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Rule Change: Suivests

Rule Change for Suivests  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. "If an engaged player is legally killed with a suicide vest, all collateral damage, including vehicles, unengaged players, and players in restraints are legal crossfire"

    • Yes, this should be implemented.
    • No, the rule should stay as is.

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2 hours ago, The Sovereign said:

Apparently there's been other new rules added that almost nobody has been told about.  Apparently you're no longer allowed to ever suivest cops at all unless they engage on you first.  Incredibly stupid.  Also, apparently, if cops have someone in custody for 5 mins, their group is no longer engaged with apd and have to engage again.  APD sneaking a lot of ninja rules in to just ban people arbitrarily.   All this needs rolled back.  

Suivests cost 600k.  Cop kits are free.  There is no reason to be giving them t his much of an advantage and making them completely immune to suivests.  

Civs need to be getting angry about this type of secret rule additions tbh. 

Smartest thing and realest thing you've said in a while. 100% agree with you.

4 minutes ago, billdroid said:

Yeah because the cops make the rules 🤤 

I will go band for band with anyone on this server and leave yall niggas humbled 

  • +1 1
3 hours ago, Milo said:

Also make deadman switches work for tasers.

you have the perfect tag to do this. dont ask permission, ask forgiveness and state you were unaware that it was supposed to work only on death

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, Element_ said:

Simply make sui vest wearers KOS regardless of faction, I would be down for that. 

 Misuse of suicide vests to kill restrained players or destroy vehicles for no reason may still result in administrative action. 



Regardless of faction?

medics and apd don’t wear sui vests 

2 minutes ago, doubleueyeceekay said:

Regardless of faction?

medics and apd don’t wear sui vests 



2 minutes ago, Element_ said:



Great response 10/10

Admins are Nazis and I argue based on a particular reading of that rule that the rule you quoted implies you shouldn’t kill people in restraints for no reason, and that if you have a reason you should be good to go. The fact they’re your friends should be reason enough as long as there’s engagement. 

Only downside I see is for fed trucks but other than that I agree. In any other situation but a truck full of gold bars the cost and strategic planning of using a vest is worth having looser rules in its use.

28 minutes ago, Lucien said:

Only downside I see is for fed trucks but other than that I agree. In any other situation but a truck full of gold bars the cost and strategic planning of using a vest is worth having looser rules in its use.

You can sui vest fed trucks I’ve threatened it before,

I’ve always wondered if you could deliberately have someone outside the gang Sui vest rdm the trucks and they cop a 1-day ban but the gold would be comped so it’s an easy out, for a 25% cut I’d also take a week ban fuck it

4 hours ago, doubleueyeceekay said:

Colour me surprised.

This is insane and directly contrary to the Altis Life rules.

"Suicide vests may be used at any time following normal roleplay rules".

Any admin that argues that I would cite that rule to them and ask when they became @ Grandma Gary  and able to circumvent server rules.

@ Mighty  this was your work. I can see some of the consistency in this logic but I don't like it as it's not in the rules and it hard benefits the APD and vigis.

I think the issue here is that staff selection primarily comes from people being seniors in factions, and RnR rarely get any admins in (but weirdly, they seem to be the ones that are most level-headed, big up @ David Miller  and @ Marcus ) so you're primarily recruiting from senior APD who have a strong bias and vested interest into viewing things purely for the benefit of the APD, since they play that faction a lot (enough to get SAPD) and are most likely sycophants. I will say that @ Rexo  is probably the most level-headed staff member from the APD that is still in the APD and actively plays it.

Excellent reasoning from The Sovereign again.

Rule interpretations that end up being pervasive throughout staff but aren't actually written down are just plainly evil. The issue is that all changes have to go through those same staff members who are so staunchly pro-APD that they can just veto any reasonable changes like you've highlighted and the people that can overrule them never play enough and just see the consensus of the poisoned well of the APD staff members and align themselves with them. Plus the civilian mains that have the power to enact any kind of change in this manner aren't affected by the rules because if they do get banned they'll be unbanned within the hour or they don't engage with scat-style content.

Suivest are a bit funky just gotta know the do's and dont's

4 hours ago, Lucien said:

Only downside I see is for fed trucks but other than that I agree. In any other situation but a truck full of gold bars the cost and strategic planning of using a vest is worth having looser rules in its use.

If people doing a fed allowed some guy with an obvious 600k vest in his underwear walk all the way up to the fed truck... they deserve it.  In this situation the guy with the suivest is taking the bigger risk than the fed do'ers.

Look at the vote.  This isn't even close.  Just make the change.   Not doing so is just refusing to fashion the server into what the playerbase wants.

4 hours ago, Diamond said:

Suivest are a bit funky just gotta know the do's and dont's

Shouldn't be so many do's and don'ts.  The rules don't need to be that complicated just cause a cop got  mad one time.

  • Admin
11 hours ago, The Sovereign said:



I’ve always had respect for your content but… Asylum better than Olympus?…. Wha? 

I don’t agree that this should happen to be honest. The amount of people coming in and just blowing up their friends would be staggering but!!!!! 

Make the Sui vest 1mill a piece and let’s start talking rule changes 😛 

33 minutes ago, Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup said:

I’ve always had respect for your content but… Asylum better than Olympus?…. Wha? 

I don’t agree that this should happen to be honest. The amount of people coming in and just blowing up their friends would be staggering but!!!!! 

Make the Sui vest 1mill a piece and let’s start talking rule changes 😛 

Well considering speed bombs and ignition bombs cost that much and thus have no engagement rules at all, that might be a bit much.  800k is appropriate.


Also...this is on the one issue almost every player across the board agree asylum is better than.   Let's take the only thing they have over us 

  • Head Admin
12 hours ago, Element_ said:

Simply make sui vest wearers KOS regardless of faction, I would be down for that.

I actually like this.  Just make it so you have a red name if you have a suicide vest either equipped or in your bag so you can't bitch mode your way to "accidentally" cross firing your buddy in restraints.

@ Milo Make it happen.

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  • Developer II
6 minutes ago, Grandma Gary said:

I actually like this.  Just make it so you have a red name if you have a suicide vest either equipped or in your bag so you can't bitch mode your way to "accidentally" cross firing your buddy in restraints.

@ Milo Make it happen.


Give me your Gary blessing to make deadman switch go off on taze?

29 minutes ago, Grandma Gary said:

I actually like this.  Just make it so you have a red name if you have a suicide vest either equipped or in your bag so you can't bitch mode your way to "accidentally" cross firing your buddy in restraints.

@ Milo Make it happen.

I'm down for that too.  They're too damn expensive for the ban happy treatment they get for every little thing and every staffs interpretation of the day.

  • Head Admin
4 minutes ago, The Sovereign said:

I'm down for that too.  They're too damn expensive for the ban happy treatment they get for every little thing and every staffs interpretation of the day.

I no longer support this idea.


20 minutes ago, Grandma Gary said:

I no longer support this idea.


I'm going to book a flight over Ireland and throw blighted potatoes on every field I see.


For real though @ Ryan ...if the server wants a change conducted that is this insanely lopsided, then not making that change is bad for the server.

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