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Young Mogul

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Everything posted by Young Mogul

  1. Your endorsing stealing people's hard earned money. Good meme
  2. Honestly are you and all the other retard nobody medics that stupid. Your congratulating yourself on destroying your reputation and making a complete mess of RNR. You made the admins do even more extra work to clean up and fix you mess. Then you have the audacity to come and boast about it, unbelievable. Sr. RNR was even doing this. Then you sell the money? You steal people's hard earned money that they spend hours working a job to make, just so they can get it wiped later, outrageous. If that would have been me I would have found a way to beat the shit out of you for stealing my hard earned money through your exploit that you find the stupidity to congratulate yourself on the forums about. Good detective work here guys. Sorry you had to work through these fucktards scandal. Good lord, find something better to do than cheat people off real money and dupe millions upon millions of dollars in a video game.
  3. Yes it is, all you have to do is download the update and it should auto, if not just make sure you have the requirements and switch through the launcher.
  4. Finally here boys, https://dev.arma3.com/post/spotrep-00064
  5. Awesome to see improvement, the time will come if a 3rd server is needed. Right now I think we are doing just fine with 2 at max times on the weekends.
  6. Should be able to taze, kill, and threaten new team, makes good propaganda and one sided news rp.... just what I think. Would he cool if a group could film something that's completely different than what going on, sort of like a censor or change of history, and those videos weren the posted. Just a cool thing I think that should be allowed.
  7. Damn I mean I would go 10 max
  8. 3 times in a row I was tazed and restrained outside of kavala hq, couldnt even seem them, just tazed me and held me for as long as the rules allowed. Remove this, vigi's have not place tazing and restraining cops no matter who they are. The rules were fine before, now its just a troll fest for people who beat off to holding cops and wasting their time.
  9. I supported my sisters decision to get an abortion, still would have been cool to become a dad.
  10. In no way is the APD militarized, until the rank of sergeant, the APD is stuck with far less effective gear that doesn't even match that of rebels. It already takes a couple shots from a 6.5mm to taze where as most 7.62 can kill a cop in one shot. The vermin is in fact worse than the sting in most cases so it makes no sense to complain as there was only more options opened, not unbalanced made. Try stepping into the shoes of a APD officer getting tapped left and right by a rook, and then you'll think twice about complaining the APD is to militarized.
  11. Use windows movie maker like honestly, all you need for a montage. All this pro editing shit is useless for montages.....
  12. It's part of the game, you won't be able to tell and it's in realistic to base it bannable off something that can't be recorded and can only be inferred. Therefore is shouldn't be bannable and your already dead, you died, obviously your not gonna get up regardless because the other side that won doesn't want you to, respawn and deal with it.
  13. I gotcha, didn't get the point of the discussion until after I posted, sorry for my misunderstanding.
  14. Are you payin for OT? If you are I'll take it
  15. It's says final not 4th quarter, so Solomon doesn't win?
  16. Hell of a fuckin game.
  17. We can't just let them get up and be allowed to just shoot back at us....unless there's a fix or option for execution like GOAT said it shouldn't be bannable at all. Your basically killing someone in a red zone or whatever like any other situation, games fault you lose your gun, not the killers.
  18. Wagwan, what's gwanin
  19. There has to be a video....rip you
  20. Content Removed
  21. The smart people know that he numbers to choose which give the best chance, he did it at random so nobody had a upper hand.... The smart people know that he numbers to choose which give the best chance, he did it at random so nobody had a upper hand.... American people like football! For all you out of country people
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