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Everything posted by bigSMOKE

  1. so what about tazing and restraining cops at feds/bw's is that against the rules just to clarify or no?
  2. bigSMOKE


    dont quote me on this but i think you have to donate $250
  3. I went to Sofia rebel yesterday you were sitting in a tower with a protector and you were trying to kill me while I was driving in but you got pdubbed
  4. congrats on corp, hope this promotion keeps you awake and on your feet. :Kappa:

  5. I wish they had vermins when I was a deputy, seem way better than the sting
  6. imagine you're at a cartel/rebel or whatever redzone and you're mid fight and can't get to the medic to tell him to stop reviving someone or he isn't listening to text messages but you see the person getting up and you kill him and it glitches his gun, you shouldn't be banned for that so I would say no on this one.
  7. @-S-mexicano{ZF} @KL-45BEASTS Tyrone can't afford a ticket for atmp manslaughter
  8. ill buy just the cmr mags but im not paying 500k for a non lethal cmr lol
  9. lol okay i'll go to kavala and take 2 fresh spawns hostage for one
  10. yeah but lethal and non are pretty different, they aren't too hard to get i'll give 300k
  11. do you have any mags for the cmr or just the gun? give a price
  12. what will you sell the mxm and cmr together for or separate
  13. I will buy the mxm and cmr for 400k together
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