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Everything posted by Quinton

  1. Looking for good s1 houses and csat, police items and anything else you have to offer.
  2. I'll buy mxm and mx for 250k
  3. how much for csat ghillie and cmr?
  4. does it have a garage near it?
  5. when does the most wanted stats update?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Quinton


      fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu im grinding out on the most wanted and i'll be a tad bit disappointing if it doesn't show me after i reach it.

    3. Fedot



      if you lookup your stats it shopuld update within 15 minutes

    4. Quinton


      i know that, but i mean like server wide most wanted.

  6. Looking to buy a good server 1 house also csat and police gear preferably Sgt gear but will do corp.
  7. Buying cop gear, comment or pm what you have and a general idea for what you want for it.
  8. how much you gonna pay B
  9. Who here plays hearthstone?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Quinton


      rubber how often do you play, and i remember a staff member telling me you played awhile back.

    3. RubberDuck


      I'll have to talk to you in ts some time when I fix my computer, for now I'll keep you updated until it's fixed.

    4. Quinton
  10. https://gyazo.com/31ccac4d8caad7915b3834112f36c2e5
  11. Looking for a good house or garage in server one.
  12. Quinton

    S1 houses

    Looking for some good server 1 houses
  13. Do you know what really sucks, going through a divorce with your high school sweet heart when you guys have been together for over 5 years, just moving into your own place just to move out, and her take your kid, car, house and etc.. Appreciate your guys significant other and don't let them feel as the love was lost. Spend time with them and show them you care about them.. See you guys another time...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Linka


      sorry to here man, the community is here for you.

    3. SPBojo


      Sorry to hear.... best of wishes darling...

    4. Augustus
  14. why is the video private
  15. uhh it's marty, that's a low ball
  16. ear muffs usually work for me, but maybe that's why I am so bad..
  17. potato farmers with second place
  18. Fucking savage.
  19. https://gyazo.com/ba7fc65e720d1aaf41571477b666b3f6 my aids
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