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Olympus Entertainment | Giveaway + 4th of July Sale | PRICE MATCH UPDATED! ×

Locked Olympus Entertainment - The Conclusion of 2023 - $3000+ Giveaway & Holiday Sales/Price Match!

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35 minutes ago, Milo said:

@ JDC  If I win one of the in-game cash or war-point prizes, I am hearby pledging to donate a small portion of the allocation to every support team member, with the exception of you. Love you too JDC haha!

I’m gonna hold you to it.


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I'd like to enter this giveaway with a small entry from ChatGPT's own library:

In the magical tapestry of Christmas, let Kavala be the warm hearth where friendships kindle, Athira the crucible where conflicts find resolution, and as the Silver runners unite, may Ryan, the owner, weave a reputation of goodwill and camaraderie on the vast canvas of Olympus. (erep given x)

Merry Christmas everyone!

Edited by mitchx
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These two guys killed me, I was very upset at first. That was until they started urinating on my dead body... I found that gave me a various range of emotions, it was the most unnecessary, outrageous, toxic and humorous feeling I've felt in a game. Just laying on the ground waiting for the paramedic to arrive. Knowing damn well they don't get paid enough to save my lifeless, bloody, piss soaked body, but then I realized that's why they win the lottery almost every single time. I just really hope he washed his hands, because he'll likely give the next person a bad infection.

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We appreciate everything you do man! Never give up on Olympus.

And you are right, so many of us have changed, so many fond memories, so many wonderful people met. 

I still remember getting blacklisted from APD for lying about my age when I was 12. Now im 20. 1 year deep into my contract with the Armed Forces. Time flys.

I remember sniping a guy out of his car with a P07 from the bench of a little bird as a vigie.

I remember the awe I used to get watching the medics come down and revive me when I was too young to join or even comprehend the handbook.

I remember this shitty fucking gang I ran on server 3. It was dogshit but we were all friends nevertheless. 

I remember being so confused the first time I got tazed by a vigi in 2015.

I remember the SGT scoffing at the fact id 'come back' in 2 years to become a cop bc he thought olympus would have died by then.

I remember when everyone got 2 billion dollars and i spent the whole month using an armed offroad as a wrecking ball in Kavala.

I remember meeting one of my closest friends in 2016 whose name i cant even remember; and he probably can't remember mine. Despite the name having left with time, the memory still remains

I remember making heroine and absolutely shitting my pants the first time I saw those APD lights and sirens.

I remember going bankrupt in 2016 and not playing for 2 years, then finally coming back and found my love for the server again doing a weed run on a quad bike.

I remember fucking around with grandma on APD

I remember 6 years ago the joy I had finally becoming old enough to play APD

I remember as a deputy thinking I have to follow fear RP almost instantly getting removed because someone told me I had to get into their armed quillin gunners seat during the Federal Event.

As a young kid playing the server in 2016, I truly got immersed. Which is a funny thought based on where we are with Olympus now, which isnt a bad thing.

I miss the rain, I miss the ambience of the server. I miss how hectic all 3 servers were right smack dab in kav square. So many small little gangs. No one had the money to drive around in frits and armoured vehichles. The thought of doing a federal reserve was scary, not worth the risk involved for anyone on the server. You knew shit was serious when the APD pulled up bc most anyone had was a 5.56 or Sting in KAV. I miss getting on the next morning during summer break after school; just knowing all my friends would be online ready to do some runs.

Olympus is such a strong memory. It makes me thing about not wanting to go to middle school the next day, highschool the next day, work the next day because I wanted to stay up and play Arma with my friends. It makes me think of the hot warm summers at my moms old house before we had to move. I am very sentimintal for Olympus because it is important to me and I hold it dear. 

I love you all and I hope we can continue to cherish this wonderful community for years to come.

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