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Everything posted by SixNain

  1. huh who are you this is the first time me selling shit u dum af ive tried to sell shit before but never got the right price for it
  2. offers start at 3 mill
  3. 3 mill for the suppressor
  4. if u still got it ill buy it for 3
  5. they where up in less than 5 hours
  6. yikes
  7. SixNain


    I hate that school shooters don’t hands up or die before they shoot
  8. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198178457701
  9. mayb ur just missing or its just a arma bug look at this clip where a dep gets shot like 4 times in the face and walks out like nothing. you can see like 10 blood splatters on the mans head https://plays.tv/video/5d349ca3eea2839980/-
  10. o7
  11. wat no
  12. put the server back up?
  13. ^^ feel like some shit is gonna be gone
  14. eta
  15. 4 mill
  16. send offers
  17. send offers down below middle man will be support team.
  18. 10 mill
  19. SixNain

    Selling Zafir

    3 mill
  20. ill buy all MXMs(are they tazers?) depending on the cost and a mk1 (tazer?) if you have any cop gear id buy some corp or senior apd sets
  21. havent seen a bigger flex
  22. Put offers down below
  23. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198178457701/#sort=order Amen
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