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Barrack Obama

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Everything posted by Barrack Obama

  1. long division is for old virgins synthetic is for the alpha male
  2. unban him guies
  3. everyone quick start a flame war
  4. This was unwatchable with the poor video quality and microphone quality. GL
  5. I made one I can give you for 5 million you can join the server first to try out add me on steam I'll pm you
  6. im 17 i could not afford a PC intill about a year ago was playing consoles before
  7. First single player Witcher 2 First multiplayer arma 3
  8. yeah its fixed i remember when i couldn't scroll wheel to change weapons they fixed it now though
  9. 1 million doll hairs
  10. how bout you just dont break a rule in the first place?
  11. Is that the obama car
  12. Barrack Obama


    hey guys
  13. what is this garbage young thug is trash listen to someone who doesnt sound like there taking a dick up the ass
  14. 1. Stop playing a wasteland server that you have to say hands up or die before shooting 2. esc>abort 3. Sign up for a RP server 4. Have fun
  15. nice may may
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