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Everything posted by ferg

  1. thomas u ran in front of him u doofus
  3. anti what did i tell u
  4. Shutup bitch
  5. 6619b873265189c059a1b02c664fd7d3.gif

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Monks


      That's what I call a successful pit

    3. Venomm


      literally wiped the pharma before cops even rolled up, n1

    4. Billeh


      leaked footage of north koreas ICBM testing

  6. ferg

    cya boys

  7. ferg

    cya boys

    go weld weirdo
  8. Happy birthday to the person that got me into fighting on Oly, @Alfie  have a great day. !play alley duhe - lost my mind

  9. bring back tormentor orca

  10. why did u remove the n7
  11. I lost a 100m yesterday to nemnock lmao. Who tf cares
  12. S2 dp5 4c, fully upgraded
  13. go therisa
  14. we can do 100m
  15. go s2 og
  16. ferg

    WTS Dp5 4c (s2)

  17. Free rexo and sho

    fuck skys, wheres my ban that u were talking abt

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. monster


      nigga have you seen yourself, lake boy.

    3. ferg


      Monster take ur ugly pfp somewhere else

    4. monster
  18. Ill sell u my dp5 4c for 10k if u never report someone again
  19. also theres no pyrgos heli spawner https://gyazo.com/90dd93a0df046fb2c94b25baee0eb68b
  20. why do i have an admin revive option. it doesnt work but im jw
  21. 2900 inv 4c in dp5 Server 2 Good for meth Offer if interested
  22. only froze for the first kill, and the one time u killed me i was pulling out my gun and the other i was looting y
  23. pdub op
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