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Everything posted by raykazi

  1. raykazi


    make an offer @Mutiny
  2. raykazi

    Buying DMS

    i can get you now...and i aint no shady nigga
  3. raykazi

    WTB DP3 house

    i have a 2 crater in dp3 to sell but i wont be online till saturday
  4. Dammit i was gonna post it
  5. shouldnt have bothered replying at all then
  6. Respect my nigga
  7. ETA on you guys rolling it back??
  8. LOLOL yeah i get to play arma all day while working 40-50 hours every week. I'm only 27 but i guess to your retarded ass i might as well be 40. if it was such a shit gang why come back after maj kicked you guys out the 1st time. if im not mistaken you were part of the people who used pulldowns as well we sit in there when were not playing arma or afk...and you had your own private channel to sit in sucking @Mr Majestic's dick doesn't get you ranked up, you gotta lick @Dingle Pooper's toes.
  9. One could say the same to you. jut own up to the fact that you and shiv were complete reeees
  10. As the person who actually removed you from the gang i can tell you it wasnt because of inactivity.
  11. You were kicked for snaking from gang shed and for being completely autistic
  12. As a real nigga i gotta pick J Cole
  13. Shhh Maj im already writing OTv3
  14. if you dare come for my boi maj like that again....i will be coming for yo knee caps nigga....
  15. free my racist nigga monkeyz
  16. Bruuhhh yo snitching ass aint in that family
  17. since i can't be banned for RDM'ing my own gang members i completely support that idea
  18. When they fired you as web developer?
  19. Can me an Zahzi titan you one more time...jut for old times sake?
  20. raykazi

    Later Boys

    i know you do, so its sold?
  21. raykazi

    Later Boys

    so am i getting keys to your dp3 houses or are you gonna sell em?
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