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My time here is done.


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10 minutes ago, Fedot said:

I'm just going to put my shitin here @Ace regarding trusting staff, haven't you learned that there is no such thing as trust on the internet. Think about it how many of us played on a community where one staff member went rouge bc something crawled up his / her ass. You can't trust anybody. the reason why the server has been up for so long is because none of us have any power to fuck with shit. also ace I love you but I also find you hot headed and you seem like you're throwing a fit like hades bc you did not get access to servers.  But on a final note Ace although you are a little hot headed you where a great addition and part of the community and I wish you luck.... ALSO Olympus  is on a decline because arma is on a Decline all servers are on A decline because BIS needs to fix see shit. 


No you do need trust in people, ur right there are times that kids are trusted with stuff and end up screwin people but w/e. The reason the server has been up for so long is not because we didnt try to steal it lol its because we busted our hindend to keep it here.

And ur right im from the great south, of course i get hot headed when someone is a complete idiot. Or someone calls me a southern cunt. Or even when someone puts me on a "hit list" which i consider a threat. So yea i can say i get hot headed. 

Throwing a fit? Nah just tired of dumb dicks i guess. Iv already told Poseidon there was no hard feelings. Dont worry we've talked ;)

Best of luck to your family my friend. Lots of prayers 

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2 minutes ago, Ace said:


No you do need trust in people, ur right there are times that kids are trusted with stuff and end up screwin people but w/e. The reason the server has been up for so long is not because we didnt try to steal it lol its because we busted our hindend to keep it here.

And ur right im from the great south, of course i get hot headed when someone is a complete idiot. Or someone calls me a southern cunt. Or even when someone puts me on a "hit list" which i consider a threat. So yea i can say i get hot headed. 

Throwing a fit? Nah just tired of dumb dicks i guess. Iv already told Poseidon there was no hard feelings. Dont worry we've talked ;)

Best of luck to your family my friend. Lots of prayers 

One final smash for old times on the forums.

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Honestly thinks it's fucking horse shit i didn't get a shoutout. But i would say cya but let's be honest we still talk everyday so cya tomorrow as for Olympus...Meh.


AS FOR FEDOT: You're probably the biggest fucking moronic 12 year old i've ever known. I literally had you muted since 2014 but you're literally fucking retarded and just because you are a "developer" which you're literally dogshit at. You're literally a cancer to the server and you honestly suck so much Cheeto dick it's crazy lol...But Fedot go fuck yourself.

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shame to see you go i know you hates the fuck out of me but hey i had alot of respect for you :D gl with irl things.. 


51 minutes ago, honeybooboo said:

Honestly thinks it's fucking horse shit i didn't get a shoutout. But i would say cya but let's be honest we still talk everyday so cya tomorrow as for Olympus...Meh.


AS FOR FEDOT: You're probably the biggest fucking moronic 12 year old i've ever known. I literally had you muted since 2014 but you're literally fucking retarded and just because you are a "developer" which you're literally dogshit at. You're literally a cancer to the server and you honestly suck so much Cheeto dick it's crazy lol...But Fedot go fuck yourself.

as for this i didnt think i would do this but well said +1 made me chuckle a bit 


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54 minutes ago, honeybooboo said:

Honestly thinks it's fucking horse shit i didn't get a shoutout. But i would say cya but let's be honest we still talk everyday so cya tomorrow as for Olympus...Meh.


AS FOR FEDOT: You're probably the biggest fucking moronic 12 year old i've ever known. I literally had you muted since 2014 but you're literally fucking retarded and just because you are a "developer" which you're literally dogshit at. You're literally a cancer to the server and you honestly suck so much Cheeto dick it's crazy lol...But Fedot go fuck yourself.

10/10 made me fucking cry.

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6 hours ago, Fedot said:

I love you man, you are a great person and and although we don't see eye to eye often. I know you'll do good, and I hope one day we can meet again. Also not a hitlist xD

Not a hit list, but a shitlist.

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Well i am extremely sad to see this. Ace you were and still are a great impact on this community. Its a shame to see a great leader step down. I see and do understand why. It is pretty unfortunate. I wish you the best of luck brother. Come back and visit from time to time would you. I would like to thank you for my apd experience you have shared with me. I greatly appreciate it and salute you sir. I hope to see you on from time to time my friend

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If nothing else be sure to return for the occasional smashing on the forums, Ace.  You did a lot for this community and it doesn't go unrecognized.  I'm sure I speak for a lot of people when I say we wish you luck in your future endeavors.

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Ace brotha why you gotta do me like this?! Leaving me alone with Gary and Tman...?


In all seriousness, I'm sorry to see you leaving. Your resignation marks a tragic moment in the history of Olympus as we have lost one of the most influential and committed staff members to grace us with their time. You will surely be missed by many, as will your direction, suggestions and scoldings. Don't be a stranger like @Hades... who LIED and said he'd not disappear forever!


12 hours ago, Fedot said:

I'm just going to put my shitin here @Ace regarding trusting staff, haven't you learned that there is no such thing as trust on the internet. Think about it how many of us played on a community where one staff member went rouge bc something crawled up his / her ass. You can't trust anybody. the reason why the server has been up for so long is because none of us have any power to fuck with shit. also ace I love you but I also find you hot headed and you seem like you're throwing a fit like hades bc you did not get access to servers.  But on a final note Ace although you are a little hot headed you where a great addition and part of the community and I wish you luck.... ALSO Olympus  is on a decline because arma is on a Decline all servers are on A decline because BIS needs to fix see shit. 

As for your pompous little ass Fedot, remember you are a NEW addition to the Olympus team. Show some respect for TWO retired staff that did more for this community than you'll ever be capable of doing. Keep in mind our conversation on steam, this is strike 2.

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