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Medics and General Harassment/Bullying

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  • Lord of Tickets

This is all I needed to read today. It's actually surprising how many people just hate medics for one reason or another. 


When I was first a civ on here, i was down they had no defibs, now, im thankful Id imagine the harrassment would be slightly worse with them because medics would be less needed. 

30 minutes ago, Fedot said:


Allllright ya lil shit... what have you done with the real Fedoooot????

The real Fedewt would never post anything this constructive...

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The only thing annoying about Medics is that most of them don't respond. I would die somewhere, and I would say "Medic ETA?" like 3 mins later. And they wouldn't even utilize my existence.

3 minutes ago, Benjamin Remer said:

The only thing annoying about Medics is that most of them don't respond. I would die somewhere, and I would say "Medic ETA?" like 3 mins later. And they wouldn't even utilize my existence.

 They were flying 10 meters off the ground/driving 250kph to go as fast as possible to a call... once again, giving an ETA is not part of our job. Our job is to get you up, which we try to do as fast as we can.

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1 hour ago, Poisson said:

 They were flying 10 meters off the ground/driving 250kph to go as fast as possible to a call... once again, giving an ETA is not part of our job. Our job is to get you up, which we try to do as fast as we can.

It's not hard to type Eta __ mins, while flying or driving. And plus the more medic's don't give eta's the more the Community bashes on medics. That's fact.

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36 minutes ago, Benjamin Remer said:

It's not hard to type Eta __ mins, while flying or driving. And plus the more medic's don't give eta's the more the Community bashes on medics. That's fact.

As Fedot said, stopping to give an ETA just waste time. Think about it this way: A paramedic is driving a hatchback sport 300 down the MSR trying to get to someone. (Sidenote: WE ALWAYS SEE YOUR REQUEST). If we stop, look at the map to see which one you are, think about the route we're taking, then think about how long it would take, that could take a long time, but usually around 20 seconds. 20 seconds is certainly enough time to crash going 300 on the MSR.

1 hour ago, Fedot said:


People of Altis we know you are very special, kind and sometimes rude, But Kindly NOOT off. The Medics are not your personal doctor. Every Time I'm in game I see "Medic ETA" or "Medic do your Job". I get salty, The medics are doing there jobs! Most of them are slower because they do not have access to Helicopters and Medics may not enter redzones if they are EMTs. When People Say "Medic ETA" you are pretty much telling the medic stop what there are doing and message you (Most likely driving to a request) to answer. So Next time you ask a MEDIC eta the Answer is and always will be "ETA When I get there". And Also Note if a medic is 0.007KM from you and suddenly stops and starts running away, it's most likely due to one of two causes 1) Another fool died near you. Or 2) There is a Wookie with a EBR pointing at us yelling repeatedly that they are gonna kill us if you get revived. Games have Bugs and if you can't be Revived . I'll list some examples

  1. If you were a passenger in a Helicopter that crashed.
  2. If you Crashed your helicopter or Died in the air.
  3. If your Body Disappears for no reason.
  4. If the vehicle you get in gets stored.

This past week we lost two Search and Rescue Operators (The Guys who can get to you fast). because the massive amount of harassment medics receive for following our hand book. That's Two less Medic that can save you fast. If you have an Issue with the RnR Service just use your Defibs.... Oh Wait..... That's not an Option, so Treat medics like Humans and Know that the world does not revolve around you because you died.

Sorry about that Rant, I''m just a little mad 2 RnR Members felt like they did not want to play the game/medic anymore because of the Abuse they receive.

I strongly appreciate you doing tihs, Fedot. CheckUrFoodNWater has been with us since legacy, and a medic for a long time, and quit abruptly after being harassed by multiple people. The situation is out of hand and needs to be handled with something like this. Thank you.

1 hour ago, Fedot said:


People of Altis we know you are very special, kind and sometimes rude, But Kindly NOOT off. The Medics are not your personal doctor. Every Time I'm in game I see "Medic ETA" or "Medic do your Job". I get salty, The medics are doing there jobs! Most of them are slower because they do not have access to Helicopters and Medics may not enter redzones if they are EMTs. When People Say "Medic ETA" you are pretty much telling the medic stop what there are doing and message you (Most likely driving to a request) to answer. So Next time you ask a MEDIC eta the Answer is and always will be "ETA When I get there". And Also Note if a medic is 0.007KM from you and suddenly stops and starts running away, it's most likely due to one of two causes 1) Another fool died near you. Or 2) There is a Wookie with a EBR pointing at us yelling repeatedly that they are gonna kill us if you get revived. Games have Bugs and if you can't be Revived . I'll list some examples

  1. If you were a passenger in a Helicopter that crashed.
  2. If you Crashed your helicopter or Died in the air.
  3. If your Body Disappears for no reason.
  4. If the vehicle you get in gets stored.

This past week we lost two Search and Rescue Operators (The Guys who can get to you fast). because the massive amount of harassment medics receive for following our hand book. That's Two less Medic that can save you fast. If you have an Issue with the RnR Service just use your Defibs.... Oh Wait..... That's not an Option, so Treat medics like Humans and Know that the world does not revolve around you because you died.

Sorry about that Rant, I''m just a little mad 2 RnR Members felt like they did not want to play the game/medic anymore because of the Abuse they receive.

Personally, I would say eta in the format  of;

"Where do I fall under the call list,"

"What's would be the time frame?"

I don't think it hurts to ask those type of questions in that format. However I get the point of your topic. Rebels flame and will continue flaming no matter what. It's their lost if they keep harassing paramedics and higher to the point of them quiting their jobs. Their gonna have alot of emts driving around which makes the wait time alot longer.


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  • Lord of Tickets

Another thing to think about: As far as the RP portion of being a medic. We shouldn't even be able to communicate with you guys, well, because you are dead. 

Something funny to ponder.  I use to complain about APD doing the same thing.  When the rules were once different, we as medics needed APD to escort us into areas and extricate bodies from inside of vehicles.  I would run into these situations and send APD a text and ask if they could respond.  There would often be 5, 7, or more cops on when I sent this.  I would estimate that I got a reply about 30% of the time, and a physical response about 50% of the time.  One of four things would happen after I messaged APD:  APD arrives a time later without replying to the message, APD does not reply and never arrives, APD replies and advises that they are en-route and eventually arrives, and APD does not reply or respond to my request.

This all transpired prior to me joining APD.  I would complain about it and say things like "how hard is it to send a stupid message", and "why do they only respond half the time".  One day I was ranting to someone about the aforementioned and they stopped me dead in my tracks and told me not to complain about something I did not understand.  After having a discussing I had to concede that I did not know what APD did most of the time.  I simply assumed they were just messing around or that they didnt care.  Little did I know how much APD has to deal with at times.  I quickly discovered that it was not an issue of they were lazy or didnt care.  I found out it was because they were engaged in a fight or inundated with calls.  

Medics dont choose not to respond to messages because they dont care.  They choose not to reply so they can get to the call faster.  When one medic is managing the entire server and 6 people in different places have requested medic it becomes stressful.  Medics need to respond to every location, arrive/land, locate and revive, and leave or take off and travel to the next location.  Each one of these actions takes up time and that time quickly adds up, which is why medics cannot always get to every single request.  Each time a medic has to stop what they are doing and give and ETA they are adding a little more time to that response.  It adds up.  Also, the burden of needing to constantly stop and asses the situation to see if they can even give an accurate ETA is difficult.  Often, if the dead person is 3 or 4th in the mental cue that the medic is trying to keep track in their head it becomes almost impossible to give an accurate ETA.

Unfortunately people dont care about these factors.  All they know is they are dead and it takes a medic to revive them and they want to get revived NOW!  There is no system in place that tells a dead person how many other dead people asked for a revive before them.  All they see is how far away the medic is.  Also, most people dont accept the fact that there bodies, at times, get camped and the medic simply cannot revive them  because they would die if they tried.  If they die then they need to worry about their vehicle sitting out in the boonies and they need to re-evaluate where they need to spawn again so they can quickly transition to the next call.  People assume medic is a simple and laid back operation.  What they dont realize is that it can be really stressful in and of itself at times.  Add a bunch of people asking for ETA's and a few people sending toxic messages and it can quickly become to much.

At the end of the day people need to accept and appreciate that it is a game and people playing medic are doing so because they enjoy it and take pleasure in helping other people, which is truly and admirable trait in an otherwise self centered game and society.  Also, it is up to the medics to report any harassment so that the staff has the opportunity to take action.  The staff cannot fix a problem they dont know exists.

  • Like 4
1 hour ago, Benjamin Remer said:

It's not hard to type Eta __ mins, while flying or driving. And plus the more medic's don't give eta's the more the Community bashes on medics. That's fact.

The Point is we are trying our hardest to manage 60+ players all across the map

1 hour ago, Fedot said:

The Point is we are trying our hardest to manage 60+ players all across the map

2 hours ago, TheSkyStarKnight said:

As Fedot said, stopping to give an ETA just waste time. Think about it this way: A paramedic is driving a hatchback sport 300 down the MSR trying to get to someone. (Sidenote: WE ALWAYS SEE YOUR REQUEST). If we stop, look at the map to see which one you are, think about the route we're taking, then think about how long it would take, that could take a long time, but usually around 20 seconds. 20 seconds is certainly enough time to crash going 300 on the MSR.

It's not hard to manage ETA's. When it comes to being a Medic, It's like a real Job in the category of managing time. If you waste only a few seconds of your time, to at least satisfy the person that you're going to revive. It makes things that much less stress full, and it makes it so people don't start a rant in side about how Medic's are stupid or retarded. It's literally gone out of hand with Medics not doing what they SHOULD do. LIKE ETA'S!!! It's honestly not hard to type like 10 - 15 letters while you're on the move. You have to manage ETA's and your, I guess your "customers" (The people requesting revives), but I know at times Revives can be overloaded and impossible to manage, and that's fine but Medics should at least TRY to manage it better and keep people satisfied with the service that they're receiving. Giving ETA's should not, and should NEVER be an issue. It's not a waste of time by any means. The Medic's brought this on themselves, period. Now it's up to them to clean it up.

4 minutes ago, Benjamin Remer said:

It's not hard to manage ETA's. When it comes to being a Medic, It's like a real Job in the category of managing time. If you waste only a few seconds of your time, to at least satisfy the person that you're going to revive. It makes things that much less stress full, and it makes it so people don't start a rant in side about how Medic's are stupid or retarded. It's literally gone out of hand with Medics not doing what they SHOULD do. LIKE ETA'S!!! It's honestly not hard to type like 10 - 15 letters while you're on the move. You have to manage ETA's and your, I guess your "customers" (The people requesting revives), but I know at times Revives can be overloaded and impossible to manage, and that's fine but Medics should at least TRY to manage it better and keep people satisfied with the service that they're receiving. Giving ETA's should not, and should NEVER be an issue. It's not a waste of time by any means. The Medic's brought this on themselves, period. Now it's up to them to clean it up.

Remer tell me when you become a medic. Its just like why APD does not msg people back all the time

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1 hour ago, Fedot said:

Remer tell me when you become a medic. Its just like why APD does not msg people back all the time

I have been a Medic 2 times, both times I never got to Search & Rescue. The first time was sometime back in 2014 or 15. The next was like 4-5 Months ago. But I'm not a Medic anymore

Just now, Benjamin Remer said:

I have been a Medic 2 times, both times I never got to Search & Rescue. The first time was sometime back in 2014 or 15. The next was like 4-5 Months ago. But I'm not a Medic anymore

Okay how about this, Every 911 Call you get YOU MUST respond to it withing 7 mins. AND you MUST msg them updates every minute

The issue with ETA's is that people are not satisfied with what they hear.  You can tell someone the ETA is 5 minuets.  9 times out of 10 you will get another request from the 2 minuets later asking for another ETA.  At times it is neither practical nor realistic.  Another thing to remember is medic do NOT need to give out ETA's.  There is nothing written anywhere that they MUST give an ETA.  ETA's are a courtesy that people do not always get.  Also, again I reiterate that it is not practical to give ETA's when there are a dozen or more calls pending.  I spoke with Posiedon about this issue in the past.  At some point he may try to implement some code that tells the medic what time the person requested.  He may also add something, if able, that tells the dead person how many other people requested a medic before they did.

In reality nothing is going to change, Fedot, Muthinator, and the rest of you respected Senior members. The server is filled with multiple egos and players who don't understand, care (bother caring), etc. 

2 hours ago, Benjamin Remer said:

It's not hard to type Eta __ mins, while flying or driving. And plus the more medic's don't give eta's the more the Community bashes on medics. That's fact.

No but if we had to do it for everyone it would be a burden, if we do it for one person everyone will start asking and then it gets outa hand

1 hour ago, Jeff Chaplin said:

No but if we had to do it for everyone it would be a burden, if we do it for one person everyone will start asking and then it gets outa hand

That's why you do it for everyone, unless its someone within like 500 meters

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