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Everything posted by bigSMOKE

  1. You're bad kid get better shitty
  2. i can't understand how you're so fucking bad kid
  3. you're still bad though that's why it's funny
  4. you must record everything ever except when you talk to alex/ talk about alex.
  5. bigSMOKE


    i prefer black tar heroin or meth
  6. pretty sure they were talking about taking out the Tonoa vehicles for cops for a week to test if thats a big problem or not
  7. you spent 2k for a i7 4790K 4790 LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
  8. I didn't feel like reading your pointless rant so idk what point I illustrated
  9. I would like the cartel shuffling idea and the war zones, just some things to bring old fighters back into the server currently it's not completely dead but fighting wise it is, just a post for people to post their ideas for the admins/mods to see and maybe we can help the server some
  10. +1 i need this to look good for admins also agree with hectic
  11. they're in the process of making new ones I agree there should be some sort of reward system, it would encourage people to fight and reward them, although the rewards should be determined by the admins and maybe after coming up with 3-5 ideas or so, make a poll on the forums to let the active community vote upon them. @Bow
  12. Whats the point of adding the new cartels everyones been begging for when the current cartels aren't fought properly or at all, everytime I go to a cartel the other gang is 1km out roaching, have 5 untagged guys ghosting in, it's always something. I would like new cartels but they won't be fought because the gangs that fight are mostly dead
  13. bigSMOKE


    if you're going to be a vigi, please know the vigi rules. I've seen vigis taze the restrain people as they walk by hospital then throw them off
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