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krypton last won the day on March 18 2016

krypton had the most liked content!

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    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Parker R

      Parker R

      2 hours ago, =DRK=VACation said:

      LOL kid TI is actually good sorry they didn't get banned from a gang wars before. Also gtfo everyone doesn't want to see a shit gang come back to life 

       Complexity 3 time gang wars winner BTW fucking retard

    3. Vcx


      dam kiddo what about those bannerinos that went with them?

    4. Parker R

      Parker R


      BTW what gang are you in @=DRK=VACation???


  2. You are UBER retart-ed
  3. You gave 1 positive and 2 negatives
  4. Except mumble is dirt cheap to set up a server with, and has many practical uses for basic VOIP coms...you idiot.
  5. Thank Fuckin God
  6. Ok thanks a lot.
  7. I will. Over and over until he logs off for his bed time. Point noted. But guess what: idgaFUCK about either you, or what you say. So save your Heavy breathing for in game you Canadian Twat.
  8. ahahhaha I wouldn't even feel like playing if I couldnt give money to people. WTF is that shit?? No server is worth dealing with that AHHHHHAHAHHA
  9. Yo I heard my nibba rusty got bannded? FUCK MCDILLI, FUCK POSEIDASS< & FUCK GOAT....peace out nerds fuck all my nibbas! PISS OFF U BIASED NERDS AND GIVE ME SUPPORT TEAM TOO KIDS....PEACE OUT
  10. Bf1 time!
  11. His stream always saves vods.....so what's wrong?
  12. Time for some h1z1 friends
  13. Sir stay on topic. TY
  14. Hi I'm with the Anti-Noob Regulatory Agency of Gaming (ARAG)

    Why is your K/D .3

    That's an issue my friend.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Marty


      pfft you haven't seen my K/D

    3. Rusty


      3 hours ago, krypton said:

      Ok well You're still better than Rusty so it's ok

      u are terrible sir

    4. Lucki


      Mines not much better: 5b17032147cc27c617133ac9d9072d1f.gif

      0.39 But that's because 70% of my playtime is on cop and tazes don't count :(

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