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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Ya I said go for it but if @Mercury sees it he’s getting the dick prob !!! Glad I was able to provide a good time boys @rabeed @Zahzi Same time tonight
  2. TLDR, same rules that apply to Pharma apply to the bank Chapter 8: Hostage / Player Robbing
  3. Yes head admin Deadpool, glad you made a rule change before we could! (Fun fact if it ain’t in the rules then go nuts)
  4. ETA on going outside

  5. <insert Roast on @TheCmdrRex or @Ares here>

    Yeah, you guys suck!

    1. B r a l l s

      B r a l l s


      int main()

      std::cout << "My name is Rex and I spend my whole day coding a useless language" << '\n';

      return 0;



  6. Imagine imagining

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ryan


      11 minutes ago, Trenton The God said:

      shut up already 

      Fuck you idiot

      1 minute ago, Dante said:

      Only cuz I came here to say those exact words fuck 

      Smh my head

    3. hawk


      Go back on vacation dummy!

    4. maxg


      imagine being a big gay oversight :Kappa:

  7. Damn @Doc turning 18 today!!! HBD Dad :wub:

    1. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      So you are older than your dad?

  8. Level 100 Jew

  9. Welcome back shitter @Danger

    Grats @Coffee

  10. Damn Bohemia is heated, first our servers then our website!! @Hadi Mokdad you know what to do!

  11. Guys @Hadi Mokdad is playing you all. He shut down the servers so he can take credit for when they are “back up”, those damn Mokdads!

  12. Alright boys it’s friday. I’ll start drawing winners and just adding you on steam if you won. If you don’t get any message or friend request then you didn’t win.
  13. If y’all wanna be leech’s like @DeadPool make 12 status updates a day with your wishlist :) 

  14. Dude then we can all play on @ikiled‘s game!
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