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Everything posted by Nightingale

  1. armed prowler is sold
  2. new post 1 armed huron, 1 armed prowler, 1 ENVG, 1 dms, rpg and a MXSW taser pm me
  3. 4m I also have 1 dms left forgot to add that
  4. Sold coveralls, have some csats left, Have 1 armed huron, 1 armed prowler, ENVGs and a MXSW taser
  5. Selling 2 Armed hurons, 1 Prowler, 1 ENVG, 1 DMS, 2 7.62 Suppressors, Csats, pilot coveralls PM me

  6. look @ your msgs
  7. 200k per mxm, 1m for mk1
  8. these are left: 2 armed hurons, 1 armed prowler, 7.62 suppressor, 6 pilot coveralls, 4 csats, 6 titan launchers, 2 rockets, 1 rpg 2 rockets, p90, mk1(8)'s, selling all for like 500k. tasers: 4 mxm, mk1, mxsw
  9. 2 armed hurons left, 1 prowler left, couple tasers will post full list soon
  10. Both of the ghosthawks are gone, 1 qilin is also gone
  11. Selling 1 ghosthawk 2 armed hurons, 3 armed prowlers, 1 armed qilin, a bunch of bw gear and tasers, pm me

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Messy_0
    3. Gravity


      8 hours ago, Messy said:


      hilarious never heard that one before

    4. Messy_0


      @Gravity, you like following me around and sucking on my dick dont you?


      stay on those knees boyyy

  12. Thanks for the quick exchange +1 I forgot to mention, I also have 3 Armed prowlers, 1 Armed qilin
  13. Just got an offer for one for 25, so around that Don't think so I can double check Around 15
  14. 2 hawks, 2 hurons, rpgs, 762 suppressor, bunch of tasers lemme know
  15. oh boy you just fucked up
    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Nightingale


      @Proud wow your pre teen ears really must not have fully developed nor your eyes. you fucking brain dead retard show me when we’ve ever had more than two zafirs during any of our events. also t4, t5 vests and csats are BARELY used by any of the people besides maybe 3. do you not realize your corporals have t3s which are the same as 90% of our vests, sgts get t4 and lieutenants get t5 ? both sgts and lieutenants get mar 10s which literally ONE TAP anyone provided the retard using it can actually hit a shot which they never do? If you guys actually learned pushes you could stop abusing the fuck out of po lethals. also when the fuck have we ever had 6 ifrits or anything? most we’ve had is 3 when we’re rolling 20 deep and you guys have 10 cops on because you refuse to hop on and fight since you’re tired of getting shit on daily


      @MAV we literally milked Chris for 4 minutes during the first fed today, it’s not about the weapon they have it’s about if they’re retarded or not, and in chris’s case he happens to be retarded just like all the other people who’ve been milked


    1. MAV


      LoL wasn't even the one to ban but ok.

    2. Zahzi


      But you stuck with it and backed up the mod that did. You might as well have banned.

    3. MAV


      i mean, considering a Sr. admin had to deliberate for 20 minutes and ponder on the grey area and ended the convo with the two civs involved stating that there was rule 'overlap' and during the staff meeting we may clarify the rules better... PLUS from our POV it wasnt justified (thats why there is something called counter evidence)

  17. every time the apd gets a buff, all you're going to hear from me is


    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Bad Company 1 was lit

    2. Ryan


      My arsenal is ready and @rabeed has greased the joy stick. We are ready sir!

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Next APD buff: 


  18. https://gyazo.com/33df8d91d87ce00fc05684a543243b5d https://gyazo.com/614cb8bb091dbda837264d848c88faa4 https://gyazo.com/ad4c0134ad958f570db2d4a340a8696e
  19. you're saying that like sapd doesn't do the exact same thing for corporals and how much they knee pad while they're PO?
  20. so civak saying his opinion and deadpool picking him for not being afraid isn't the EXACT SAME THING? you're retarded buddy
  21. isn't that how sapd recruits? people that suck dick and follow anything you retards say?
  22. you think this is better??
  23. lul so swat? yeah no
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