you need a powerful one. Power = $$$ and i'm confident that Olympus just rolls the money over to the next month so they can keep their servers running in the future months to come incase things get dry. However if Ebzekro still played and donates thousands of dollars to individuals is a different story.


What alot of people don't see is what is done on the backend of things. We do more then just tickets, we deal with all sorts of other things and we do it for free. We do it because we have a goal for the community and want to stick with that goal. We don't want to just be another server out there. With that comes getting burnt out as well. We need our own personal time to have fun or there won't be any staff to run the servers and in turn no servers. As said before Mod tickets are open but not just anyone will get the spot. We have slowly been filling the spots but we are also not going to just grab 10 people and say have fun. We get a couple, run em through the paces, get any issues resolved then move on to the next group. We have been burnt in the past with Devs as well as Mods, event an Admin so yes we are going to do it carefully.


Now to the rest of the posters in this thread. This is from me and not the opinion of the other staff but we all bust our asses to help out the best we can. Are we understaffed, yes and we know this and are working on it. Do we need more features, yes and we are working on it. Are there bugs that need to be addressed, yes and again we are working on it. We have been shit on multiple times in the past and we don't want to risk it again. When we let someone in as a staff member we want to make sure they will stick it out and understand how to do this. People have brought up how Asylum has so many staff and it works out, well keep in mind they get thousands of dollars in donations each month and can afford to pay there staff, we do not have this luxury.


Rules are a freaking pain in our asses and the only reason we add, modify, change them is when they need to be. Multiple times its been stated, "Well its not in the rules so you can't do it". Well because of comments like this we need to add it to the rule-set. Since the OP is pulling his info from Ayslum I'll go ahead and point something out. If you go and read there rule-set it is fairly simple and straight forward. This in turn leaves it solely up to the staff member that is dealing with whatever issue. If that staff is having a bad day he is gonna shit on you with a ban and there is nothing to stop em from doing it. We have our rules in place so we are all on the same page and to give players something to reference to prevent any issues. If we could just have players that played the game as it is meant to be played we wouldn't have even half the rules we have.


As for people who constantly think we do nothing, then all I can say is go ahead and leave. We do what we can to try and make this community a fun place for everyone. We will not be able to please each and every person but we do what we can. If you want to think we are lazy of don't care then that is fine. Go ahead and go play on them other servers, you will either like it or not.


Our populations isn't only due to features or bans. It also has to do with the type of players that are on the servers. No matter what kind of economy or features we have if a gang does nothing but harass players, rob, steal, ect all the time then people will not stay. If someone gets on and all that happens is they are hit hard by a group then of course they are going to leave. I witnessed this firsthand the other-day when MC decided they didn't want to play on server 2 since they pushed so many onto server 1. They get on and instantly start causing a ruckus. IT went from robbing the fed, directly into doing terror and then continuing onto the players on the server. While we don't want to tell players how to play everyone needs to understand if all you do is hit hard every-time your on no one is going to want to deal with it and in turn they will simply find a new place to go which has happened. Now again I'm not saying it is just on the large gangs but it doesn't just fall on the staff. Everyone in the community should work on being a community and helping out the noob players until they get settled. I'm not saying hold there hands but don't rob a guy in a quad at the peachfield with a group of 6-7 players holding Mk18's. If someone has a question then just try to answer it or say nothing at all. Don't be toxic.


As for ideas being brought up. If they are brought to us in a respectable manner we will look into them. Just because we say no does not mean we don't want the feature even. Sometimes there are just things we can't do. Sometimes it's simply because we can't do them atm because we are working on other things. Sometimes it may even be just because it doesn't make sense to have it or it might not look good. We never say no just to say no. Just because another server has a feature doesn't always mean we can add them. Again Asylum has multiple Devs that have had alot of time to do what they do. Poseidon has done a good job getting us this far but it doesn't mean he can do everything or the same thing another Dev is able to do.


So with that I hope I've cleared up a few things for everyone.


Thank you Hades for responding, I was really only looking forward to your post. I can see how we only have one developer, Poseidon. He does a fantastic job and he is active, interested and spends time with the community. You can tell he appreciates what he's built here for other players -who essentially do nothing- to enjoy. 


You addressed alot of the questions Hades but I still think you need to assign/announce some responsibilities that the staff have to deal with. Alot of players don't even know who the staff are or what they do, other than cycle through chief of police for short periods of time.


As Moob said, there are staff who are active and interested in what goes on around here and then there are staff that whenever you speak to them, it feels like your wasting their time or that they have better things to do. If they have better things to do than their "internet job" then maybe they should not take on a role that requires managing a community of online players 24 hours a day. If you limiting your staff to 10 people then you should make the most out of those ten, instead your working off a skeleton crew.


As for the robbing of new players, I personally only stay in red zone areas, if someone wants to try and run drugs then they will surely see me and whoever's in my heli. Lately with the low server pop the larger gangs, including myself, we've had to resort to fighting cops (because no one cares about losing cop gear right?), whether its kavala HQ or feds or prison breaks. People like being in gun fights, not talking to their wives in Athira.


If someone asks a question about the game on sidechat, I usually give them an answer. I enjoy playing here, I get RDM'd ,blown up, or the frozen screen glitch that lost us millions in heli's. I never ask for comp(unless its Moob) and I will never report a player no matter how much money I lose. This is a game and it's for fun, I shouldn't need to hunt players down and ruin their game time because I expect the same in return when I break rules against them.


If the economy was not so rough on new players people would not get so mad if they die on there offroad run.


There are legal runs that are for new players. Low dollar return but no risk. Cops should be responding to these calls and the APD has doubled compared to prewipe and removal of server #3.

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@Moob I wasn't trying to just pinpoint your gang as I know other gangs have done the same thing. I was merely pointing out a situation that was fresh in my head. I was using it as an example of what also adds to population loss. I wasn't trying to say it is you or your gangs fault solely. What I was getting at in a nutshell is if a large group of players end up camping solo or small groups to much it will simply push people away. I'm not going to lie however, we have gotten multiple reports that you guys like to push the limit on things but as noticed we have not seen anything with you guys breaking rules and thats why no bans have been issued. Sorry again if you feel I was just pinpointing you , you just were a fresh example.


The economy is a bit tough but not to the point were you can't make money. I myself as well as all the other staff all started at the same spot as the next player. We did our little runs and built up money. While some stuff was harder then the next we were able to make money. I myself was running around in a HEMMIT with no gun and solo for the first few days and made enough money to get my feet off the ground. What people need to do is not try to jump head into everything. They can't expect to instantly get the high end guns and vehicles. While some tweaks may be needed I honestly still feel it is better then it was pre-wipe. We have made some changes to the pricing of things and are still keeping an eye on things.


Regarding the staff, we do have an assignment of sorts. The admins of course handle all the bigger things. The Mods are the ones who kinda sit between the players and the admins. They are the ones you will see more often in-game and will be able to answer questions more often. We have less things for the Mods to do as we want them to focus on the playerbase while the admins focus more on the admin side of things if this makes sense. I'll use myself as an example here to try and clear it up. I used to play alot and once I became the head admin my play time went down. Now to some people it may be seen as I am inactive when in reality I am still doing things. One thing that takes hours for me to do it is log checking. Now all the admins can do this but the logs can be a pita to understand sometimes so there are certain aspects that I do instead of making the other do. Now I'm still around but I'm just not in-game doing things. Other staff do kinda the same thing in a sense. When it comes to tickets we all share them and work on them as a team. Sometimes we have a crapload of em and other days very few. Each ticket takes time to read, watch and then do whatever it is we need to do regarding that ticket. To most it may seem an easy task but in reality it is pretty time consuming. As for Mod apps, I can say we currently have 3 applications on hold. We are currently training in a few as well and as time goes on we will hopefully get more Mod apps in with qualified players.

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This is officialy the reason to why midget cant have nice things. But going on from what hades says, im on that blokes bus on this topic.

Hades thank you for weighing in. I think that we all know that we have active staff but it is abundantly clear you guys are over worked. It is totally understandable if a staff member needs to take some RL time and cant tend to their assigned duties. However, this doesn't change the fact that the job still has to be done and in a timely matter. This means they should be temporarily replaced. 

I personally think that the requirements for becoming staff are way to high. You can't be in a gang? That requirement right there suggests that there is no way for someone who is in a gang to be able to set aside the RP side of the game and handle a real responsibility. Aside from that I have heard multiple times in this post about how one needs to receive this god like level of trust before you guys will even consider giving them something to do. You guys are eliminating a lot of willing and perfectly capable people from helping out. Don't get so hung up on making sure the person is perfect for the job before they even start. Give them some small tasks, see how they do, then go from there. It doesn't have to be a full time mentally draining job divided between the 10 of you. It can be a part time job divided between 20 people. After all it is only a volunteer position. As I have said, I have alot of experience assisting in management of a gaming community and I am very willing to help out but I'm not going to stop enjoying altis the way i like to play it just so Olympus can have a puritan staff member. 


-Fishy out

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I would like to further reinforce some of the statements that have been brought up here. Odin, you say you need more staff, more developers, more everything. Yet you went on to say it took you 18 WEEKS. 18 WEEKS TO GET MENTIONED. You say you need staff. If you want more staff get to the tickets quicker, I get you need to look at them as people but you need to have it in a realistic time period. By then the player has probably left due to these issues. This brings me to my next issue, after you get staff, YOU ARE INVINCIBLE. I for one have reported one moderator by the name of Kratos AT LEAST 3 times due to him breaking the rules. What I got in return was not even a response. Most of you admins have stated that you need to look at a person before they are staff. For gods sake look at them when they are staff as well, that may be a reason for people leaving. Because they are sick of staff members coming on and breaking the rules they were banned for breaking. Another thing I have seen is staff members not even playing the game. You may be under a different name, you may be invisible. When I see no one with the [OS] in front of their names I think wow... Where are all the admins and moderators? That is another issues within itself, you need to get staff to be active on the servers, that may resolve a lot of these little tickets and bugs from people by just playing the game. Some issues can be resolved from you by playing. I get that you all have lives... So do we. If you have issues with all these tickets coming in for bugs, players, and all that fun stuff. Get more staff. Don't take 18 weeks to look at it. That is an unrealistic time period. After 2 months you should have gotten a response saying something at least! I feel like a lot of these issues could have been resolved by having more staff. I know you have been back stabbed. I know you have had issues with staff members. I know you may have trust issues. But you have to put that shit behind you sometimes to look at the huge issue. Without more staff this whole thing may crash and burn and none of us want that to happen. This post has been all about issues that have been popping up and all I see in response are excuses. Please get more involved with the community as a whole, get some people to be in the help rooms, to answer people who need help with simple things in teamspeak. I know I have asked for a staff member whilst being in a help room and not gotten a response for HOURS, at that point you PM them again and get a fist to the face for asking for help. Most of the issues can be solved with some will power and help with the community, we are not all biased assholes. Nearly all of us are here to help out with the community to make it a better place, to improve the quality of the server. But we can't do it if we get shot down. 

Hades thank you for weighing in. I think that we all know that we have active staff but it is abundantly clear you guys are over worked. It is totally understandable if a staff member needs to take some RL time and cant tend to their assigned duties. However, this doesn't change the fact that the job still has to be done and in a timely matter. This means they should be temporarily replaced. 

I personally think that the requirements for becoming staff are way to high. You can't be in a gang? That requirement right there suggests that there is no way for someone who is in a gang to be able to set aside the RP side of the game and handle a real responsibility. Aside from that I have heard multiple times in this post about how one needs to receive this god like level of trust before you guys will even consider giving them something to do. You guys are eliminating a lot of willing and perfectly capable people from helping out. Don't get so hung up on making sure the person is perfect for the job before they even start. Give them some small tasks, see how they do, then go from there. It doesn't have to be a full time mentally draining job divided between the 10 of you. It can be a part time job divided between 20 people. After all it is only a volunteer position. As I have said, I have alot of experience assisting in management of a gaming community and I am very willing to help out but I'm not going to stop enjoying altis the way i like to play it just so Olympus can have a puritan staff member. 


-Fishy out


Right now the only staff that is actually away is Jendrak and he is the event admin along with the designer. With that said with him missing the only thing effected is the events. While that is still something it doesn't effect tickets and whatnot.


The requirements for staff are in place not just because of staff but because of players. We don't allow staff to be in player gangs because then players assume there is bias and will let them gang members get away with things. It has more to do with appearance then actual play. The staff themselves are trusted enough that it most likely would not be an issue but the way players perceive things is a different story. As for being "God Like trust level" it is something we do require. There is alot of damage a player can do if they got there hands on the backend stuff. When someone new joins they are limited with what they can do but even that little amount could cause massive issues. Its also hard to just assign certain people to certain things. We can't just add a staff member and say handle comp tickets. If they do comp tickets then they need access to giving out money, that means they need access to an in-game admin menu or our datebase tools. We could even say let them handle just player reports but then again they need access to our RCON tool to issue bans. Arma is a pain when it comes to permissions and so it may sound easy to say "Just give this person this to do" when in fact it can't be done that way. So again trust goes along way when it comes to being a staff member. We understand alot may be willing to help but there are also those who say they will help only to cause issues which has happened in the past with staff.

I would like to further reinforce some of the statements that have been brought up here. Odin, you say you need more staff, more developers, more everything. Yet you went on to say it took you 18 WEEKS. 18 WEEKS TO GET MENTIONED. You say you need staff. If you want more staff get to the tickets quicker, I get you need to look at them as people but you need to have it in a realistic time period. By then the player has probably left due to these issues. This brings me to my next issue, after you get staff, YOU ARE INVINCIBLE. I for one have reported one moderator by the name of Kratos AT LEAST 3 times due to him breaking the rules. What I got in return was not even a response. Most of you admins have stated that you need to look at a person before they are staff. For gods sake look at them when they are staff as well, that may be a reason for people leaving. Because they are sick of staff members coming on and breaking the rules they were banned for breaking. Another thing I have seen is staff members not even playing the game. You may be under a different name, you may be invisible. When I see no one with the [OS] in front of their names I think wow... Where are all the admins and moderators? That is another issues within itself, you need to get staff to be active on the servers, that may resolve a lot of these little tickets and bugs from people by just playing the game. Some issues can be resolved from you by playing. I get that you all have lives... So do we. If you have issues with all these tickets coming in for bugs, players, and all that fun stuff. Get more staff. Don't take 18 weeks to look at it. That is an unrealistic time period. After 2 months you should have gotten a response saying something at least! I feel like a lot of these issues could have been resolved by having more staff. I know you have been back stabbed. I know you have had issues with staff members. I know you may have trust issues. But you have to put that shit behind you sometimes to look at the huge issue. Without more staff this whole thing may crash and burn and none of us want that to happen. This post has been all about issues that have been popping up and all I see in response are excuses. Please get more involved with the community as a whole, get some people to be in the help rooms, to answer people who need help with simple things in teamspeak. I know I have asked for a staff member whilst being in a help room and not gotten a response for HOURS, at that point you PM them again and get a fist to the face for asking for help. Most of the issues can be solved with some will power and help with the community, we are not all biased assholes. Nearly all of us are here to help out with the community to make it a better place, to improve the quality of the server. But we can't do it if we get shot down.

I have to agree on this, my bae has a point.

I've read a few of your posts where you state that it doesn't cost a lot to run these servers and that you truly don't believe Poseidon is making any money but I'm telling you he doesn't. Now whether or not you believe me that is up to you but every donation goes towards the servers each month. You need to understand the servers they are using are not some cheap $50 bucks a month servers but high quality ones, they cost a shit ton. Lastly if everything is paid for for that month it's not like Poseidon goes and spends all the extra money on beef jerky and soda, he saves it and uses it next month or the month after. 



Now before anyone freaks out on me and says I'm retarded or sucking ass. I do agree things could and should be done but I've already stated before my opinions on the matter. Poseidon is working on an event menu and when it's done I'll be able to host events and if I'm allowed to they will be daily. If there is things you believe we can do as a community then come talk to me as well. Let me see what I can do to help you out or make your ideas a reality. The community starts with us...not just the staff. 

Papa currently owns an Arma server, man. Previously he owned a DayZ SA server and he has had a Teamspeak for as long as I've known him (a year/year and a half) - he knows what servers cost, my man.


*Not getting involved in any discussion about the server, admins, donations or anything at the moment, just thought I'd interject that Papa does know what he's talking about**

oh yes dev apps are closed isnt that right. get some moar admins and maybe you will run into a dev 

  • Cannot set off a suicide vest unless on the ground and not in a vehicle.

ahahah im sure Mcdili would like this one

Ive played asylum before i joined Olympus. Yes I switched from there to here. Im gonna be honest I joined this with some friends when we were bored just to troll (this was like before winter) and the community back then was so great and way better than asylum that we ended up staying and actually playing. The people on this our so much nicer we just need to get back to being more of a community to new people and to each other. That will take us along ways. People can apply for dev, if you know how to do that stuff go for it! If the loyal members dont leave the server can really only go up hill not down. 

Ok, the bottom line is that today at 3:30 PST server 2 had 11 people on including me and 2 deputy's. So at the end of the day blame MC all you want, they arent doing anything different from what they did pre wipe so are they really the problem? 

Ok, the bottom line is that today at 3:30 PST server 2 had 11 people on including me and 2 deputy's. So at the end of the day blame MC all you want, they arent doing anything different from what they did pre wipe so are they really the problem? 


Before the wipe it was also a lot easier to make mad amounts of money. Just because the gang didn't change that doesn't mean the server hasn't. With players struggling to make money it doesn't help they have to worry about getting robbed 24/7 when all they want to do is pick peaches. 

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Before the wipe it was also a lot easier to make mad amounts of money. Just because the gang didn't change that doesn't mean the server hasn't. With players struggling to make money it doesn't help they have to worry about getting robbed 24/7 when all they want to do is pick peaches. 

So isnt it simple? What is more important? Balance? Or players? Before the wipe gear wasnt valued. But WE HAD FUN. Every time i played it was a blast, i did my run or 2 made my mill and then me and you and POTP would fuck shit up at a fed, or troll kavala. Or hell more drugs! WE HAD FUN. Do i have fun now? Yes. Is it as fun? Not nearly. I agree, the new economy makes sense. but just becuase it makes sense dosent mean it works. It's clear it dosent work. So what are we waiting for? Switch it back, or at least tweak it.

Make cop weapons FREE!!!

I only lose 1 in every day, that is 31k with a scope. With the payment tweak it isnt to bad.

The Market is jacked for legal stuff. I mean how many people actually go run oil, etc.. I have never once seen the price drop on these. I use to run oil all the time before wipe. Now all I do is the illegal stuff. Some of the Best RP I have seen was with running legals. Heck, I count numerous times that someone would come and try and steal my legal stuff and it wasn't Shoot on site. You had to RP it. 


And as everyone knows, if your in the redzone 9 times out of 10 your dead. Well I am anyways. LOL 


i think the Illegal stuff is good, it's just the legal stuff needs some tweaking to it. 

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  • 3 months later...

I came from Asylum, I want to say, That the updates only served to increase the boundary of new players/Solo Legal players and the Big Troll Gangs that KOS/Murder and Rob.


The Economy system blows as it makes everything not worth doing, and creates the ability for the Server's Gang to own the market and prevent anyone from doing anything.

The Cops are A joke, never help.

Gangs Own everything.

Multiple Devs, but rarely any support.

The 1mil/Prestige just makes money harder to make, and the game less fun.

And the bounty hunting system is stupid, hard to understand, and doesnt pay well.


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I came from Asylum, I want to say, That the updates only served to increase the boundary of new players/Solo Legal players and the Big Troll Gangs that KOS/Murder and Rob.


The Economy system blows as it makes everything not worth doing, and creates the ability for the Server's Gang to own the market and prevent anyone from doing anything.

The Cops are A joke, never help.

Gangs Own everything.

Multiple Devs, but rarely any support.

The 1mil/Prestige just makes money harder to make, and the game less fun.

And the bounty hunting system is stupid, hard to understand, and doesnt pay well.


Glad to hear that you've found Olympus to be a community that you enjoy!

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