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Everything posted by bigSMOKE

  1. https://gyazo.com/0ac9c76afc3b5c9513bb7fba68668827

    who trying to get carried in tarkov?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. bigSMOKE


      @Drippp ive been hacking for 2 weeks using $5 cheats

    3. Drippp


      @bigSMOKE still shit anti-cheat I see. Link

    4. bigSMOKE


      @Drippp im using maverick shits EU rn $5 idc about ban lmao

  2. bigSMOKE


    Not you fugi, you’re a nice lad, talking to this dumb kid xanx who you wouldn’t know
  3. bigSMOKE


    bro you literally suck my dick, i actually hate you and you acting like a fan gtfo
  4. bigSMOKE


    can you get off the forums retard kid holy shit why are you unbanned
  5. @Jimmy Jarvis yo youre fucking trash and can fuck my mom if you want 

  6. cool i just rdmed you idiot enjoy
  7. i still dont play, but o7 to immature bigsmoke, welcome newsmoke

  8. these staff are trash literally got banned on forums because a staff member called me fat? lol makes sense
  9. Getting dep chief from sucking dick then switching up, classic
  10. You’re a nobody who got staff on a dying server, you play this shit everyday in 2019 calm down
  11. Get a life I’m reporting you for saying that word as staff you’re higher standard make server look like shit
  12. The fact that the donation goal was met this month just shows people are brain damaged who donate 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bongo Bongo Bongo

      Bongo Bongo Bongo

      People donate to keep the server alive. If nobody donated how are they going to pay for teamspeak, servers, forums, etc.

    3. Vcx


      The fact that you think that they can get everything done with the amount of people they have and time makes you people brain dead. Without donations the server you brain dead idiots play on wouldn't exist.

    4. bigSMOKE


      @Vac. LOL what do you they with the server they cant keep 14 yr old hackers off of it lmao. Great devs you have, even tho he is a cuck @Jesse kept this bitch alive lmao. @Strikke and im not complaining about anything only speaking facts this server has went to shit bc of the people running it and the devs. But ima just leave it at that lol massive L to any idiot who donated to support the server being hacked all month.

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