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Everything posted by Edmunds.Z

  1. if the Olympus devs could pack all the mods they would want to use into a single mod it would make it much easier to do, I feel it would also be neat to have a task force radio mod added in for this
  2. what backwards end of the Midwest doesn't say soda like the good lord intended?
  3. I'm 17 but I live in the Midwest so we call it a burger joint and its fuckin soda here too eat shit
  4. theres this local bar and burger joint called stella's, and they have a burger called the stellanator. its all of their specialty burgers stacked on top of each other so about 15 burgers or so. My friends and I all went (4 of us) and split it and were still unable to finish it
  5. Winner Winner Meet me on server 1 whenever and well get you the money
  6. Tell the funniest joke in the comments section to win the full gang fund of Turtle Poachers. (Looking to be about 3 million + more to come soon) Jokes will be judged by the members of Turtle Poachers (about 4 or 5 of us) and then we'll give away the money at an arranged time and server. We also have up for grabs two properties on server one. One of which being a 2 crater on the turtle dealer in pyrgos and another on top of the Kavala vigi outpost, you can also win the gear we have stored in ther (CSAT fatigues/GA vests/and free weapons) we've grown bored of the server and have moved on to playing modded custom games of our own. Feel free to drop a joke and take your chance at winning a couple million. The winner will be selected at 3:00 pm Central Standard time so pick your best joke and bring it forth
  7. ive got a TED talk coming to the college I'm at next week, I'm looking at going because ive never seen a bad one
  8. Saitek x52 hotas + rudder pedals are bae tbh, I fly DCS/FSX and arma
  9. you know you can land with autopilot, and normal landing isn't that hard either... just a lot of people don't use flaps and a shit ton of people stall out before touching down and die. I think ill just get a titan and camp the airport for people to come through
  10. I'm having a current issue trying to connect to the free server that teamspeak gets you
  11. Does anybody know if there are any mods for discord and TFAR to be used together or has anybody used the free ts3 servers it gives you and does it let you use TFAR?
  12. respectable member basically means that you have to be part of a gang with a large cop population, and have them not hate you enough to where they recommend you for APD or RnR
  13. when talking about conspiracy theories you need to first think why, for instance "what does the US have to gain from drone striking paul walker?" if you cant answer that, or any other related question as to why it happened, then theres no way it could be legitimate
  14. So I buy a house in a strategic location for a specific drug, fill the drug in the house fully processed and maxed the inventory, now I want to sell but don't want the market prices to fuck with me while I'm doing it. What would be the best way or the best amount to sell at a time? is it at all possible to sell all in one go by selling x many for every transaction with the dealer or would it be better if I took x many for as many trips as it would take?
  15. shadowplay works on browser games?
  16. since I'm not getting the free jet, how much are they gonna cost?
  17. I have yet to hear ANYTHING from BI about their roadmap and current progress, saying its next update build still means that there is a possibility of months, but saying years is definitely an exaggeration. It was just a suggestion that I feel would help the server despite the lack of randoms in the game because they don't play dev
  18. Everyone hates getting into a fight and texturing few seconds into it, as well as doing a fed/jail/bw and crashing due to cop textures, and what's even worse is getting APD'd and then having to force close the game and sent to jail without having the opportunity to weasel your way out of the ticket 64 bit ArmA is beautiful, it is optimized for more usage of RAM and better caps at how they go about it (put absoloutley bone-dry simple,people can write fucking essays on why 64bit>32bit) But unfortunately, the 64 bit client is only a development build, which is a 5gb transition over to achieve. The full 64 bit client is months maybe years away from its full release, its a full game changer giving you: better frames, consistent frames, lack of arma3.exe has stopped responding, etc. Currently 64 bit ArmA players are only limited to custom missions with them and friends as well as a gametype called combat patrol which is basically overglorified invade and annex. Of course you will find the occasional off brand koth or exile server about, but what I want to propose is that we move Olympus to the 64 bit client for better overall player quality and performance. I know there are some people who really enjoy on Olympus but cannot stand 3fps bugging, something which I have never seen while dicking around in 64 bit? Feel free to discuss the idea and its pros and cons
  19. are you 16 or older? if yes, get a job and keep it, youll have it in a week if youre younger than 16 you can always ask your uncle to pay you for acting in his basement films
  20. was that when it killed everyone? I think I might have something
  21. Vigis have bad RP and break rules Me:"Vigilante, hands up or be tased" Guy:gets tased cause he started running "Muh 5 second rule enjoy the ban" Me:"youre wanted for [bounty and charges] and I will be sending you to jail" Guy:"how did you know it was me" Me:"You look like this guy on the wanted poster/I took a blood sample when I patched your wounds" Guy:"im wearing a hat???/my blood is ketchup" Me: tases/restrains suspect literally fucking 80% of people: *combat log* don't act like vigis are shit if any of these even remotely apply
  22. theres nothing wrong with being a vigi, just make sure you run with a group or your going to get your head on a stick because literally every person hates you
  23. 0/10 would not robin Williams again
  24. ill throw 35k for the po7 and all the mags you've got
  25. id never be able to take requests, but if I could choose whatever I could do it
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