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Everything posted by Tacosmell

  1. @Corps I'm already tracer
  2. I think this 8 day will be an eye-opener for you and a chance for you to read the rules and come back to Olympus with a different approach. Good Luck
  3. Happy Birthday dude @hawk

    1. hawk


      Thanks best FTO taco :wub:

  4. Big moves today boys 

  5. The "SUPPORT TEAM OVERSIGHT" has decided @tyler Congrats to @Airborne

  6. o7 SeniorSupportTeam it as a good run. Thanks for the chance

  7. o7
  8. Don't care what people think homie.
  9. @Soulz Didn't see this one coming. Congratzzz

  10. Try and make a general inquiry stating this in your ticket. I would ask for a whitelist to a VPN since it is such a hassle to join and stay on the server for you and your brother. Go to support tab on the forums and for department select "General Inquiry" to submit the ticket. Hopefully this helps you. Good Luck.
  11. content being created?
  12. Thats why I said iffy
  13. If you didn't make an attempt to land or comply they can fire upon your heli. In regards to getting lethaled i'd say it was an iffy situation, but i'm sure the CPL didn't mean to and instantly offered compensation. If you see a problem here submit an IA report. If he comped you or offered some sort of compensation i'd say have some sympathy and don't report anything.
  14. I want to be a savage again but I'll get in trouble
  15. Corrupt GOAT = Best GOAT
  16. Grays @decla

    1. Christoph


      hey i can shave them grays of you know XD

  17. Happy Birthday @Dante Thank you for giving me the opportunity to become the best FTO on olympus. 

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