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Everything posted by falcon

  1. I remember when you where my SGT :(. Anyways, Happy Birthday @Lucki.

  2. Why do you have 6 days won on your profile? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RogueMK


      Can confirm, it's days that someone has earned the most rep ( likes )

    3. DeadPool


      If you get 10 likes a day and I get 11 then I won that day with the most likes on the forums

    4. SPBojo


      i have 10 :4head:

  3. o7 Dezree, You will be missed <3
  4. Hey uhh, that's pretty Top Kek.


  6. FeelsGoodMan when Arma downloads in 7 minutes.

  7. You my friend are in no need of 750k.
  8. 1. IGN: falcon 2. How did you find Olympus?: Um, some random on Archetype was advertising Olympus. 3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: Fucking with @Doc back in the day.
    1. Hydra


      jesus christ, I'll give you piloting lessons for 1M

    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      At least he didn't VDM that heli he flew under.

  9. welp just reached 700 cop hours :3 with 540 arrests. FeelsGoodMan



  10. Gun Stores are still considered redzones right? @Grandma Gary?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OlympusAccount


      I've had a couple people who are new to the server shoot me when they saw me walk in, the symbol for it on the map makes it look like it is to new people

    3. Rusty


      ye headshot everyone

    4. falcon


      3 hours ago, Tman15tmb said:

      Is this a joke?

      No not really, I am genuinely curious.

  11. Well.. Formatted my computer and my issue still isn't fixed. FeelsAmazingMan.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Gibbs
    3. falcon


      @Gibbs Yeah, I thought nothing of it.. I'll make sure to look next time

    4. Gibbs


      Make sure to catch the error code next time it happens, it makes it much easier to diagnose. Blue screens can be caused by a number of issues.

  12. its still a fucking script which is a no go
  13. Take me off your signature pls makes me feel bad

  14. Overwatch 1 comp session as a lucio - Mouse movement heatmap 


    1. hesalittlerunaway


      Always wondered what the heat map of bronze lucio was

    2. falcon
  15. i dont know.

    1. DeadPool


      Where have you been I've been needing someone to snake bounties off me oh wait.:Kappa:

  16. I see you robbed my house back because I went inactive.
  17. that moment when you buy a SCUF and you take it apart to see what is happening on the inside and it breaks. -.- R.I.P. 120$ in about 5 minutes.

  18. hm.. dont know what to think..
  19. Same ^_^
  20. Well you see here from the Civillian stand point it's shit because we don't let them keep their Mk. 200 when they killed over 40 people. Kek
  21. Kek
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