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big niko

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Everything posted by big niko

  1. You're spot back as chief.
  2. +1 for this niggah
  3. Nigga your Canadian too
  4. What this Roleplayer said ^^^^
  5. Can someone explain to me why I can't load in the faction selection screen on Server 1 like it's struck loading on the Atlis, Malden map.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Toasty


      Get gooder at the game

    3. DeadPool
    4. Ryan


      18 hours ago, DeadPool said:


      Ye blacklisted on civ. Everyone pray for Nikoteen #NotABanButABlacklist

  6. It was a joke big man chill
  7. Can we fix the helicopter bullshit when you crash you can get revived and not just disappear it's a little annoying, thanks.

    1. Ryan


      If you crash high in the air aka someone flies into you or you hit a tree then that glitch usually happens. Aka if you can’t fly then don’t. If you died close to the ground a medic is usually able to get you. At least with my previous experience they can. 


    2. Fusah


      Pretty sure that's an arma thing and nothing that can be fixed by scripts. 

    3. Savage


      Dont make @Jesse work on his bday :P 

  8. R.I.P
  9. Just remove this kids account jesus christ

  10. Lol Buddy I sold each of my 6 mags for 200k
  11. Biiiggg TB when the MK1 wasn't a thing @Ruiz123


    Peep the squeaker voice :D

    1. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      mk1 was def a thing then just saying xd

    2. Snare


      You're wearing a apex backpack so mk1 was in.

    3. big niko

      big niko

      Ok I may be delusional 

  12. https://clips.twitch.tv/BoredColorfulCiderPermaSmug
  13. https://clips.twitch.tv/BigThankfulSangM4xHeh
  14. https://clips.twitch.tv/SilkyOnerousCaribouPeteZaroll Good Memes @Peter Long Number 2 @Peter Long https://clips.twitch.tv/DelightfulMushyThymeDatSheffy
  15. Buddy, you need some milk.
  16. This guy probably has more follower then you do on Instagram lmfao. @Space Cowboy
  17. I'm better than you.
  18. Buddy you have your montages in your signature and you have it on your Personal IRL youtube account hello? Mike think man.
  19. But the thing is you have no friends IRL.
  20. @Mercury <11:54:35> You are banned temporarily. Reason: "Enough posting pictures of other members"
    Did you ban me in game aswell or whats up with the sauce?

    1. Mercury


      nah, just stop posting pictures of other members in the community as your display picture in TS

  21. EnTeR
  22. I'm on Scene.
  23. Just for real time posts in a chatbox so people just can talk and shit like that.
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