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Taylor Shwift

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  1. Ok bois I'm coming back to the Community I have changed and I'm less aids now hopefully I will see some of my old pals soon

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Savage


      Let's just say I loved my Savage Shwift days...

    3. -dante-
    4. RubberDuck


      bruh, when you coming back?

  2. Feelsbad man I'm coming back to APD maybe I'll see u around
  3. Who else is hyped AF

  4. Seal team 6 apd style

    1. RubberDuck


      LOLOL, do you have the one at cement mixing, that was 10x better!!!!

  5. Happy birthday u wave braker 

    1. DeadPool


      Hey at least I didn't smoke weed in Kavala square on cop infront of civs but thanks 

    2. Taylor Shwift

      Taylor Shwift

      Love u too deadpool

  6. Love u

    1. RubberDuck


      </3 fuk u












      jk <3 (^_^)

  7. your a meanie 22:50:32 - "Ignis" pokes you: Change your fucking avatar you hentai loving nasty ass motherfucker

  8. Yeah 5 mill I'll buy them
  9. That's how u learn weed pro call outs like BFO bois
  10. It's not 7.62 it's 7.39 I think
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