Hard to say. There was an ~8% growth for Arma last 30 days... People are now getting tired of games like Pubg and looking for other stuff similar kinda.
He also was wrapping up his schooling and moving and looking for an IRL job. Due to not finding an IRL job he decided to go do work for Asylum. Nothing like turning your back on your own community. He crawled to Asylum... Asylum didn't crawl to him.
Let's just say this isn't available anymore...
If you rob a player with a whole two hours on the server with a 7.62 suppressor and DMS.. good chance it's duped/exploited/scripted in.
You will be able to view houses for sale by owners and their asking price via the stats page. Any purchases will need to be done ingame. As well as listing the building for sale. Owners will not need to be online at time of sale however.
Listen... We're miles ahead of this post... Just sayin...
Bow worked on some pretty cool stuff I asked him to make for an upcoming update.
@obeymatt @Caleb Snackbar
I've been working the last few days. AFAIK, some staff members are going through a spreadsheet to help track down the remaining duped dms's and suppressors. Just a lot of logs to go through. It's no quick task.
I mean if you go to the crafting NPC you can find everything you need to craft a vehicle. Then where you get the newly added materials... well use your brain a tad... probably won't get rubber from making meth? Not from heroin either... idk...
That's me you fuck. I could afford a headset, I bought a new one cuz mine was shit.
Kurt's also going to school for a Doctorate degree, has a g/f, and living on his own. I would assume his headset is low on the priority list of things to waste money on.
It doesn't matter.
However, do realize he claims that if he gets sent money he's not buying a headset and if he gets sent a headset he's selling it because he feels he doesn't need a headset....
I was in the middle of making a gofundme, then he said that.. lol.
EDIT: 40 likes on the main post and he'll put the money towards a headset.
NOW, in recent light of some bans I issued... BE CAREFUL WHO YOU SELL SHIT TO. If the deal seems too good it's probably too good. Shoot me a PM, I can attempt to verify the persons money if the deal is really just too good to be true. Or just ask for crypto currency xD.
Can confirm....
When I first got developer around here... Gary costed me almost my entire bank several times due to him just spawning boats on my poor ass. I only have ever had like $8m in my account the entire I've been around here. He made me die and lose a lot of my money... I recall going broke several times...
Removed a duped dms about an hour agoish... Still looking for more...
If anyone has received a DMS for cheap value and feel it may be duped, feel free to shoot me a pm. No administrative actions will be taken or anything. We just want that DMS back... You'll allow me to go back to developing sooner... Thank you...
If it's for something over 5m and you're selling to an absolute nobody willing to sell/buy it from/to you for $50m or some shit. I'd suggest you do...
Really not a hard concept...
@Peter Long - RIP... lul
Nvidia Cards - Use Shadowplay
OBS is also a good option for recording - https://obsproject.com/ (may need to cut some videos, etc though)