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Everything posted by JamalJones

  1. Probable cause removed when the person witnessing the attack dies.
  2. Wut
  3. Not really interested in robbing houses. I have a house like that on S2. Never use it
  4. I am currently buying the following. Please PM or post. so we can set up a time/place/price. Tear Gas FlashBangs All Cop tazers (except sting/Po7/zubr) All cop ammo for the tazers (Except Sting/Po7/Zubr) Moonshine houses. Rare/useful houses Armed vehicles. Cop uniforms. Or anything else you may want to sell me that you think is worth it. I have roughly 75Mill in assets that can be acquired after selling
  5. Price? i am interested
  6. What caliber is the prowler
  7. Or some hardcore lisp trying to tell us to keep comms clear during training. Or my favorite. Being denied by some deputy 8km away from you
  8. ITT people who go to kavala with a bounty
  9. Yikes. Arent you the guy that is trying to get an age exception, This is not a good way to do it
  10. Vigi is good if you are good and don't vigi in kav.
  11. 3peek rock peek wars
  12. Using unfortunate events to promote a stream. You reached homicide promotion levels
  13. When will he get a real job
  14. You realize we are in every lottery and pool together right. And you don't see often we lose
  15. PM me with prices or post here.
  16. How much do flashbangs go for?
  17. Ruby has not approved
  18. This is maximum effort. +1
  19. price?
  20. The only interesting part of that video is when you got one bopped from 300m away
  21. Do yourself a favour and get shadowplay or private stream EVERYTHING. If something looks just a bit sketchy hit that shadowplay button. Has saved my ass a few times when people make fake reports
  22. Sit retards
  23. Most EPI's used and/or received.
  24. TI Finally has a reason to log on!
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