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Retired Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by silton

  1. @Jerrod fat fucking obese retard at 14 SAD! @MarveL youre a spangled freak and soo bad @Greezy Gabe fat fucking retard hows your mum? @Vcx go back to being a fake suicidal freak stupid cunt @G F hahah gf 1 v 24 cop tasing bot @JuanDeaged paki fuck
  2. Selling Ghawk hmu good price 

  3. Nice one @Trimorphious you fucked the fps
  4. Conquest should have group cap change my mind

  5. no difference? suck my cock cunt so many corps and if they all have type t3 thats FUCKED
  6. id ban a kid for 14 days aswell if they were this shit


    1. Vcx


      Yeah I'd care about a video game ban that much too if I ddosed my school to look cool!

    2. Elements


      i ddosed my school so we didnt have to do work and we watched a movie

    3. silton


      @Elements they still had the paper textbooks rookie error

  7. Feel like shit just want Geo's CQC back
  8. Hmu for air vehicle backpack dupe instructions

    Also hmu if you got a dms or 7.62 suppressor 

    1. Noahhh!


      I have a DMS. I'll sell to you boss.

  9. silton


    looking good brother
  10. @Truthy does 15k hit him up
  11. stop asking it before kneecaps gotta start going
  12. grow up cunt this isnt a best case scenario A&D server itd be dead fucking boring if it was the same time of day and never rained.
  13. If cops could shoot then wouldn't need a helicopter with Miniguns but ok
  14. This may not be a prime example but "High gang activity" needs to be looked at as it easily abused cause it's really up to how the cops feel @Mr GOAT
  15. That's what I think as an original member and longest standing civ council but these kids are freaks
  16. And thats broken has been for ages the amount of poor orcas I've lost when I'm by myself is sad
  17. Thats where you're wrong buddy the rest of civ council are spineless cock slurplers
  18. Should be a situation when allowed to be pulled. Pulling a ghawk to patrol cause 70 people are on can suck my cock
  19. It really does need to be changed. Its so overpowered it's actually retarded I can't fly my heli alone with a 300k bounty without being chased. High gang activity definitely needs to be clarified in the handbook with more specific reasoning.
  20. this @SuWooP kid is hopeless shoulda given it to the longest standing civ council member 🤷‍♂️

    1. Linka


      i am right here buddy

  21. Nice one @Trimorphious you fucked the fps

  22. Keep playing try fighting monkeys like RIP or Noble then you can dog on cartel apes.
  23. Undo the sell glitch patch

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