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TheRealKyle last won the day on February 26 2016

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About TheRealKyle

  • Birthday 01/09/1997

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  1. when VX and *U* get taken down by the 2-man godsquad @Willski:4head:

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    2. platinumfire


      I think you forgot to put in you were cops and VX were in the Sofia HQ so u aint no "God Squad" besides u killed U that were stuck on a roof with no way out. If thats what you call a "God Squad" then Me and Talindor are on top of Mount Olympus.

    3. TheRealKyle


      i understand the salt but obviously you werent paying attention because we had 3 U at HQ with your boy and you got wiped with an ifrit and 10+ guys vs 2 cops....

      But i guess well just forget about your boys and U breaking NLR and you getting rdmed out of restraints


    4. Linka


      i defended vx on fuzzy's post but nvm i take it back :(

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