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Everything posted by Bloodmoon

  1. Let them near a medic impound yard and find out.
  2. grats on corporal @Proud

    1. Fedot
    2. proud


      I came into MC ts and first thing i hear is 10 people saying "Congrats on corporal"

  3. Now selling my anti-vigilante package. For a negotiable price I will sit at your gang shed and kill any vigilantes that show up.

    1. Apathy


      you tried to vigi me bloodmoon im dissapointed in you >"(

  4. Love how right after you get restrained you prolly start quoting rules and saying he is lag switching or something.
  5. Here is a tip on how to get a second chance.
  6. To become the best montagne main that has ever lived
  7. Damn, didn't know scorcher was in last months donation goal.
  8. Why don't you just go to his house and go on his computer to get the money back and get him banned for rdm or something.
  9. But did he land it on the beach and drive it all the way to square?

    1. Unjo



      That LOTR music at the end as well

    2. darn fool
  11. ill buy em both for 3 mil just pm me screenshots and time you're available.
  12. No, coast guard is gonna be protecting us from water based threats, which is a form of RP, which is a much better form of RP than having a lot of CPL's and PO's run away from a restrained guy so they don't have to process.
  13. Somalian pirates go for cargo ships that bring in our food, weapons, and other commercial goods, not turtles or near land.
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