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Everything posted by Jmb

  1. didn't fight, didn't watch, didn't care gj mc only took you 6(?) tries
  2. Since Jimbo is unable to participate we (Complexity) will be using Jombi as a stand in.
  3. Won't let me quote, but same as @Fushigi xd
  4. They just don't want to fight cheaters, understandable.. the fucking irony
  5. I'm just amazed you call getting carried by a now banned cheater a win, are you really that desperate?
  6. Hahahaha, I was waiting for that, are you going to tell me I over compensate my recoil again?
  7. And 80% of Complexity was TI before hand, what now? Why won't you compete this time if we do? Is it because you're struggling to find a Pieter alternative? No cheaters available to carry you this time around? Sucks, huh?
  8. You say it like we only just started playing Olympus, we were here when you retards were still playing GTA, quit the fucking whining.
  9. Solid color ifrits would be a great addition to blackwater, if done correctly they look amazing. LQ screenshot but shows what I mean:
  10. +1 - Maybe add some rare normal vehicle skins (sports hatchbacks etc) rather than having only paramilitary vehicles (only huron that isn't as far as I'm aware)
  11. Jmb


    Gun is still a 30 round 7.62 that tears through any vest & clothing people are wearing, only thing that got nerfed was the overall armor penetration for vehicles, no more minimal recoil full auto sprays into an ifrits side windows price is deserved
  12. tfw someone tells you your orcas inventory will sync through restart and we lose an ASP bcos of it xd

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Fastik


      Just learn how to use sib sonic rounds :)



    3. big niko

      big niko

      Good Job Fastik :D

    4. Fastik


      It's not too hard after u figure out what the hell those bullets do lmao

  13. Katiba loadout isn't worth much but it's a nice starting loadout to protect yourself doing runs, the main use of transport for money making is helicopters, you can buy insurance everything but illegal vehicles I believe. Money making is 'easy' if you can avoid the APD/big gangs here, cartels here don't have a big impact on your payout unlike Asylum.
  14. can i just get my 10mil in advance
  15. ayy lets go boys
  16. Check the mission file
  17. Muting players in lobby mutes them globally, you will no longer hear them in direct chat vehicle chat etc, will cause alot of RDM reports. I've only seen olympus get effected by this, every other server is still on the same codec as before.
  18. 10,000 hours and still doesn't know what combat stance is :4head:

  19. Not enough good spots to be balanced as well as fun/easy to get to, ghost hotel is a very fun place to fight but no one wants to make the effort of going there, editor is very easy to use now so adding to a compound to make your own cartel spot wouldn't be too hard.
  20. you're allowed to rdm ghost hawks aslong as you own the rebel license, go ham
  21. You'd have more luck trying to buy a garage in dp9/therisa
  22. Schizophrenic with a drug problem who isn't mentally stable people blow shit out of proportion
  23. Jmb


    fuck linka that toxic fuck
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