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Everything posted by ChicagoJack

  1. how about a UPDATE soon????? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zahzi


      1 hour ago, Soulz said:

      Just wait for 12 more units... then it will come.

      Nah, update is imminent, 3 units.

    3. Ryan


      9 hours ago, buckie said:

      soon man big update incoming 

      I mean NGL this update is fucking fat, buckie knows what’s up. 

  2. do your research, would be a horrible investment as of now
  3. so how about we fix that??? Developer optimization month? Thanks sir.
  4. ChicagoJack

    Wtb tasers

    Come by and see your local supplier
  5. u r poor
  6. ChicagoJack


    Pm me price
  7. How to fix the Economy 101.
  8. how much if i bought all em
  9. I’ll buy all Titans with rockets and rpgs and rockets pm me
  10. ? You are broke
  11. Thanks for all the money!
  12. Cant use ALTS anymore boys GG! AIDS

  13. $25m
  14. ChicagoJack

    WTB tasers

    Lieutenant outfit, MX, MXM, Mk1, ak12, sting. PM if interested.
  15. I couldn't get to you today, will be on tmmrw.
  16. Sent PM's to both of you. STILL BUYING WAR POINTS! PM OR POST BELOW!
  17. I will buy all of them at a fair price, PM me. @-Luis-
  18. u wanna do a 500m bet yikes
  19. will buy the ak12 tazer pm me. Also will buy all your MX's. pm pm
  20. did you do it already
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