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Everything posted by Regal

  1. its greece not the UK im sure they do
  2. id fuckin cook and eat that thing
  3. wuv u cwash
  4. 27d5d3eaad4e279d546bca8f62e8f200.jpg

    for legal reasons this is a joke, this is not an actual loadout i use in combat situations on olympus entertainment llc

  5. hello benjamin
  6. i dont understand what are a dp toove cruss huris? i ned more video
  7. no please explain them
  8. Incredibly late but I love you Mr. Lime come visit often
  9. It's pride month I will do both for free.
  10. o7 @ Fraali we will keep the cheeters oppressed in your absence

  11. Told you like 4 times to come turn yourself into HQ, which you refused to. It isn't the APD's fault or problem that your game crashed, and how is it fair that now they don't get your bounty when you clearly would have been caught. Maybe if you cooperated we could have worked something out, but you just flat out refused to come to HQ. Then only after you refused several times to turn yourself in, instead of banning you I brought you to HQ, only for you to combat log again. Was the ban and max length jail sentence when you're unbanned really worth it? Smarten up my guy you're a former CPL and have tons of time of the server, you know that if your game crashes in combat you are expected to comp.
  12. yom huledet sameach @ Ryan


    1. Ryan




      ty 🥰

  13. Chinese players should only be allowed to play if they denounce communism, proclaim Taiwan as the one true China, and pledge their allegiance to NATO 💯

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Farrel


      let them play 

    3. Millennium


      Don't forget about Hong Kong

    4. Revise


      they can't even look up Tiananmen Square without getting in trouble

  14. Regal


    o7 big dog was always a pleasure the Board will live on forever
  15. It's 9:39 am?
  16. If you die to a tank today it wasnt me 

  17. mmmmm grayons for ur birthday @ Noble

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