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Posts posted by Ryan

  1. 10 hours ago, Millennium said:

    The reason we cant give our opinions is that we are not staff. Since we are not staff we do not make the final decision of ban/unban/comp/etc. Since we dont have the power to do that if we gave an opinion to a member that asked for our opinion and it was wrong, or staff disagreed then it looks bad for support team and it annoys the player/staff because they begin an argument and they bring up support team. I have heard several times from different staff that people always say in the ban/unban that support says I shouldn't have been banned, or that person should have been banned. 

    We don't deal with the reports so therefore we do not give our opinions making it easier for staff and not confusing players.

    Plus some people in support team have autism and wont know what is bannable or not.

    It would be nice to see but it would never happen


    9 hours ago, Rossco said:

    This is not up for discussion. 

    Support Team members are not staff, as @Millennium said. This means that anytime you give someone an opinion on a video, they hold it to be a STAFF MEMBER'S opinion since they were handled by someone in teamspeak. This is when problems arise because if you're wrong in the ruling you make, even if by some technicality, that member would then cite a support member as his reasoning in his ban appeal and that annoys the fuck outta staff.

    Do not give your opinions on videos as a Support Team member, you will be punished.

    Pretty much this^
    I can remember countless times I went into support and had someone tell me this isnt bannable, then got banned and tried to use that in my ban appeal. Personally I dont mind support giving their opinions on situations as long as the person they are helping understands in the end that support teams word doesnt overrule the staffs, but 99% of the time that part flies over peoples head and creates more of a shit show in the end rather then a solution

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    • Hmm 1
  2. You say "demand" as if we are obligated to do giveaways at all 😛 

    We do them because we feel like giving to the community, not everyone will like whats being given out however thats why the giveaways are optional.

    6 hours ago, Sagebrush said:

    Am simply currious, noticed that tazers are always desired on the market, but have never been given away as prizes on the giveaways.

    Too much of something devalues it on the market. Look at the ghosthawk for example, it used to be an extremely rare vehicle that nobody wanted to pull due to the fear of losing it, now its like candy to most people.

    • Like 2
  3. Congrats @Breaker for winning the $250 Donor

    Congrats @Vcx for winning the $10 Mil

    If you didnt win this one boys, dont worry. We are going to start up our discord giveaways again, where we would be giving out blackwater gear/vehicles, in game donors, money, warpoints and more. Hit up our discord to be part of those future giveaways, I believe we are doing a ghosthawk giveaway on there now 🙂.


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  4. 1 hour ago, Linka said:

    Everyone started off not that good, even the best of the old players were learning the game and picking peaches at one point. What made things easier was having a group to do runs w, get in engagements w, and have people who can watch your back. Even if you want to be a lone wolf you have to join a group a players to learn the game first.


    3 hours ago, Squeezy said:

    The new player base scared to do anything because they don't have the money or the skill that is seen in an older player. There's an obvious disadvantage that plagues new players, in confidence and finance. Old players die out eventually, and cartel fighting isn't a sustainable form of economy, for the average new player, so of course they aren't going to rush to cartels as soon as they join. The new player base want's to make money and become rich first. But the administration isn't even trying to bring in or cater for any new players. Nobody want's to stay in a server, where as soon as they log in they get bombarded with retarded hands up or die messages, because if they loose their gun and their truck, that could be half of their net worth just gone. 

    Fun fact it wasn’t until I joined BW with @Viper and @Xeltini till we got the hang of things. Before that we were trying to roleplay as turtle dealers doing turtles in rhibs. Good ole days 😞 

    • Like 3
  5. 4 minutes ago, Elements said:

    unbanning cheaters 💤 💤 💤 💤 💤 💤 💤


    3 hours ago, Ryan said:

    Basically how this would work is people who had bans for duping or exploiting physical items, virtual items or money will have the opportunity to appeal their ban and have it removed and in place have some restrictions placed on their account.  Any hacking/scripting bans including bans from spawning money are not eligible for removal.

    Reading posts 💤 💤 💤 💤 💤 💤 💤

    • Like 2
  6. 1 minute ago, Grandma Gary said:

    Arma is set in 2035 so inflation has been factored in.  Also there is something about @Ryan and loving money, no idea what it could be though.

    Actually that currency is in shekles sir, so still expensive but not as much 🙂 

    • Like 1
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  7. 2 minutes ago, Richard said:

    Think the server was full for 2 hours on S2 only.  I don’t think unbanning repeat offenders is a great idea.  They will only do it again and again.


    15 minutes ago, Ryan said:


    This is meant for the newer players that have been banned for a while. Not for any "OG's" that are still permed for being stupid.

    Again, only get one second chance. Not a third, fourth or fifth. If its a recent ban it aint happening either. TLDR this is happening the same way it did the first time.


    13 minutes ago, Zurph said:

    Unbanathon as hacks are being re updated, this is going to be good.

    If you got details on that HMU

  8. 12 minutes ago, Squeezy said:

    Ah yes, classic peepee sucking from ryan who only cares about appealing to the old player base and cartel tards who don't know how to follow rules.


    12 minutes ago, Ryan said:

    if they already had restrictions once they ain’t getting it again lol that’s for sure 

    This is meant for the newer players that have been banned for a while. Not for any "OG's" that are still permed for being stupid.

  9. 24 minutes ago, Dicky said:

    Is this an effort to increase pop? I don’t see any other reason for it.


    16 minutes ago, Richard said:


    Our servers have been full the last week ever since we started working on shit again so no not really lol we did the same thing last year. 

    Just now, destruct said:

    Nah, according to Ryan apparently it's just a post to show that restrictions exist and we don't have to keep permanent bans. So there's not going to be more unbanning that we do currently, not changing anything in relation to the status quo for unbans.

    Read the post and you’d see what this is 🙂 

  10. Just now, DeadPool said:

    I remember fighting for the one last year after being told it would never happen. Funny how things change lmao

    Ive always liked the restrictions program, cause realistically when you're on restrictions its like you are being fed half a plate of food, and you just out here trying to get the full plate. Makes it interesting to watch 🙂 

  11. With the year soon coming to an end, I usually do some sort of giveaway for games or in game stuff. This year im going to be doing an Olympus Unbanathon, however the appeals will not have any decision made until near mid December, as I want to give myself and the rest of my staff the chance to look over the persons ban and make a decision from there. 

    Gonna copy/paste @Grandma Gary's old post for this, and just update the details. Basically how this would work is people who had bans for duping or exploiting physical items, virtual items or money will have the opportunity to appeal their ban and have it removed and in place have some restrictions placed on their account.  Any hacking/scripting bans including bans from spawning money are not eligible for removal.

    Restrictions are as followed:

    • House limit of 3
    • Vehicle limit of 15
    • Cannot pickup money off the ground
    • Cannot give/take money to/from players
    • When robbed your money is 1/2'd
    • When robbing another player it is 1/2'd
    • Cannot do RnR invoices
    • Money will not drop when killed, it gets deleted.
    • Cannot give/take from gang bank
    • Cannot give/take wire transfers to/from players
    • Players lose 15% when selling virtual items to stores
    • Cannot play on a whitelisted faction (R&R / APD)
    • Does not receive Passive Perks
    • Account Wipe
    • May not be banned for the next 2 months at minimum


    Given the infractions that landed people with their respective perms this not only gives them another chance to play on our servers but it also reduces opportunities for individuals to backslide onto their old nefarious ways.

    While these restrictions may seem rather harsh the alternative is to be "permanently" banned.  We also recognize that there may be some people who genuinely regret their actions and we are offering the opportunity for these restrictions to be removed after a minimum of 2 months.  There is no guarantee that the restrictions will be removed however and they will be removed on a case by case basis.

    If you have alternate accounts and you use them to get around these restrictions it will be considered ban evading and both accounts will be banned.  If you are appealing and have alternate accounts please bring them to our attention beforehand to avoid issues in the future.


    Also please note we will be looking over things on a case by case basis. Do not expect a guaranteed unban, and do not spam myself and the staff to look at the appeal is it will result in an automatic denial.

    Good Luck with your appeals 🙂 


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