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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. My god Olympus went from being a sausage fest with cartel rats roasting and doxing eachother back in the day to now having woman fighting on the forums over their looks… AND IM FOR IT!!! @ Dante you ever think to find Olympus like this in 2023? id be lying if I didn’t genuinely laugh when I read this. 10/10 boxing match when?
  2. May have slightly been my fault I planned on going into detail but then I realized it’s best to let Walt do it lol
  3. How ya doin everyone, Hope everyone started off their summer HOT this year! We know everyones got some questions, so here's a quick breakdown of what has happened with us! First things first, we wanted to welcome our new Community Manager @ WALT to the team! Although Walt is already part of our administrative team, he has been working hard for this community on a daily basis and is a very big driver for community based change. Being someone that also led the Civ Council, we couldnt think of anyone better with a fresh set of eyes in the CM role. Walt will be making his own post likely sometime today explaining more. Second off, congrats to @ Masonn on taking up the empty void @ destruct left behind when he unfortunately stepped down. Destruct will for sure be missed, I appreciate all the work you have done for Olympus, it was crazy grinding towards SA with you all the way to the end my friend, dont be a stranger o7 We got some exciting new things coming to Olympus in the works currently, I cant wait for you guys to see what we got! Some fire new updates are inbound and possibly some new events as well I also realized I 100% did not post any details regarding the last giveaway, so we are going to adding more things to giveaway on the list in my previous post and Walt will be reposting it with actual details on how to enter and when it ends.
  4. Grats @ WALT  & @ Masonn

    Will make a forum post with more details later 😛 

  5. This guy made up a quote thinking I wont see this smh never said that
  6. This gonna make me cry, grats buddy @ WALT ❤️ 

    1. WALT


      ❤️ Thanks Ryan, appreciate it my guy. 

  7. Giveaway winners have been posted 🙂 


    On behalf of the entire Olympus Entertainment Team, we want to wish you a happy, healthy and joyful holiday. Enjoy the time with your families and friends! 

    ✡️🕎 To my fellow Jewish folk, Happy Hannukah! 🕎✡️

    We are on our 8th and final night, enjoy all the latkes on the closing of this holiday!


  9. Ryan

    3x Olymus+ 1mo Raffle

    You won’t get charged for a month then.Â
  10. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 🦃

    On behalf of the entire Olympus Staff as well as myself, we wanted to wish you a happy holiday! Hoping all of you can enjoy some nice Thanksgiving turkey and overall appreciate everything to be thankful for.

    I will also be raising a glass to a community member we have unfortunately lost recently. Fly high to the late DABESTeva. Happy Belated buddy 🥂 

  11. 280727582e93b6936d393d104a2dc462.png

    Make sure you're active on the discord these next few days/weeks 🙂 

    1. buckie


      Always giving back from the bottom of my heart SPEAKING FOR THE COMMUNITY WE THANK YOU. You have taken care of us 

    2. Clashingtin


      I got banned from the discord gg

  12. Announcing news like this is never easy, especially when it is for a long time friend of 6+ years. As of yesterday, Dabest aka Conner, a very well known long time member and good friend of the community has passed away due to a seizure. Dabest was by far one of the most liked, funniest, caring friends I’ve made in this community and I wouldn’t trade the moments I had with him for anything. He was one of my first friends made on Olympus, showed me how to have a fun time and actually enjoy playing the game. Although he can for sure be a bit of a handful sometimes, he was someone I always respected and enjoyed to be around. I dont want to say goodbye, but more of a see you soon. Let’s remember him for all the fun times he has given us, If you guys have any good memories saved don’t be shy to post it in this thread. See you soon old friend, and on behalf of me and the entire Olympus Staff… o7
  13. Ryan

    $5 Mil Giveaway

    Type: Giveaway


    • 1 Prize
    • 111 Participants

    Giving away $5M (3x).
  14. Ryan


    Still remember the day we stole you from your original gang. It all was a roller coaster from there. o7 \|/ Hurricane, you will be missed If ya need anything you know how to reach me
  15. yo idk who is spreading this but I fish out a disgusting amount of money paying out people every month, this last payout alone made me want to cry since I gave out a bit extra then normal due to how well we did last month. I SHALL NOT TAKE THIS SLANDER SMH That is all
  16. Sheeeesh no longer then 14 year old we bullied back in the Trident days. Happy Birthday @ proud  and idk what your brothers @ is anymore so hbd to him too 🙂 

    1. proud


      ayye thanks og homie appreciate it ❤️ 

      also @ Savage  says big thanks jew but cant say it himself cuz hes still forum banned

  17. Please let me free my chains mr owner sir/ma’am/helicopter/off-road/other
  18. Alright im gonna keep it with you guys on this. Olympus will 100% move to A4 when it is released. It will be all hands on deck as soon as we have word regarding it. As for a reforger server, that is TBD. Myself and the devs have played around with it, and at its current state it doesnt have much to offer regarding a server outside of the gamemode Bohemia released with it. We will announce anything as time comes, but I will say we are not putting all of our resources into it at the moment, this does not mean we are ignoring it though. Reforger's playerbase isnt any larger then A3 at the moment, and naturally the news regarding reforger actually brought a lot of attention to A3 again. So we have our spike in playerbase as if it was summer ^_^ But like I said earlier, reforger is a WIP and cannot make any promises as of yet regarding what we are doing with it. We already got word of a life framework being in the works. No need for us to waste resources and re invent the wheel when someone else already is doing it. Will see what that, plus other game modes that will be released have to offer and work on it from there. I mean hell, our current mission file doesnt even look remotely close to what Tonic's original looked like. Nailed it, same response that I gave rafa earlier Like I said, we are working on seeing what we can actually do with reforger, but our time would be minimal as of now. As for the other communities, myself and the other server owners speak quite frequently and although we are all keeping our eyes on reforger it seems every large community is just as focused on it as we are. Believe me, we all know how I feel about A4 or any other new arma title, you best bet ill be on that thing quicker then anyone once time comes. The language enfusion uses actually to my knowledge is one that our devs already know very well so I dont see much of a learning curve for them. Yeti himself said from a developer standpoint Enfusion looks really good, so will see what we get out of it. From a very reliable source I have that has been 100% correct about everything within this last year/two, they said A4 current release timeline is 2024/2025, however with reforger + tencent funds that can always be moved up. As of right now though, we shouldnt expect A4 for at least another 2 years until some progress is made. Well over 50,000+ people tried to play on the servers on release date. Considering 50k is the minimum, in just one day they made 1.5Mil. Id say they are properly funded lol
  19. Arma event started now, time is off for some reason. Whoops!

  20. Happy birthday @ PoptartRex

    You doing edibles while I’m getting drunk. Enjoy the day

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