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Mason Harrison

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Status Replies posted by Mason Harrison

  1. Rbnmn1U.png

    I like these suits!!!

  2. Congratulations @Mason Harrison @sploding!

    Happy Birthday to @Claysive a true pillar of the community.


  3. Has anybody gotten an AT Jeep yet?

    1. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      Im taking just reqular shit and cyber security

      And its 16 fucking assignments due today when did I say they were hard lul

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. smells like shit in here

  5. Congrats @notsodank! Welcome to the team.

    @Venomm @Mason Harrison @Caden Congrats!

  6. Congrats 2 timer @Mason Harrison @Venomm and sr medic @notsodank

    o7 @Brolaf I know you be a great solder when you get drafted ❤️f21d9c32-f777-4724-b8ce-5330686bb0c0.jpe

  7. @Mason Harrison the two time!! Good job!

    @Venomm just make sure you teach them to check if anyone’s recording first if you know what I mean 😉 

  8. Well boys... its been a while but I'm reactivating my drive to play this game.

  9. https://imgur.com/a/idsoNAo accidentally puts 400k on green and wins first bet

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