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Economic Change in Olympus?

Economic Change to Olympus?  

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Im not trying to put Olympus down just trying to help it out, me and alot of other MC members feel the same, this server use to be good you do a 45 minute drug run and u have cash for the next few rebel loadouts and you dont work more then play, Arma is soppose to be having fun not just spend alot of time making moeny and spend it on two rebel loadouts. Me personally i feel like Olympus is turning into a type of Dayz Standalone, how? Well you see like I previously stated you work to get gear and a helicopter, if you loose your helicopter or die you have wated an hour of your life on a Role Playing Game. I loved playing Olympus before the wipe when moeny was easy to come by, ask the 80 players that have left the server for others such as Asylum and , they will say the same. There is more to add but mostly I think your trying to make the game to serious, so I am sure many people will agree with this post, I am making a poll, Please every one that cares for the future of Olympus VOTE!

I feel the economy is too harsh on new players but fine for big gangs i had no problem making money after i got settled in but for new players there needs to be more ways, i think legal definitely needs to be buffed and moved around again. The small stuff like peaches and apples are usually not even worth for new players because of the market price they drop way to low and its not even worth wasting 10 minutes to drive and gather to make 1000$. The server needs changes again i don't want to see it die.

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  On 4/23/2015 at 10:51 PM, ToeKnee said:

I feel the economy is too harsh on new players but fine for big gangs i had no problem making money after i got settled in but for new players there needs to be more ways, i think legal definitely needs to be buffed and moved around again. The small stuff like peaches and apples are usually not even worth for new players because of the market price they drop way to low and its not even worth wasting 10 minutes to drive and gather to make 1000$. The server needs changes again i don't want to see it die.

I think it shou;d be changed back to normal, with cop wages and illegal drugs the same profit, its just way to hard for anyone, and there is oonly one big gang atm na dthats MC, im sure Moob isnt going to except the whole server on the gang

The reason we made the economy changes was because it was to easy to make money. It was as you stated above, players did something for 30-45 minutes and were set to go for days. People started just amassing money and had nothing to do with it and so got bored and in turn started trolling. We don't want it to be a grindfest but we do want players to work a bit to get things. When you finally get that nice new shiny toy then it actually feels good vs feeling like "oh well if I die I can just get another without worry". Now I'm not saying some changes aren't needed but we don't plan to go back to the old way where everything was basically handed to players. I know alot of people have said the legal things need some adjustment and I agree they do need to go up a bit but not a massive amount.

  On 4/23/2015 at 10:55 PM, Hades said:

The reason we made the economy changes was because it was to easy to make money. It was as you stated above, players did something for 30-45 minutes and were set to go for days. People started just amassing money and had nothing to do with it and so got bored and in turn started trolling. We don't want it to be a grindfest but we do want players to work a bit to get things. When you finally get that nice new shiny toy then it actually feels good vs feeling like "oh well if I die I can just get another without worry". Now I'm not saying some changes aren't needed but we don't plan to go back to the old way where everything was basically handed to players. I know alot of people have said the legal things need some adjustment and I agree they do need to go up a bit but not a massive amount.

When I died on the old old Olympus I did feal like I lost something not as much now however the amount of changes done was to much, ex.Changning Cop wages + Drug Prices + Chopping Prices + Weight Of Drugs(now we carry less) + trunk Cappacity Upgrades = Slow Economy. Some of these things were OP but adding all of these changes that striken the economy making the sever not worth the time and it isnt as fun, I understand if you want to implentment a few of those things like the wieght of drugs or somthing like that but all of this is just too much! This next thing im not treying to insult you Hades but I dont think you know what your talking about, perhaps its because you dont know what im trying to say, the server is dieing, it happend right after the economy got hard, it may not have been a big deal when people lost there stuff but so what there were 75 players on all 3 servers in the afternoon and they were all having fun!

I don't think that what we are looking for is fast easy money, but to make it easier to have fun. In no way should we go back to pre wipe, that was too easy, bit I think that some major changes need to be made. I know everybody talks about the server pop changes and looking at the evidence, I think that some changes need to happen soon. I don't want the servers to die, and it looks like its trending in that direction. I know the big gangs have been slowing down on the robbing of newbies, and I have seen the APD be more likely to pardon or reduce tickets, but a economic change is needed. If I crash my Huron, or my tempest blows up on a green bush, my whole week is ruined.

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The fix on the market will be a A+ fix, but also either buffing the trunk storage up or increasing economy will be the ultimate winner here. It was too easy back then, now it's too hard. I feel like I'd rather grind 100 levels on World of Warcraft then do yet another grind for 1 mil.


Like said above, the economy got a nerf and then we got a kick in the back - Trunk storage lowered, weight increased on some items, (I feel like) processing time increased, locations changed to harder to access etc. And it hurt a lot of people. Instead of one change, we got many. One could of been enough, but we continued to get kicked on the floor with more.

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  On 4/23/2015 at 11:10 PM, Sir Peter Longcock said:

I don't think that what we are looking for is fast easy money, but to make it easier to have fun. In no way should we go back to pre wipe, that was too easy, bit I think that some major changes need to be made. I know everybody talks about the server pop changes and looking at the evidence, I think that some changes need to happen soon. I don't want the servers to die, and it looks like its trending in that direction. I know the big gangs have been slowing down on the robbing of newbies, and I have seen the APD be more likely to pardon or reduce tickets, but a economic change is needed. If I crash my Huron, or my tempest blows up on a green bush, my whole week is ruined.

Yeah it was to easy then i will admit that but this new economic change made many people disappionted, including ,me.....   :''''(

I've been holding my tongue on this topic for a while considering I was such an advocate for the economy we have now.


But it is kind of grindy, and I feel like its probably having the largest impact on player population combined with how far away a lot of the drug fields/processors are.




I mean BurBan was probably the most dedicated gang to ever play on Olympus, and them leaving is quite demoralizing.


We're down to 2 servers, and during the week they are empty. Server 1 will get full on the weekends, but server 2 is struggling.




Not a whole lot can be done overnight, but I can say I had more fun before than I do now. There has been a ton of amazing changes especially to cop, and cop is actually still very fun in and of itself when we can find criminals(Which used to be all the time)


But now with the warzone being a safe haven from cops, and then cops being so deprived and scouring redzones like vultures the only people actually trying to do drug runs are getting arrested or robbed unless they're doing chopper runs of meth or moonshine.


It just seems like Civ is really sucky right now. As much as I nerd cop I used to play civ a lot more. These days I barely touch it at all.

  On 4/23/2015 at 11:23 PM, Zombeh said:

It's fine the way it is.. You have to work for the stuff you want, people want millions by just doing a drug run 

Well its how you like to play the game it reallly is, if you were to tell that to the 80 other players that left the server they would have said they just didnt like the majority of the changes in Olympus and didnt like the new playing style, but since the majority of the server is wanting a different economy then now then it should be changed.

  On 4/23/2015 at 11:23 PM, Zombeh said:

It's fine the way it is.. You have to work for the stuff you want, people want millions by just doing a drug run 

This isnt Dayz Standalone, there a major difference between Dayz Standalone and Arma lll, I personally think it is how easy it is to achieve what you want.

I know the common response to this problem is that if you don't like it, leave. Well the thing is, we have a core of dedicated, loyal players who don't want to leave. I for one, love Olympus, and will stay until the bitter end. The thing is, I don't want there to be a bitter end. I want Olympus to flourish. If the community wants a change, I think there needs to be one.

Peter Long out!

  • Like 7
  On 4/23/2015 at 11:29 PM, (MC) Vengence said:

Well its how you like to play the game it reallly is, if you were to tell that to the 80 other players that left the server they would have said they just didnt like the majority of the changes in Olympus and didnt like the new playing style, but since the majority of the server is wanting a different economy then now then it should be changed.

This isnt Dayz Standalone, there a major difference between Dayz Standalone and Arma lll, I personally think it is how easy it is to achieve what you want.

I never played on olympus before the wipe since I just bought arma a few months ago but I don't think it would be as fun since you would get everything fast, right now you work hard to get a gun if it gets handed to you then everyone would be able to buy guns which would increase chaos and RDM

  On 4/23/2015 at 11:39 PM, Zombeh said:

I never played on olympus before the wipe since I just bought arma a few months ago but I don't think it would be as fun since you would get everything fast, right now you work hard to get a gun if it gets handed to you then everyone would be able to buy guns which would increase chaos and RDM

Well if you werent here before the wipe then I wouldnt talk about it to much, its just that look at the votes above obviously the economy is wrong in the majority of the peoples eyes, I am not saying go back to the way it was but it shouldnt be this hard, I dont think the time I put into getting money is holding up for the fun I have and from the looks of it others feel the same.

Like others I believe that something needs to be done in order to bring the player base back up to what it used to be. 


I'm not sure what would improve the money making on the civilian side of things as I very rarely play the role. On the APD side of things, the amount of money we currently make is more than enough to survive as items other than vehicles are rarely purchased.


From reading what others have said, it seems like the location of illegal/legal areas and the money made from them needs to be changed. I believe that a balance can be created between the current state of civilian money making, and how it was before the server wipe. 

all olympus had to do was remove the OP storage of vehicles and problem was solved..people were pissing and moaning (mainly APD) that things were getting boring, there were too many people in the air and not enough people on the roads to stop and pull over..

  On 4/24/2015 at 12:22 AM, Nick5523 said:

how about m900s for P.O.'s for those who are complaining

at least APD complaints

I really dont think thats the place for this, we are talking about the economy and besides I dont think we should have any choppers for Pos because they arent technecally cops yet, please do not carry this conversation on.......

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Increase the storage space of ground vehicles and decrease the storage space of helicopters to encourage people to use ground vehicles that can haul more.


As for the hard work. Personally I rarely bump into civs making runs.  Granted I dont play 24/7 and I dont see all parts of the map. But 70% of the civs I see are trolling the cities or APD looking for a fight, which I get.  Gunfights are exciting.  But money most not be that tight if people are spending more time looking for a fight or trolling then trying to amass funds to buy things they want or need.  I admit when i played civ I was lame and only did legal runs.  But I had a blast!  Doing the runs were part of the fun to me.  I would do some runs, make some money to buy cool stuff, and run into other people doing the same thing and interact with them.  Now you have to worry about everyone you see robbing, RDMing, or trolling you.


There needs to be more legal activities on the map.  Maybe make a motor cross track and or a few different race tracks or something.  Let people buy quads, off roads, or whatever and give them a large area to jump and race and play in.  Activities would have to revolve for the most part around vehicles, helicopters, and guns.  Try to find more activities that support that stuff.  make sky diving a thing and have a place where you can try to land with the parachute.  Give it a little building and let civs operate it if they want.  Stuff like that may help. Maybe not IDK, maybe no one cares about legal activities.      

Make scuba diving a thing.  I am sure there are some cool areas on the map that could be marked and used just to Scuba dive and have fun.   Hell I use to drive my boat around for the hell of it and do some fishing.  If we get more people playing everything would likely pick up again giving gangs more civs to pick on.

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I want to list out a few things so we are all on the same page and so people do get the whole picture.


1 HEMMIT will net $440,000 when selling Processed Cocaine. Keep in mind this is the cheapest selling illegal item

1 HEMMIT of Glass will net you $188,000. There are 8 other legal types of items that will give you more cash as well.


Now this equals.

  1. Mk18 - $120,000
  2. Scope - $20,000
  3. 5 Mags @ $500 each
  4. Uniform - $500
  5. Carryall - $2,500
  6. Vest - $25,000 (Rebel Vest)
  7. ECH Helmet - $15,000
  8. A grand total of $185,500

As noticed these are also not cheap low end items. They are what most people tend to run around in. This is also not taking into account any discounts a player may received by being a donator. Now showing these numbers a player can still easily make more then enough money to buy at least 2 full loadouts by doing just Cocaine. the other drugs each pay higher amounts. So with that said illegal item prices are perfectly fine where they are.


As for legal items that is another story. Yes some could be adjusted but you have to keep in mind that legal items are also suppose to be much less risky and in turn they are going to pay less. Selling glass will net you the same exact loadout above excluding the extra cash however. There are yet other legal items that sell for more as well. Legal prices need to be low enough that people don't just want to rob people doing them but still high enough people can make some money off them.


So in the end when you take a step back and really look at the numbers the pricing isn't all that bad. A cocaine run will take 45-60 minutes to do and net you at least 2 loadouts. A legal run of glass will net you the same loadout with less risk and less ending cash and take roughly the same amount of time. Now you can of course choose to do runs with others and your cut will be lower but this is as expected.


Now regarding trunk space, we did this as what we had before was just insane. You could get a hatchback and it would have the same amount of storage as a Boxer truck. Trunk space was adjusted to be based off the default trunk storage amount. The larger the vehicle has for a default storage the larger u will get when you upgrade. The mod prices are set high as they are not something you have to have. They are extras and someplace to spend extra money when you get it.


Now once again I'm not saying no changes should be made but before jumping the gun and saying the prices are out of line think about what you can actually get from the runs.

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 I love Olympus and have been here since July of last year and will be here until I am forced to leave :) I would like to see Heli's made way harder to buy (APD included), so people run more on the ground. Its too easy just to fly up high and "look around" to see what everybody is doing on the whole map. Its too easy to see someone and go rob them the way it is. Maybe increase the starting money to 100k for new players ...maybe code it so they only get this in a one off payment when they first join the Server and even if they pull out all their money, they dont get any more after that one off payment besides the normal paychecks. The market system needs to change in my opinion, its just not worth doing Legal runs the way it is and half of the Illegal Drugs are hardly worth it these days. I would like to see R&R and the APD have no restrictions on where they can go on the Map, this would encourage more RP and encourage more people to play these roles I believe, plus encourage more firefights as well :). These are just a couple ideas I have thought about for a long time and I have faith that Olympus will be back stronger than ever in the future. In the meantime, lets all have fun out there and stop complaining. It is a game after all. On a last note I would like to say Thank You to all the Players that have played and still play and say Thank you to ALL the Staff from the Dev to Admins to Mods and Community Team...Thank you because without all of you non of this would be possible :) 

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Got to remember there are some hard core players and most are not.  The casuals who make up most of our player base in the past need a easier ground to stand on.  If someone doesn't have an hour to grind to get a load out then they are screwed.  With the player base dropping, the hard cores will leave.  There isn't anyone to troll with the grind time they have put in.


1) The economy needs to be easier, as stated above, we need the causal players.  

2) Change the zones back for easier money, this is just an option, or make the payout greater with the distance people have to go.

3) With gangs that have money, the new players have a huge disadvantage.  Get a drug run done, grab a load out, die by a text message from 500m, f that.  It's a losing battle.

  • Like 5
  On 4/24/2015 at 12:04 AM, Papamunski said:

all olympus had to do was remove the OP storage of vehicles and problem was solved..people were pissing and moaning (mainly APD) that things were getting boring, there were too many people in the air and not enough people on the roads to stop and pull over..

i agree with this, full server wipe was defo needed but not the full economy of things.

Maybe if the income from drugs n legal stuff was bumped a lil i reckon we would see a rise in more players, i was on server 1 ( was more populated with 29 ppl ) and i flew around the map 3 times and only spotted 1 person doing drugs and he was in a sports hatchback!! 

Seems like ppl dont even bother doing drugs even when the server is low populated!!

  On 4/24/2015 at 12:35 AM, Hades said:

I want to list out a few things so we are all on the same page and so people do get the whole picture.


1 HEMMIT will net $440,000 when selling Processed Cocaine. Keep in mind this is the cheapest selling illegal item

1 HEMMIT of Glass will net you $188,000. There are 8 other legal types of items that will give you more cash as well.


Now this equals.

  1. Mk18 - $120,000
  2. Scope - $20,000
  3. 5 Mags @ $500 each
  4. Uniform - $500
  5. Carryall - $2,500
  6. Vest - $25,000 (Rebel Vest)
  7. ECH Helmet - $15,000
  8. A grand total of $185,500


but the issue is more getting to that stage! to get a hemmit you need to spend hours starting with quad then offroad then box truck etc etc plus you will want to upgrade and insure on the way etc etc and thats if you dont get robbed or arrested on the way!! then starting all over again! like gucci said the new guys dont wont to play 2-4 hours grinding just to get to a stage of having fun spending the hard earned cash!!

  On 4/24/2015 at 12:35 AM, Hades said:

I want to list out a few things so we are all on the same page and so people do get the whole picture.


1 HEMMIT will net $440,000 when selling Processed Cocaine. Keep in mind this is the cheapest selling illegal item

1 HEMMIT of Glass will net you $188,000. There are 8 other legal types of items that will give you more cash as well.



That's great for a gang where there is backup. But for most people this once attainable item is no use especially after you insure it, try to use it on legal items get robbed and someone chops it. Just not worth the price to buy one. 

  • Like 1
  On 4/24/2015 at 12:35 AM, Hades said:

I want to list out a few things so we are all on the same page and so people do get the whole picture.


1 HEMMIT will net $440,000 when selling Processed Cocaine. Keep in mind this is the cheapest selling illegal item

1 HEMMIT of Glass will net you $188,000. There are 8 other legal types of items that will give you more cash as well.


Now this equals.

  1. Mk18 - $120,000
  2. Scope - $20,000
  3. 5 Mags @ $500 each
  4. Uniform - $500
  5. Carryall - $2,500
  6. Vest - $25,000 (Rebel Vest)
  7. ECH Helmet - $15,000
  8. A grand total of $185,500

As noticed these are also not cheap low end items. They are what most people tend to run around in. This is also not taking into account any discounts a player may received by being a donator. Now showing these numbers a player can still easily make more then enough money to buy at least 2 full loadouts by doing just Cocaine. the other drugs each pay higher amounts. So with that said illegal item prices are perfectly fine where they are.


As for legal items that is another story. Yes some could be adjusted but you have to keep in mind that legal items are also suppose to be much less risky and in turn they are going to pay less. Selling glass will net you the same exact loadout above excluding the extra cash however. There are yet other legal items that sell for more as well. Legal prices need to be low enough that people don't just want to rob people doing them but still high enough people can make some money off them.


So in the end when you take a step back and really look at the numbers the pricing isn't all that bad. A cocaine run will take 45-60 minutes to do and net you at least 2 loadouts. A legal run of glass will net you the same loadout with less risk and less ending cash and take roughly the same amount of time. Now you can of course choose to do runs with others and your cut will be lower but this is as expected.


Now regarding trunk space, we did this as what we had before was just insane. You could get a hatchback and it would have the same amount of storage as a Boxer truck. Trunk space was adjusted to be based off the default trunk storage amount. The larger the vehicle has for a default storage the larger u will get when you upgrade. The mod prices are set high as they are not something you have to have. They are extras and someplace to spend extra money when you get it.


Now once again I'm not saying no changes should be made but before jumping the gun and saying the prices are out of line think about what you can actually get from the runs.

How do you think the new people on the servers feel when they cant make any money or when gangs are flying over drug zones and if you do have a good drug vehichle ur chances of getting robber are great.

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