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Status Replies posted by Alfredo

  1. Ok how about this we make it to 50% we get the pilot helmets added and everyone will be Gucci , except all these Kavala scats and little kids that want go karts

  2. #FreeReindeerKitten

  3. Shoutout to @BumbaClat, who tanked 16 shots from a zubr before going down. #nevertrialbycombatagain

  4. anyone who has rsut want to help us raid we need like 1 or 2 more people to raid boost us up

  5. anyone who has rsut want to help us raid we need like 1 or 2 more people to raid boost us up

  6. What the actual fuck

  7. Anybody have any s1 meth houses or moonshine houses? Preferably in dp25 or close enough to meth i can just drive back and forth.

  8. Black ARCO's plz ;_;

  9. A little random area found in the tanoa mountains courtesy of Sgt D Salty. 


  10. A little random area found in the tanoa mountains courtesy of Sgt D Salty. 


  11. i love when i see this...


  12. What are your guys' opinion on the best backpack? I've been thinking about an outfit, so far I got Pilot Coveralls, a Tan Cap, GA, and Aviators, all I need now is a backpack. I'd prefer not to use a carryall.

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