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Locked The Conclusion of 2021 [December Giveaway!] - $2000+ Giveaway

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If any lead dev, community manager, head admin, admin, moderator, dev, lead designer, map designer, texture designer, senior wiki curator, wiki curator, development contributor, map contributor, event coordinator, or founder wins its a scam

  • Wow 1

Tis the season to be jolly. Also lets be honest this will just be like the lotto in game. Medics are gonna win. RnR on Top!

  • Love 1

Can we take a second and talk about this one? 

16 hours ago, Ryan said:


  • $15 Mil in gangfunds


If i win this i aint ever seeing that money.

Shalom ✡️ We shall hold a jewish book club and play with struggling families credit scores this christmas.  The Happy Merchant | Anti-Defamation League

  • Cringe 1

Wow. What can I say about ArmA 3. (Armed Assault 3, that is) This is an absolute phenominon of a game, and that goes beyond the core gameplay and fun factor delivered in the executable file itself, but in the knowledge gained from partaking on this veritable adventure. First, there is the transferablle tactical expertise, which when gathered from playtime in this game can be moved to other games like CSGO, or PUBG, or even the Witcher 3, to further enhance your experience there. Upon seeing the loading screen of this game, your mind is injected with subtle yet core changes to its strategic stratephos, allowing calculations on a grand scale to be conducted in lightning speed. Next, we see that the game actually makes you an immediate comedian. Simply saying in game catchphrases like, "Contact Contact Contact", "Im taking overwatch", or "Calling in CAS" will have your friends, family, significant others, and neighbors sprawled on the ground laughing. Finally, this game gives you a complete rudimentary understanding of everything military based, think of it as being in the army for a year or two. When you see a veteran in public, you can now approach with a wide variety of conversational topics, such as PTSD, or how black NPCs are worse than white ones. You can tell them you fully understand how heavy a pack of gear weighs, and how long average in operation transport flights take. If you dont understand some of the "terminology" ive been interspersing throughout this review, I think that just goes to show how simple minded your brain can be pre-ArmA 3 experience. (Armed Assault 3, that is) Talk to me when you barrel roll your first helicopter inside of a friendly APC while blasting trap music over the stereo system while 600 invisible objects explode around you, sending you flying under the map, while your CO applauds you on your incredible dedication to immersion and realism. Silly casual. Maybe (Scoffs) COD, or (Chuckles) Battlefield is more your thing.

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