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Congrats to my boy Gidgit on his SGT promotion.

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The uneducated man speaks the loudest. I keep track of cops times. You dont have access to the database, so there is literally no way you would know anybodies times. You are making things up. I like everyone, but since you are speaking out your ass, bubaloo has 22k munutes. Brody has literally double the amount of time in the apd.

Just FYI If you are going to bring salt to the table prepare for me to bring a really big roast.  

To be fair, Fedot goes around giving people their stats occasionally.


Congrats Gidgit. You're ranking up just as fast as McDili did way back when!

You realize that Bubba probably puts more time on that most of the people who are getting promoted ahead of him. Do you understand how dedicated Bubbaloo is to the server? He fuckin bleeds Olympus. I honestly am boggled that bubbaloo is still a corporal. He has been at that rank for so long and seeing all of the MC cops jump past him in rank because they are buddy buddy with all the higher ups who happen to be almost all MC as well. This stupid high school click shit should really stop and promote people who actually deserve it.

P.S. Congrats Gidget, you deserved it.

Aint nothing wrong with being a Corporal. Lethals, heli, swag. Correction, only people that wear Shadow shades like me have swag. ^______^

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  • Head Admin

Thank you everyone. I really do appreciate it. I couldnt have gotten this far if it wasnt for all of my friends in this community.  So thank you guys. Don't forget to congradulate Brody on his Sgt promotion. And therealkyle for his corp promotion. 

Who the fuck is Brody?

Also if you want a promotion just join MC it so simple!


  • Like 4

Who the fuck is Brody?

Also if you want a promotion just join MC it so simple!


Really sad that your second part there is true... :mellow:

  • Head Admin

MC is a large active gang it makes sense that there is gonna be more people promoted in MC simply because there is so many of them.  Being in MC doesnt actually affect your chance at promotion.  It also isn't only about play time either.

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Aint nothing wrong with being a Corporal. Lethals, heli, swag. Correction, only people that wear Shadow shades like me have swag. ^______^

Only thing that I wish I had was the ability to call off a hostage situation if a team was able to safely pick everyone off.

If there is such a thing as VPD I wouldn't mind having corporal xD 

Mr.Kevin hello? Unwhitlisted 3 times back for just over a month and gets corp? His minutes are sub par as well.... VPD is a real thing boi's.. *insert kappa here*

Edited by Dustin87

Who the fuck is Brody?

Also if you want a promotion just join MC it so simple!


Ill take my fatty promotion with a side of fries please.

  • Admin

Only thing that I wish I had was the ability to call off a hostage situation if a team was able to safely pick everyone off.

You'll get it soon enough buddy.  It would also be well deserved.  

This made me laugh because its 100% not true, Lets stop lieing to the people now

It was true for me.  at the very lest that makes it.... 0.12% true :D

and yes that is calculated with the number of officers to EVER be on the APD.  some of them counted twice so the percentage in reality is higher :P

Since the Chain of command was put in place we operate with a bit more structure when it comes to promotions that works better than in the past. The way we have it setup right now is that a sort of sign off system. For corporals, the LT's and Dep Chief of that LT has to sign off to make it happen. For SGT's, the LT, both Dep Chiefs, and the Chief have to sign off.


I'll get to the point in a second but I just wanna note something. All the LT's are currently non-MC. That means every corporal promotion went through non-MC members, and every SGT promotion had multiple non-MC members involved. If the LT doesn't sign off, it doesn't happen and isn't even discussed.


To segway into my point, SGT+ have the ability to submit what we call a "Promotion request" internally and once that's done, then the LT+ have the option to sign off on it, deny it, or just simply wait to sign it until later. This works the same way for demotions.


So if you think you should be promoted or you think someone else should be promoted, take it up with your SGT or your LT. Your LT specifically HAS to sign off on a promotion request for you to be promoted at all, so go ask your LT's what you need to do.

Since the Chain of command was put in place we operate with a bit more structure when it comes to promotions that works better than in the past. The way we have it setup right now is that a sort of sign off system. For corporals, the LT's and Dep Chief of that LT has to sign off to make it happen. For SGT's, the LT, both Dep Chiefs, and the Chief have to sign off.


I'll get to the point in a second but I just wanna note something. All the LT's are currently non-MC. That means every corporal promotion went through non-MC members, and every SGT promotion had multiple non-MC members involved. If the LT doesn't sign off, it doesn't happen and isn't even discussed.


To segway into my point, SGT+ have the ability to submit what we call a "Promotion request" internally and once that's done, then the LT+ have the option to sign off on it, deny it, or just simply wait to sign it until later. This works the same way for demotions.


So if you think you should be promoted or you think someone else should be promoted, take it up with your SGT or your LT. Your LT specifically HAS to sign off on a promotion request for you to be promoted at all, so go ask your LT's what you need to do.

God forbid people who deserve promotions actually get them. What has the world come to!

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So just like Big B said bubbaloo has put ALOT of time in the server he deserves a promotion I even tryied getting him on another server he said"Fuck no olympus is home cop is to much of an important role" I agree with him its important but if all the people that became cop 3 months before him are getting promoted just seems biased I can see 1 month but 1/4 of a year really yes yes I understand GIDGET bro u deserve this ive seen you on cop for almost since you were a deputy respect congratz but bubbaloo I was on olympus like last winter and u were a corporal so I don't know if its me but the system seems biased.

with that congatz to these guys for the sgt promotion cant wait to shoot another titan at gidget :D

So just like Big B said bubbaloo has put ALOT of time in the server he deserves a promotion I even tryied getting him on another server he said"Fuck no olympus is home cop is to much of an important role" I agree with him its important but if all the people that became cop 3 months before him are getting promoted just seems biased I can see 1 month but 1/4 of a year really yes yes I understand GIDGET bro u deserve this ive seen you on cop for almost since you were a deputy respect congratz but bubbaloo I was on olympus like last winter and u were a corporal so I don't know if its me but the system seems biased.

with that congatz to these guys for the sgt promotion cant wait to shoot another titan at gidget :D

I think you're a bit off there.... Bubbaloo wasn't a corporal last winter. Hell I got SGT last winter. I'm not too sure Bubbaloo was a cop back then.


Anyway, as I said before. If people think they or someone else deserves a promotion, reference the chain of command and talk to the SGT or LT that's over them in their platoon. Moaning about it on the forums doesn't help anybody.

Talking to a SGT or higher about promotions is like using an SDAR, loud, annoying and good for nothing.

The SDAR is a extremely effective weapon when used properly...... You're out of your mind B. You need to settle down, all you're doing is making a scene and actually making bubaloo look bad. If he deserves it he will get it, it's that simple.

  • Admin

The SDAR is a extremely effective weapon when used properly...... You're out of your mind B. You need to settle down, all you're doing is making a scene and actually making bubaloo look bad. If he deserves it he will get it, it's that simple.

He's actually just being a concerned friend.  He usually just stays hush regarding things that bother him but this time he went all out.  I don't blame him, some of us might explode also at some point. 

Can't be as good for nothing as bitching about it on the forums.

nonsense, it makes for entertaining reads while at work

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I was honestly shocked when my gunners didn't shoot you out of it. I lined up a perfectly shot for them but my gunner said he could see you. At that point I'm an easy target. I would have been shocked had you not shot me down at that point. It's ok though, all of your bounties paid for 2 new ones :D

I was the gunner and the 50 was invisible for me, all I could see were tracers lol

If you looked up MCPD in the dictionary, you'd find conjecture in the list of synonyms. Let me bring some evidence to the table. McDili fires MC cops on the daily; anyone remember John Wayne, Mory Mango, and Toe Knee? McDili fired all three of them in a lot less than twelve units of time. In addition to that, Brody and Gidgit's playtime on civilian is nonexistent or as near as damn it; I'm sure there are nuns who have sex more than those two play civilian. Thirdly, if Gary doesn't want someone to be promoted, all he has to do is say no. He's the CoP and therefore his word is final. I'll say this as well: we watch everyone. Time is not the only factor, but if you're only putting in fourty-two minutes in per week, like a good friend of mine from Puerto Rico, then don't be surprised when you're passed over by people who are just as good as you, but put in much more time than you. Put that in your fucking pipe and smoke it. 


Clemenza out. 

  • Like 3

If you looked up MCPD in the dictionary, you'd find conjecture in the list of synonyms. Let me bring some evidence to the table. McDili fires MC cops on the daily; anyone remember John Wayne, Mory Mango, and Toe Knee? McDili fired all three of them in a lot less than twelve units of time. In addition to that, Brody and Gidgit's playtime on civilian is nonexistent or as near as damn it; I'm sure there are nuns who have sex more than those two play civilian. Thirdly, if Gary doesn't want someone to be promoted, all he has to do is say no. He's the CoP and therefore his word is final. I'll say this as well: we watch everyone. Time is not the only factor, but if you're only putting in fourty-two minutes in per week, like a good friend of mine from Puerto Rico, then don't be surprised when you're passed over by people who are just as good as you, but put in much more time than you. Put that in your fucking pipe and smoke it. 


Clemenza out. 

Yeah but your MCPD so everything educated you just said is nullified and you should be removed for being biased.



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