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Who are you voting for for president?

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  1. 1. Presidential Nominations

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  • Poll closed on 07/27/20 at 03:35 AM

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6 minutes ago, Soulz said:


Yes... they where friends. I didn’t know that if your friend was a criminal without you knowing then it makes you one as well

And if all of you guys don’t like our country or government then there are plenty of other country’s that you can go to

I love America its my home don't tell me to leave.


My point was if we're gonna link gifs of Biden being creepy you can do it for Trump as well. Trump wasn't just a friend he was in the black book.



25 women accusing him. Yikes

25 minutes ago, Tech said:

I love America its my home don't tell me to leave.


My point was if we're gonna link gifs of Biden being creepy you can do it for Trump as well. Trump wasn't just a friend he was in the black book.



25 women accusing him. Yikes

I'd accuse him of rape if I thought I was gonna get something out of it too.

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2 minutes ago, Noahhh! said:

I'd accuse him of rape if I thought I was gonna get something out of it too.

What exactly have these women got out of accusing Trump besides death threats?


The only beneficiary was Stormy Daniels but it wasn't even for an accusation it was shut up money.


57 minutes ago, Noahhh! said:

I'd accuse him of rape if I thought I was gonna get something out of it too.

Yeah I don't know about that comment buddy. That's pretty far.

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5 hours ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

This man understands.

Biggest issue with Trump is his blind ignorance for science. Had we taken the appropriate steps early on in this virus, we wouldn't be closing parts of the country again. Not to mention taking the CDC and making them useless by having all hospital reporting go to the White House. Sounds like a cover up to me right? Also should be acknowledged is his seemingly forced push to have children go back to school during the second wave of this pandemic. It's really sad how he touts about a 1% mortality rate but if the entirety of the US got it, that would likely point 30+ million people passing away.

So I guess the question is whether Biden is so much better or is it that Trump is so much worse. The answer really points to the latter for me. Trump did really good things with economy but for that great thing he's fumbled a pandemic, ignored peaceful protests and colluded with Russia. 

As someone who is registered Democrat, Biden isn't even the best shot to win. Had the DNC pushed for a youthful candidate or a balanced ticket candidate, I think things would be more clear for the Democrats. At the end of the day this two party system is showing that it doesn't work. Bipartisanship is dead and the two party system as well as the electoral college need to be replaced with a free party system and a popular vote system for President. I shouldn't have to pick red or blue, I should be able to select my candidate based off of their beliefs and focuses.

Sorry for the wall of text but as many of you who know me, I'm very active politically and am always interested in the discussion of politics. 

Well said

14 minutes ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

Yeah I don't know about that comment buddy. That's pretty far.

Not far at all look at all the lives that are ruined by women falsely accusing men of rape and even the men that have gone to jail and then the woman comes out and said that they lied in spite or for attention.

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7 hours ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

This man understands.

Biggest issue with Trump is his blind ignorance for science. Had we taken the appropriate steps early on in this virus, we wouldn't be closing parts of the country again. Not to mention taking the CDC and making them useless by having all hospital reporting go to the White House. Sounds like a cover up to me right? Also should be acknowledged is his seemingly forced push to have children go back to school during the second wave of this pandemic. It's really sad how he touts about a 1% mortality rate but if the entirety of the US got it, that would likely point 30+ million people passing away.

So I guess the question is whether Biden is so much better or is it that Trump is so much worse. The answer really points to the latter for me. Trump did really good things with economy but for that great thing he's fumbled a pandemic, ignored peaceful protests and colluded with Russia. 

As someone who is registered Democrat, Biden isn't even the best shot to win. Had the DNC pushed for a youthful candidate or a balanced ticket candidate, I think things would be more clear for the Democrats. At the end of the day this two party system is showing that it doesn't work. Bipartisanship is dead and the two party system as well as the electoral college need to be replaced with a free party system and a popular vote system for President. I shouldn't have to pick red or blue, I should be able to select my candidate based off of their beliefs and focuses.

Sorry for the wall of text but as many of you who know me, I'm very active politically and am always interested in the discussion of politics. 

Democrats caused most of the pandemic issues, particularly Andrew Cuomo. This governor sent Covid patients into nursing homes, who tf thinks about that. This disease has proven to be mostly deadly to old people, especially those with chronic conditions. Honestly this man caused the death of around 7000 people, all because the virus wasnt deadly enough. How can you blame Trump on that?
The death-rate of Covid was vastly inflated along most states. As long as the patient had one of the symptoms it would be categorized as a Covid caused death, instead of the result of a chronic condition or some other disease. Testing didn't need to be done in order to categorize a death as a Covid caused death. Not only that, the United States has the most cases, because they are the country with the largest testing operation in the world. The only country that can and must be blamed for this pandemic is the Chinese Government. There is reports that doctors had detected the disease as early as November of 2019. Instead, China began colluding with WHO, drowning every piece of evidence that the disease was not transmittable from person to person. Taiwan claimed this on January, and WHO didn't take into account the warning because, well, Taiwan isn't recognized as a country by China.
Trump was misinformed by these global organizations, and so was the media and the rest of the countries.

There has been no evidence Trump collided with Russia, which was demonstrated in the Mueller investigation (Which lasted 22 months). https://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2019/03/mueller-concludes-investigation/ . After the Democrat pushed investigation came back with evidence demonstrating Trump's innocence Congress and Media still pushed for the allegations.

I do believe that the United States Representative Democracy is the best method of government, this coming from a Mexican who ended up with a populist in the government. The risk of Democracies is that they open the doors to this type of politics. "If you vote for me, you get free shit". Its just dumb. 

The "Covid Experts" were completely wrong. Death tolls, Fatality Rates, Masks, Ventilators, Social Distancing changing the curve, Economic Impact. They've been wrong about everything.

Edited by Toviyah
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1 minute ago, Toviyah said:

Democrats caused most of the pandemic issues, particularly Andrew Cuomo. This governor sent Covid patients into nursing homes, who tf thinks about that. This disease has proven to be mostly deadly to old people, especially those with chronic conditions. Honestly this man caused the death of around 7000 people, all because the virus wasnt deadly enough. How can you blame Trump on that?
The death-rate of Covid was vastly inflated along most states. As long as the patient had one of the symptoms it would be categorized as a Covid caused death, instead of the result of a chronic condition or some other disease. Testing didn't need to be done in order to categorize a death as a Covid caused death. Not only that, the United States has the most cases, because they are the country with the largest testing operation in the world. The only country that can and must be blamed for this pandemic is the Chinese Government. There is reports that doctors had detected the disease as early as November of 2019. Instead, China began colluding with WHO, drowning every piece of evidence that the disease was not transmittable from person to person. Taiwan claimed this on January, and WHO didn't take into account the warning because, well, Taiwan isn't recognized as a country by China.
Trump was misinformed by these global organizations, and so was the media and the rest of the countries.

There has been no evidence Trump collided with Russia, which was demonstrated in the Mueller investigation (Which lasted 22 months). https://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2019/03/mueller-concludes-investigation/ . After the Democrat pushed investigation came back with evidence demonstrating Trump's innocence Congress and Media still pushed for the allegations.

I do believe that the United States Representative Democracy is the best method of government, this coming from a Mexican who ended up with a populist in the government. The risk of Democracies is that they open the doors to this type of politics. "If you vote for me, you get free shit". Its just dumb. 

The "Covid Experts" where completely wrong. Death tolls, Fatality Rates, Masks, Ventilators, Social Distancing changing the curve, Economic Impact. They've been wrong about everything.

I love this mexican hes brigther than americnas ❤️

A vote for biden is a vote for putin

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Guest Skateezy
2 hours ago, Noahhh! said:

I'd accuse him of rape if I thought I was gonna get something out of it too.

You guys called this out as weird but it is highly prevalent to condemn a celebrity, wealthy person, vice versa, for “rape” in current society to get a book deal, some victim love, or money. This situation literally happens all the time in college with star athletes. Is it really weird that a billionaire was friends with another billionaire? If I’m friends with a guy from my class and he goes and kills a bunch of people does that automatically mean I am accused of also being a murderer? Don’t get me wrong, Trump says a lot of weird shit, but it’s apart of the reason I like him. There isn’t too much deceit when it comes to Trump whereas “prime” democratic candidates are all essentially panderers that still try to coerce black votes through systems like BLM. There have been millions in donations to BLM yet we see no offices, no donations to inner cities, no plans, barely a website, where does all of it go? 

Frankly, I am sick and tired of politics in the current societal climate. We have gotten so comfortable that we start to worry about nuance and not actual issue. I mainly want to vote Trump in to see what he does with four more years. His first four were wasted with accusations of collusion, an act to impeach, and other detriments brought upon him to halt any conservative action on the hill. I will say his rejection of science is absolutely abhorrent. I have multiple friends that now think face masks are a liberal design to cull the population with “lack of oxygen” as if they haven’t been around for decades. I truly think this is solely due to Trump’s lack of effort to lead on a big screen. Not a bad thing, but it does have its horrible after effects in your lesser-thinking, American public.

If you side yourself on one party line I do not think you are that smart of an individual. I lean conservative myself but you are just as bad as the “vote blue no matter who” people if you’re a diehard conservative.

2 hours ago, Toviyah said:

Democrats caused most of the pandemic issues, particularly Andrew Cuomo. This governor sent Covid patients into nursing homes, who tf thinks about that. This disease has proven to be mostly deadly to old people, especially those with chronic conditions. Honestly this man caused the death of around 7000 people, all because the virus wasnt deadly enough. How can you blame Trump on that?
The death-rate of Covid was vastly inflated along most states. As long as the patient had one of the symptoms it would be categorized as a Covid caused death, instead of the result of a chronic condition or some other disease. Testing didn't need to be done in order to categorize a death as a Covid caused death. Not only that, the United States has the most cases, because they are the country with the largest testing operation in the world. The only country that can and must be blamed for this pandemic is the Chinese Government. There is reports that doctors had detected the disease as early as November of 2019. Instead, China began colluding with WHO, drowning every piece of evidence that the disease was not transmittable from person to person. Taiwan claimed this on January, and WHO didn't take into account the warning because, well, Taiwan isn't recognized as a country by China.
Trump was misinformed by these global organizations, and so was the media and the rest of the countries.

There has been no evidence Trump collided with Russia, which was demonstrated in the Mueller investigation (Which lasted 22 months). https://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2019/03/mueller-concludes-investigation/ . After the Democrat pushed investigation came back with evidence demonstrating Trump's innocence Congress and Media still pushed for the allegations.

I do believe that the United States Representative Democracy is the best method of government, this coming from a Mexican who ended up with a populist in the government. The risk of Democracies is that they open the doors to this type of politics. "If you vote for me, you get free shit". Its just dumb. 

The "Covid Experts" were completely wrong. Death tolls, Fatality Rates, Masks, Ventilators, Social Distancing changing the curve, Economic Impact. They've been wrong about everything.

Instead of down-voting defend your position.

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let’s normalize doing our own research into third parties. the two party system is fucking retarded. 2016 and 2020 we probably have had some of the worst fucking opinions. it’s literally a question of “who do I think WONT fuck up the country the most??”

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Guest Skateezy
3 minutes ago, N7Zero said:

i heard biden is a bit of a nonce, can anyone confirm this?

All politicians are seen as “nonce” (I assume this means not all there?). If you’re in the light of news media 24/7 you’ll always appear dumb, but yes, Biden has had some major slip ups more times to count which makes people alter their opinion on him.


4 minutes ago, N7Zero said:

i heard biden is a bit of a nonce, can anyone confirm this?

he has a script for speeches, if anyone asks a question he isn’t prepared for, dudes brain fucking shatters and loses composure 

has said if your black and u don’t vote for him you’re not a real black person 

I have a few others but I haven’t fact checked them, so I’m not going to say them. 

Other side of the coin is Trump who:

we all know his twitter is an absolute joke, he’s awful when it comes to carrying himself. this isn’t a talk about politics, it’s the fact he’s just retarded when it comes to saying the right thing to lead the country.

handled COVID and the black lives matter issues fucking awfully, all because he doesn’t know how to s t o p t a l k I n g. 

tl:dr america is fucked

  • Haha 1

These are some big claims to have zero citations on. Lets go over each bogus claim one by one.

6 minutes ago, Toviyah said:

Democrats caused most of the pandemic issues

How? President and Senate are red. Republicans had more political power to prevent this pandemic

19 minutes ago, Toviyah said:

particularly Andrew Cuomo. This governor sent Covid patients into nursing homes, who tf thinks about that. This disease has proven to be mostly deadly to old people, especially those with chronic conditions. Honestly this man caused the death of around 7000 people


This was the official policy in March from the CDC and CMS. Trump's CDC and CMS who he appointed the current leaders to.

27 minutes ago, Toviyah said:

How can you blame Trump on that?

"He is only the president of the US with a red senate. What can he do!?"

I thought Trump was the powerful leader that gets stuff done but instead he calls the virus a hoax and downplays it. This man banned travel from China and Europe (good job he actually listened to Fauci for once) and then did nothing for 2 months. We never got testing, we never got PPE, and we're the richest country in the world. I want to see America in 1st place on testing. I want to see America in 1st place on PPE supply. You guys have put Trump before the country. Any other president would have handled this shit better red or blue but defending an avid science denier while people are dying is fucking disgusting. If it was a blue president you guys would not be acting like this at all.


March 11:      30 day Europe travel ban (excluding UK)

March 26:      The United States led the world in confirmed cases. That's more reported cases then China and Italy

March 27:      Trump signed a stimulus bill into law.

April 2:           Cases topped one million, and millions lost their jobs.

April 17:         President Trump encouraged protests against some state restrictions.          ???????

May 27:          Coronavirus deaths in the U.S. surpassed 100,000.

May 29:          President Trump said the U.S. would leave the W.H.O.         ????????

July 7:             The Trump administration sends formal notice of U.S. withdrawal from the W.H.O.          ??????

July 10:          Infections in the U.S. reach 68,000 in single day, a seventh record in 11 days.
July 11:           President Trump publicly wears a mask for the first time.


52 Days of doing jack shit while a pandemic is happening


59 minutes ago, Toviyah said:

The death-rate of Covid was vastly inflated along most states. As long as the patient had one of the symptoms it would be categorized as a Covid caused death, instead of the result of a chronic condition or some other disease. Testing didn't need to be done in order to categorize a death as a Covid caused death.

Blatantly false.



Me and you are both not scientists or experts in the field. But from a laymen perspective it seems that they look at the mortality data from previous years in each state and look at the influx of deaths to determine a provisional death toll.

Cite the "one symptom claim"

1 hour ago, Toviyah said:

Not only that, the United States has the most cases, because they are the country with the largest testing operation in the world.






Some links are a little old but per capita we aren't #1 despite having the most cases. We also have more positive tests then other countries by far


1 hour ago, Toviyah said:

The only country that can and must be blamed for this pandemic is the Chinese Government. There is reports that doctors had detected the disease as early as November of 2019. Instead, China began colluding with WHO, drowning every piece of evidence that the disease was not transmittable from person to person. Taiwan claimed this on January, and WHO didn't take into account the warning because, well, Taiwan isn't recognized as a country by China.
Trump was misinformed by these global organizations, and so was the media and the rest of the countries.


WHO has advised this entire time to stop COVID-19.

How was Trump misinformed?

The scientific community all agrees we should stop flow of covid.

Also a conspiracy between thousands of people kept quiet lol

This point just makes so many bold claims idk what to say.

1 hour ago, Toviyah said:

There has been no evidence Trump collided with Russia, which was demonstrated in the Mueller investigation (Which lasted 22 months). https://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2019/03/mueller-concludes-investigation/ . After the Democrat pushed investigation came back with evidence demonstrating Trump's innocence Congress and Media still pushed for the allegations.





34 people and 3 companies HEAVILY associated with Trumps campaign charged with criminal offenses with a judge and a jury.

1 hour ago, Toviyah said:

I do believe that the United States Representative Democracy is the best method of government, this coming from a Mexican who ended up with a populist in the government. The risk of Democracies is that they open the doors to this type of politics. "If you vote for me, you get free shit". Its just dumb.

Trump isn't a populist?

1 hour ago, Toviyah said:

The "Covid Experts" were completely wrong. Death tolls, Fatality Rates, Masks, Ventilators, Social Distancing changing the curve, Economic Impact. They've been wrong about everything.


Debunk thousands of scientists around the world please.

  • Like 2
Guest Skateezy


America is not “fucked”.

Among issues such as a very rare biological disaster factors such as social media put an emphasis on issues you would not care to think about.

News gets into your head to alter your perception of reality and to sell content to you. This election cycle is one during a peak of access to social media and internet for western communities. If you go and take a drive around your state you’ll notice the entire world is not collapsing as CNN, Fox, and all the other media says it is. We live in a current societal climate that people get their news from “independent” researchers on Twitter.

I promise you America isn’t “fucked”. We hit some road bumps but there have been far more tragic issues in American politics than what is going on now.

Imagine sitting at home and hearing your President was assassinated in broad daylight just for multiple members of his family to be assassinated right after.

Imagine having to kill your fellow American in a civil war.

Imagine having to be in constant fear of nuclear fallout due to missile sites being right next to Florida in Cuba.

We can sit at home during a pandemic and play Arma 3 for hours on end with the comfort of food all around us yet we sit here and say “America is fucked”.

Do you really believe that? I don’t.

2 hours ago, Tech said:

These are some big claims to have zero citations on. Lets go over each bogus claim one by one.

How? President and Senate are red. Republicans had more political power to prevent this pandemic


This was the official policy in March from the CDC and CMS. Trump's CDC and CMS who he appointed the current leaders to.

"He is only the president of the US with a red senate. What can he do!?"

I thought Trump was the powerful leader that gets stuff done but instead he calls the virus a hoax and downplays it. This man banned travel from China and Europe (good job he actually listened to Fauci for once) and then did nothing for 2 months. We never got testing, we never got PPE, and we're the richest country in the world. I want to see America in 1st place on testing. I want to see America in 1st place on PPE supply. You guys have put Trump before the country. Any other president would have handled this shit better red or blue but defending an avid science denier while people are dying is fucking disgusting. If it was a blue president you guys would not be acting like this at all.


March 11:      30 day Europe travel ban (excluding UK)

March 26:      The United States led the world in confirmed cases. That's more reported cases then China and Italy

March 27:      Trump signed a stimulus bill into law.

April 2:           Cases topped one million, and millions lost their jobs.

April 17:         President Trump encouraged protests against some state restrictions.          ???????

May 27:          Coronavirus deaths in the U.S. surpassed 100,000.

May 29:          President Trump said the U.S. would leave the W.H.O.         ????????

July 7:             The Trump administration sends formal notice of U.S. withdrawal from the W.H.O.          ??????

July 10:          Infections in the U.S. reach 68,000 in single day, a seventh record in 11 days.
July 11:           President Trump publicly wears a mask for the first time.


52 Days of doing jack shit while a pandemic is happening


Blatantly false.



Me and you are both not scientists or experts in the field. But from a laymen perspective it seems that they look at the mortality data from previous years in each state and look at the influx of deaths to determine a provisional death toll.

Cite the "one symptom claim"






Some links are a little old but per capita we aren't #1 despite having the most cases. We also have more positive tests then other countries by far



WHO has advised this entire time to stop COVID-19.

How was Trump misinformed?

The scientific community all agrees we should stop flow of covid.

Also a conspiracy between thousands of people kept quiet lol

This point just makes so many bold claims idk what to say.





34 people and 3 companies HEAVILY associated with Trumps campaign charged with criminal offenses with a judge and a jury.

Trump isn't a populist?


Debunk thousands of scientists around the world please.

Lets begin
(btw most of your sources have demonstrated a great amount of bias against Trump, nytimes in particular firing one of its reporters because he didn't agree with their political views. Not even mentioning NBC.)

Comorbidity claim by the CDC:

""He is only the president of the US with a red senate. What can he do!?""
Politically seen as an anarchist if he interferes with a states' ruling. The federal government cant overrule the local one that easily. Don't try to defend one of the leaders of the Democratic Party for provoking the death of thousands. He boosted the death count by sending sick people into nursing homes. Seriously. Wtf is wrong with you defending someone like that.

Here is WHO claiming that it cant be transmitted from human to human.

Here is why there is so many registered cases of covid in the US.
The US has done 47,313,367 tests.

Testing per Capita isnt a valid method of viewing it because the United States has more than 3 times the population numbers than the countries above it in testing.
"President Chen Shui-bian (2000 – May 2008) fully supported the idea that the "Republic of China is an independent, sovereign country" but held the view that the Republic of China is Taiwan and Taiwan does not belong to the People's Republic of China"
This source just gives quotes of how the General Director of WHO invalidated Taiwan's independence.

Apparently China has done 90 million tests, but then again they silenced Taiwan, a country that tried stopping the spread on November. China's data is not believable. 

As of Death Counts being inflated: 
- Dr Deborah Birx did a research where its inflated up to 25%.
- 25% of covid deaths aren't tested whatsoever on New York.
- Deaths aren't being differentiated by deaths with Covid to deaths by Covid. After Colorado obtained extra data the deaths tolls were reduced by 25%.

These are the incentives:
- Increased revenue for hospitals with covid patients (government relief funds)

Trump being corrupt provoked an extensive investigation that lead to absolutely nothing. How were these findings not reported for his impeachment?

Considering the media are constantly going against Trump and him constantly saying controversial things, I would say no. Trump is not a populist. His duty is to represent his country, but he doesnt bend to what makes him win, like populist leaders do.

Really dont feel like writting anything else for an Arma 3 server. These are my last counter arguments.

Edited by Toviyah

I also don't feel like typing anymore

5 minutes ago, Toviyah said:

Really dont feel like writting anything else for an Arma 3 server. This are my last counter arguments.

yea i dont wanna type anymore

3 hours ago, Skateezy said:


America is not “fucked”.

Among issues such as a very rare biological disaster factors such as social media put an emphasis on issues you would not care to think about.

News gets into your head to alter your perception of reality and to sell content to you. This election cycle is one during a peak of access to social media and internet for western communities. If you go and take a drive around your state you’ll notice the entire world is not collapsing as CNN, Fox, and all the other media says it is. We live in a current societal climate that people get their news from “independent” researchers on Twitter.

I promise you America isn’t “fucked”. We hit some road bumps but there have been far more tragic issues in American politics than what is going on now.

Imagine sitting at home and hearing your President was assassinated in broad daylight just for multiple members of his family to be assassinated right after.

Imagine having to kill your fellow American in a civil war.

Imagine having to be in constant fear of nuclear fallout due to missile sites being right next to Florida in Cuba.

We can sit at home during a pandemic and play Arma 3 for hours on end with the comfort of food all around us yet we sit here and say “America is fucked”.

Do you really believe that? I don’t.

i do believe america is fucked. 

every politician is a corrupt individual, as soon as you get to the top you end up being corrupt. they commit crimes as they want and always have it covered up, they can push any agenda they want and control us. our government is an absolute wreck. the people that are supposed to be leading us, are the ones destroying us. we are on the brink of a race war because of them. democrats are so worried about trump, they will anything for him to not get elected. republicans are so against democrats they will go against everything. do you not see the problem here? our lives could completely change depending on the office. If the president is a republican, and the house is full of democrats, it doesn't matter what idea is brought to the table. 


also, sitting at home playing video games all day sounds okay? the fact like millions straight up lost their jobs is ludacris. there are people who are living straight up off welfare and haven't searched for a job in their lives. there are people who turned down their jobs because of the unemployment checks, and half them don't even know how taxes work. the state of america now may be better than before, but at the end of the day it's still fucked. 

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My main man Borris out here making mad plays



Edited by CaloomClark
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