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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. Well that came out of nowhere You talking bout me? bc if you are I have moods... One second i'm nice. Then the next i'm flaming everyone.
  2. It has ruined me in the past... I know what horrors it can cause... That's why I play dark souls now. But Arma is just so addicting
  3. So I currently have Arma deleted as school started and I needed to focus on that. After the first semester has passed it seems as I've gotten a good handle on school atm. Just wondering if I should invest another 5,000 hours of my life into Arma constantly raging at getting Arma'ed and called a pleb. If I don't do it now I'll end up doing it over the summer. Should I play games like Rainbow Six for now or go all in and no life the rest of the year. Be aware that this will zero out my chances of any sort of relationship with a female. This will also make me a super loner at school as I will never do anything but play Arma. I'm leaving the choice in y'all's hands whether to ruin my life and make me play Arma 24/7 or give me some chance at female companionship oh and IDK how recent this is but congrats @TheCmdrRex on Chief. I remember when you were worried they would never promote you to PO... oh and btw. REX WAS IN BFO! CAPITALIST SCUM! So comment whether I should ruin my life or not.
  4. https://gyazo.com/6b984eff0fb2dc60891c2efcb1487cee
  5. Enter
  6. https://gyazo.com/343eb7a37897d2c56c1df2dc70001929
  7. yo this has been my desktop background since Muth first made it like a year ago lol your signature that is Ignore all of the icons...
  8. Im a pretty average guy :)

  9. https://gyazo.com/7bd3a6868b13f4abc3158d52145a3100
  10. I don't see how you could fail if you have a whole online community buying merch from your store??? its actually a pretty good idea.. Ill support it!
  11. YO BUT FOR REAL CAN WE GET OLYMPUS MERCH? XD... @DeadPool1337 can make it
  12. Not to sound like a debby downer but some of these restrictions may interfere with other players who haven't been banned... Like halfing the money when being robbed. That would affect whoever is robbing them. and what if they just sell tons of drugs? If i killed them before they could store the money I would be pretty fucking ticked off if i didn't get the money.
  13. Ajax


    How do I play this game?
  14. Ya don't volunteer for Olympus... you get paid in all the amazing and fun situations you come across o7 I remember when you first became staff... gonna miss ya
  15. It's old af
  16. Watch The Whole Thing
  17. If your getting the same performance for a lot cheaper I would buy it now... plus you have the fact that you have TWO graphics cards so if one fails you have another... if you only use the 1080 it could fail then RIP graphics
  18. I'm still confused...
  19. FIRE... yes I take Latin my dude I chose Ajax because it is a term in the jquery language that updates websites without refreshing it... also because he is a Greek Warrior and that is pretty badass.
  20. Too many effects make it look bad... most people like simplicity
  21. I've seen one in my house the size of my hand xD... we got big ones where we live
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