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SAPD In a Nutshell

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12 minutes ago, nicole said:

Where does it say I cannot skin a ghosthawk as an R&R ghosthawk?

Discord>Dev & Design> 11/11/2022, 2229 first paragraph third line… to be exact 

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10 minutes ago, nicole said:

Where does it say I cannot skin a ghosthawk as an R&R ghosthawk?

I'm not even talking about the R&R part anymore. I'm asking what makes you think it's fine to make an armed ghawk invisible in the first place. 

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2 minutes ago, Mighty said:

I'm not even talking about the R&R part anymore. I'm asking what makes you think it's fine to make an armed ghawk invisible in the first place. 

It's not invisible it's just hard to see, and it was IMMEDIATELY REMOVED and not seen by anyone. You didn't get whitelisted because it was hard to see you were whitelisted because it was R&R skin. I apologize for making it an R&R skin and once again am willing to accept ANY punishment by Senior Development. 

  • STFU 1
15 minutes ago, nicole said:

if you somehow think a skin is worse than that, you're delusional.

The R&R skin is a skin that most people will NOT shoot at and you know this but your trying to play it off. You act like someone being temporally promoted to senior is so horrible but this has been done in the past and you know this but your willing to make excuses for them "And Winters whitelisting someone as the Chief of Police is way different than a Lieutenant whitelisting someone." . The only difference is that it was done by people your willing to get on you knees for. The funny part is that you feel the need to stand up for Daddy Winters lmfao.

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Just now, Froot said:

The R&R skin is a skin that most people will NOT shoot at and you know this but your trying to play it off. You act like someone being temporally promoted to senior is so horrible but this has been done in the past and you know this but your willing to make excuses for them "And Winters whitelisting someone as the Chief of Police is way different than a Lieutenant whitelisting someone." . The only difference is that it was done by people your willing to get on you knees for. The funny part is that you feel the need to stand up for Daddy Winters lmfao.

I am not standing up for Winters I am standing up for myself, it wasn't just an R&R skin it was also gold and shooting it's guns with a white name. It was purely cosmetic I should have been the one punished not the civilians who had no control over what I did.  

The Chief of Police can do whatever they want in-game with the ability to supersede, we took the fight knowing he wasn't on and knowing there was no possible legal way a supersede can occur without his permission, and yet it still happened and the reasoning is because of a skin?

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17 minutes ago, nicole said:

we took the fight knowing he wasn't on and knowing there was no possible legal way a supersede can occur without his permission

um excuse me. Does a sAPD member not know their own handbook? The APD handbook gets superseded when you are any means. You don't need a chief on for that 😂

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39 minutes ago, Froot said:

So, he had infinite money, so he's an Admin... that got whitelisted for a second? Who the fuck cares, you were killing people with a R&R skin on lmfao. Take responsibility and stop making silly ass excuses that no one cares about because your still in the wrong regardless.

I mean honestly the medic skin isn't that big of a advantage yeah she shouldnt of been adding skins to the hawk while going into combat but the apd knew from the start that it was a medic skinned so it pretty much threw them off until they died at the pharma 

Just now, Mighty said:

um excuse me. Does a sAPD member not know their own handbook? The APD handbook gets superseded when you are any means. You don't need a chief on for that 😂

Sorry, I didn't mean supersede I meant a Chief of Police has the power to demote/promote anyone at any given moment.

  • STFU 1
1 hour ago, nicole said:

 instead the R&R skin appeared which I forgot was on it and by that point we were already engaged so we couldn't store and pull it out again

Just take the L and leave the situation?

It's as if I went "oops, I forgot a had God Mode on, it's a shame I can't go into admin mode to take it off because I'm already engaged" (Obviously hyperbolizing to make my point clearer).

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“No guys, I SWEAR I didn’t make my R&R skinned Armed Ghosthawk invisible! That would be absurd- I just popped Active Camo. You can still see it if you look hard enough!”

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5 hours ago, Mighty said:

This is just sad. What the fuck has the apd come to. You literally had a captain+ on civ abusing her designer powers flying around in a RnR skinned ghawk gassing everyone. I don't see her getting in trouble...

Stop Motion Blm GIF by Mighty Oak

I dunno man how is winters still head of the faction its crazy 

2 hours ago, nicole said:

I am not standing up for Winters I am standing up for myself, it wasn't just an R&R skin it was also gold and shooting it's guns with a white name. It was purely cosmetic I should have been the one punished not the civilians who had no control over what I did.  

The Chief of Police can do whatever they want in-game with the ability to supersede, we took the fight knowing he wasn't on and knowing there was no possible legal way a supersede can occur without his permission, and yet it still happened and the reasoning is because of a skin?

shut up whale

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Allow me to preface this entire post by saying that I am not taking sides here. I am currently a member of Aegis, in addition to sAPD, and I hope that those who choose to read or respond to this can do so in a civil manner and facilitate a proper discussion instead of the majority of finger pointing posts that I have seen thus far. This whole situation has turned into a she said / he said battle of blame which is extremely sad especially when we have people in power who are equipped to deal with these situations (Chief Winters, Senior / Head Admins, and Lead Dev / Design Staff). Now, I'm not saying that we shouldn't question their decisions, as can be seen from the Staff Gang Abuse post from Sovereign. We should instead focus on doing it in a constructive manner to better improve the community and make sure that this never happens going forward.

I do believe that both parties involved (Mighty / TapTap and Nicole) are at fault in this particular situation.

Firstly, I was directly involved in the situation as a civilian. I logged in after both civilian ghosthawks were already in the air (shortly before they engaged cops at a pharmaceutical). Throughout the engagement, I was on the ground titaning cop ghosthawks at Athira Rebel and was fully unaware that one of the ghosthawks had a medic skin. Once I saw the video that Super_Nova had posted as a status update, it became apparent that the skin was present. 

I personally spent 10 million in titan rockets to combat the cop ghosthawks and protect i chop hatchbacks and McPooperson's ghosthawks. I am not very happy with spending this amount of money (and not receiving any sort of compensation for this lost money) to fight infinite admin money. I will admit, some of the cop ghosthawks belonged to TapTap, Super_Nova, and Clash, which were all fair game. I am unsure of the amount of my own money spent specifically fighting unauthorized admin ghosthawks, and there were also three other people titaning the cop ghosthawks that also spent time and legit money fighting these ghosthawks. I will admit that as a result of my work as a Designer, I do receive staff points that can be redeemed for ghosthawks, other gear, and warpoints / in-game money. This is merely a fallback if I spend too much and is by no means an infinite form of cash. 

I do not endorse the use of RVMAT, MIRROR, PHANTOM, and other vehicle cosmetic changes to be used in combat. This has been mentioned by Jay in the #dev-and-design discord channel and he stated that "if you are found abusing this, you may be liable to have your status removed and texture/material abilities revoked." Nicole has publicly taken responsibility for this and instead of participating in this witch hunt, we should let those in-charge of the designers to handle this issue internally. 

In that regard, the same can be said for the administrative staff team and the Senior APD. Those in charge of those respective factions are responsible for those below them. I believe in Winters ability as a Chief, and he has handled the issue with TapTap as he saw fit. The same goes for Mighty. Gary and the other Senior Administrators are responsible for dealing with those that they oversee. We might not necessarily see the end result, as we have with TapTap's APD whitelist, however, we must trust that the people we have put in charge of these factions will (and hopefully have) dealt with these situations correctly.

I really hope that going forward, we as a community, can find better ways to deal with abuse situations instead of witch hunting people on the forums. I understand that Arma isn't the most wholesome community, but we should at least try to focus on making our server more enjoyable for all those who don't hold senior / staff positions. We must trust in the institution and rules we have in place and facilitate constructive discussions if these rules are not serving their current purposes. Otherwise, what's the point of even playing this game anymore. 

Since I was asked about the video of the ghosthawk, I will leave the gyazo here:
Credit to Super_Nova via status updates.

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1 hour ago, Nate said:

Allow me to preface this entire post by saying that I am not taking sides here. I am currently a member of Aegis, in addition to sAPD, and I hope that those who choose to read or respond to this can do so in a civil manner and facilitate a proper discussion instead of the majority of finger pointing posts that I have seen thus far. This whole situation has turned into a she said / he said battle of blame which is extremely sad especially when we have people in power who are equipped to deal with these situations (Chief Winters, Senior / Head Admins, and Lead Dev / Design Staff). Now, I'm not saying that we shouldn't question their decisions, as can be seen from the Staff Gang Abuse post from Sovereign. We should instead focus on doing it in a constructive manner to better improve the community and make sure that this never happens going forward.

I do believe that both parties involved (Mighty / TapTap and Nicole) are at fault in this particular situation.

Firstly, I was directly involved in the situation as a civilian. I logged in after both civilian ghosthawks were already in the air (shortly before they engaged cops at a pharmaceutical). Throughout the engagement, I was on the ground titaning cop ghosthawks at Athira Rebel and was fully unaware that one of the ghosthawks had a medic skin. Once I saw the video that Super_Nova had posted as a status update, it became apparent that the skin was present. 

I personally spent 10 million in titan rockets to combat the cop ghosthawks and protect i chop hatchbacks and McPooperson's ghosthawks. I am not very happy with spending this amount of money (and not receiving any sort of compensation for this lost money) to fight infinite admin money. I will admit, some of the cop ghosthawks belonged to TapTap, Super_Nova, and Clash, which were all fair game. I am unsure of the amount of my own money spent specifically fighting unauthorized admin ghosthawks, and there were also three other people titaning the cop ghosthawks that also spent time and legit money fighting these ghosthawks. I will admit that as a result of my work as a Designer, I do receive staff points that can be redeemed for ghosthawks, other gear, and warpoints / in-game money. This is merely a fallback if I spend too much and is by no means an infinite form of cash. 

I do not endorse the use of RVMAT, MIRROR, PHANTOM, and other vehicle cosmetic changes to be used in combat. This has been mentioned by Jay in the #dev-and-design discord channel and he stated that "if you are found abusing this, you may be liable to have your status removed and texture/material abilities revoked." Nicole has publicly taken responsibility for this and instead of participating in this witch hunt, we should let those in-charge of the designers to handle this issue internally. 

In that regard, the same can be said for the administrative staff team and the Senior APD. Those in charge of those respective factions are responsible for those below them. I believe in Winters ability as a Chief, and he has handled the issue with TapTap as he saw fit. The same goes for Mighty. Gary and the other Senior Administrators are responsible for dealing with those that they oversee. We might not necessarily see the end result, as we have with TapTap's APD whitelist, however, we must trust that the people we have put in charge of these factions will (and hopefully have) dealt with these situations correctly.

I really hope that going forward, we as a community, can find better ways to deal with abuse situations instead of witch hunting people on the forums. I understand that Arma isn't the most wholesome community, but we should at least try to focus on making our server more enjoyable for all those who don't hold senior / staff positions. We must trust in the institution and rules we have in place and facilitate constructive discussions if these rules are not serving their current purposes. Otherwise, what's the point of even playing this game anymore. 

Since we would like to go deeper into the situation which I left out to not drag buuut.


Nicole was contacted in regards to this situation which she did not respond prior to Winters. You losing money is between you and her. This had also been discussed prior to the call being made. Also you seem to neglect the fact that this isn’t the FIRST, or SECOND incident with skinned ghawks or vehicles in general. You also seem to fail to realize I have no responsibility to Winters anymore and I am free to speak freely. I have ZERO reason to have to contact him. In regards to the situation I suggest you ask for the recording of the conversation from Winters or Rexo prior to making a post without the full context. Instead of taking their word for it. Have them post the video or show it to you. However they will probably claim “SAPD info.” I understand you’re kinda new to these but there is much more that happens. However what do I know.

Lastly it seems the issue lies in someone with unlimited money. I am facing multiple people who have access to staff points which showed when 137 titan rockets were fired. If money was the issue I have 200 mill built up from Casino funds and moonshine runs. Which if they linked the video you can hear me say it wasn’t about the money, it was about needing another person able to pull hawks to end the any means. They asked why I specifically whitelisted Mighty, to which I responded… “Would you have rather I whitelist a deputy who I am not confident that they know the rules.” Anyways as always #FuckTheSrAPD except all the homies. 

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15 minutes ago, Strae said:

Gosh I hate staff members. (I retired so now I am compelled to hate them. (I already did))

I know you're saying this as a meme, but honestly I wouldn't say fuck any of the staff.  I would say we need to stop making people staff because they pass a test and then setting them loose on the server.  The need to have a constant coaching process, and constant general inquiries into their abilities and how they've been using them.  SR. Staff spends a lot less time on the server as is to be expected as the game gets older... but that leaves us with replacement staff that keep pushing the boundaries back further and further because they see no consequences.  

The answer to this situation is coaching and constant follow ups with people given abilities.  

Also please god take away TS privs from CC heads.  They've been abusing tf out of those to fuck with people who are trying to discuss with support things they've done.  There's no reason someone should be able to move people around support channels just because they're a faction head.

hey guys i think we're all forgetting this is a nearly 10 year old game why cant we all just have fun

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Just now, fat female arma 3 player said:

hey guys i think we're all forgetting this is a nearly 10 year old game why cant we all just have fun

Checking rule breaks doesn't mean people aren't having fun.  

If you're playing risk and one of the players keeps sneaking more and more pieces onto the board, you're gonna move their supply into a more obvious spot.  

Having fun doesn't at all mean you can't enforce the rules of the game.

3 hours ago, nicole said:

The vehicle was given a mirror RVMAT it's not actually invisible and I also put an R&R skin on it, when I took off the RVMAT (almost immediately after putting it on which no one saw) and made it gold instead the R&R skin appeared which I forgot was on it and by that point we were already engaged so we couldn't store and pull it out again, like I previously stated I also didn't know any directories to take off the R&R skin at the time. In response the highest-ranking officer at the time whitelisted a non senior apd member as Sergeant and allowed him to begin pulling ghosthawks with his infinite money. I will leave it up to to decide if a skin that changes nothing or a whitelist being given to someone with infinite money is worse.

This "OMG IT WAS SKINNED AS R&R" narrative is just an easy cop-out, if they cared that much instead of going to a Lead Developer asking for an increase of a whitelist (allegedly) to fight any means which has never happened before he should have reported my actions and I would have been dealt with. I will admit it was a lapse in my judgment which is why as I previously stated am willing to accept any punishment with no contest. 

#gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss

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