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Everything posted by Tacosmell

  1. reinstate me
  2. Trying to slide rn

  3. Need some SQL help from the boys 

    1. Quinner


      what are you trying to do?

    2. Tacosmell


      Have to standardize columns off of a csv file given to me 

    3. iPopsicle


      SELECT `help` FROM olympus.boys WHERE `competency`= 1;

  4. Put in a ban appeal @Ronin
  5. Feds are too easy
  6. How much
  7. I mean in all honesty, a hatch skin isn't as important as a gang uniform
  8. +1
  9. With the recent post by @D P stating they were trying to remove some solid color hatchbacks I am getting the vibe that they are trying to free up space for custom free textures for hatchbacks. Going off of this, I came up with the idea of Gang Uniforms (It has been brought up before). I know the only problem is mission file space, but i believe that if we are removing some hatches then we can remove some unused rebel clothing that just clogs mission file space. Obviously Gang Clothing isn't for every gang and only the active and devoted gangs should have access to this. That being said there should be some requirements to make this run much smoother and make gang life much better since there is an incentive to be an active big gang. Requirements: 15 Million in gang funds at time of application for uniforms At least 15 active members Gang should be a pre-existing gang for 1+ month minimum Have to complete a certain amount of Federal Events to be qualified Must stay active and devoted to the server or gang clothing will be revoked on monthly update/hot fixes I know this is such a stretch but this is a very good idea in my opinion and a lot of other people want to see this. Making gang uniforms is not a hard task and I know the design team can get this done by the end of each month. (In all reality, there wont be a lot of gangs getting this clothing so it's not a massive work load)
  10. That could work but there isn't full EU gangs. Some are EU dominate for sure, but I think doing this would stir up a lot of hate considering Prime and TI are EU dominate. People would not want them fighting first (mostly TI and Prime fans/players) even though that match is always nuts. This biggest thing is wait times and intermission between fights. If we can cut those down by a lot then the time thing will not be a problem in my opinion.
  11. Pipe down young one.

    1. Noodles:D


      Thanks you, soon to be FTO Taco

  13. If you need help with anything I'm open to help. Good looks Is that why the career cop gang placed higher than you guys? nice
  14. Before I suggest how next gang wars should be, I'd like to thank all of staff/non-staff for their contribution in this past gang wars no matter how it may have went. Mad respect for you guys! I can't stress enough that Gang Wars is by far the most important event that is held on Olympus. This event alone can keep Cartel Life where it is or even make it much better. This event gives gangs a ton of clout and from what I have observed in the past few days, a lot of people are interested in another Gang Wars soon. Requirements: At least 300 hours on Olympus servers Participating gangs must be created by insert date No current bans, past combat exploit bans, etc. Roster Submission: Must be submitted by insert date ALL ROSTERS ARE FINAL AFTER THIS DATE (no exceptions) After rosters are submitted, players on these rosters are white-listed to the server Gang Wars is held on How to run Gang Wars: Try to cater to EU players due to their time zone (have them fight early in Gang Wars) Have fights be very structured and ready to go, very short intermissions between fights, no bs Clarify how fights will work, that being a zone or time limit, vehicles gangs can use, etc. (Preferably zone) BE ORGANIZED. I and the community cannot stress this enough Make a schedule having times of certain fights so people can get an idea of when to be in ts/get on Do a Gang Wars event semi-often. Not every 6 months. It would be very appreciated if someone who has knowledge with cartels is a caster This is in no way shape or form a bash at the people who contributed in the past Gang Wars. Just a suggestion since this event could be a banger if executed correctly. P.S. Another Gang Wars should be held in the near future. The community is begging for another one no matter how bad the past Gang Wars was.
    1. Stelar


      That's how you are supposed to house raid right?

  15. They should try again soon since this last one was such a meme
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