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Everything posted by TheRandomOne

  1. They wouldn't be shit, they just wouldn't be easy.
  2. That will never happen. I definitely think it'd be cool, but if they're ever going to do a 3rd server again it wouldn't be hardcore. Reminds me of when I made a status about simply removing the crosshair to increase difficultly/skill, did not go over well.
  3. News Team will finally be accepting applications! So get ready to start checking your apps!

  4. Think I've found my theme song:


  5. Thank you for pointing this out to us all. We all could use some perspective right now.
  6. Anyone have experience with the TeamSpeak phone app? Having issues connecting to the Olympus TS as well as others on it

  7. In his defense, we don't need a bunch of Care Bear ass cops,but we have those too.
  8. Yo, you used retardrush and TMed it like I did before,nice.
  9. It'll never happen but I'd be so down for them to remove the crosshair, would add a nice challenge

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. TheRandomOne


      That's the best you got? Next are you going to make a your momma joke?


    3. iPopsicle


      Take it to PMs if you want to continue to throw shots at each other.

    4. Peter Long
  10. The part that you bolded is me agreeing there should be a revert. What I'm saying there is the ripple effect this change causes and the man hours could be spent elsewhere in a hopefully more productive way. In all this time spent arguing no one brought this up. They constantly brought up the fact that they don't LIKE it,that's not proof of anything though. People even brought up ways to balance it more, no one talked about the time it would take or the grander scheme in that regard. In the most simple terms I can say: I'M AGREEING WITH YOU THAT THERE SHOULD BE A REVERT. I just think it should be for the right reasons, which is why I've argued against many people's reasons. @G.O.A.T. also if I had known you voiced that concern to staff or had thought about that, I'd be with you from the get go. I like the idea of being able to be tazed and restrained,buUT personal feelings aside, I feel that's the most logical argument and you're right for making that point.
  11. It's a combination of Dev work and staff/senior APD man hours that could be spent potentially/hopefully better in an effort to improve the server in other ways. If someone brought that up, I'd have to agree with them because this rule causes a ripple effect with other rules that would have to be looked at. It's for that reason I'm for reverting back to the old ways. No one brought it up though and I wasn't going to agree with a flawed thought process. People's personal feelings are irrelevant to the discussion. For instance, I'm still on a personal level all for cops being tazed and restrained and robbed but due to what I stated above I'd definitely agree to having it removed.
  12. That's my point.
  13. I feel like you didn't read all the way through my post.
  14. What FACTS have I ignored? That people don't like being tazed/restrained/robbed? I know I don't like having that happen to me,but that doesn't make it wrong. Personal feelings are irrelevant to the discussion, so I have ignored those,sure. What FACTS have been shared that I've ignored? If I wanted to troll I wouldn't be arguing with logic. Also, no one seems to tell me how I'm allegedly talking in circles. People have claimed it, still waiting on proof. The irony of being told I'm on a high horse yet plenty of others speak down about/to me without providing proof of anything. EXTRA NOTE: You want me to tell you one of the best possible ways to argue your side? Bring up the fact that the amount of rule changes and potential Dev work that would need to take place to balance it out and if it's worth doing all that work for one rule, especially with the fact we recently lost a Dev. Bring up the fact that the man hours that would go into that are probably not worth it when they could be spent improving the servers in other ways. The crazy thing is no one has brought this up. You're all too busy trying to demonstrate how big your e-dick is by attacking me, or talking about how you don't like getting robbed. And yet if someone brought this up, I'd totally agree with them. @Sociopathic and @Domo Arigato finally started to touch on that. @Snare @DeadPool1337 @G.O.A.T. @Lucki the paragraph above your names is for you guys and anyone else I've argued with. If you've gotten this far and are wondering why I've been arguing so much it's because I believe if you're going to do something it should be for the right reasons. And yes I understand this is going to piss people off,so be it.
  15. That's one of my arguments,yes. You see this behavior especially come out during federal events when if there's a corp+ on quite a few officers try to go through the first 2 waves quickly and recklessly so the corp+ can get to lethals. I also would understand the removal of the 5.56 spar. Hell, I even think the increased resistance to tazers was a decent idea. I believe there are changes that can be made without reverting it back to not being able to restrain cops. Also, I don't know where the "tough guy" act comes from,but am I supposed to feel intimidated? Because I think that's adorable. You're not intimidating or threatening and if I wanted to throw a jab I would.
  16. Everyone? No. I don't believe everyone to be children. I think it was a smart move by goat to pull those stats. I don't think he expanded on them properly,but it was an intelligent decision. I think the people who have voiced their opinion saying that vigis shouldn't have access to 5.56 are acting intelligently. The people who say "get off your high horse", "fuck off", whose posts consist of saying how much they don't like getting robbed, or attempt to attack myself instead of my position, those people are children. If this isn't a day care, those people should stop acting like it is then. Come after my position on something all you want. I encourage it, in fact, since I know I'm not infallible. Find holes in my argument any time, I want people to. It sucks being wrong, but crazy levels of respect to anyone who does. But don't expect me to take someone seriously when they come at me with an ad hominem or some emotional response, because then I'll call them out for being the child they are. No. If you read what I disagreed with was in regards to the news team. Specifically, the fact we can't be killed by being shot. @Lucki, see this is what I mean. Do you honestly expect me to take this seriously? Admittedly though Lucki, I think our ways to handle people are somewhat based on our respective professions. You, without a doubt, have more patience for people (which makes sense given your career choice).
  17. Go back and read any of my forum posts from before I was on news team,you'll find that my demeanor has not changed in the slightest. I understand full and well my scope of "power" or whatever you want to call it, and where it extends (aka decisions of the news team). Even then, Jesse and some other staff members made a change I, as well as others on the news team, didn't agree with. After arguing about it for days with Jesse he begrudgingly convinced me with superior logic. I don't entirely agree on a personal note still but I understand he was right. The point I'm making is you don't need to personally agree with something for it to be right. Additionally, I have no delusions of grandeur. I'm easily replaceable on the news team, just like any staff or any APD member. I'm not sure how old you are(and this isn't a dig at your age), it's relevant in the sense of how long you've been in the work force. At my job I handle the hiring/firing of most departments, I see in real time how everyone is replaceable, even myself. The way I talk is in no way reflective of my position on the news team, I spoke this way before I was on it and I'll speak this way after I'm not on it, so let's try a different angle,shall we? Especially since I was vehemently for the removal of CSAT and happily shared my thoughts on the matter in a similar fashion and I wasn't on the news team then. Also, like I said earlier, I play more cop than civ at this point. If I get tazed and restrained and robbed (which will inevitably happen) then they bested me and they earned it as far as I'm concerned.
  18. I don't believe it to be an anomaly. I believe it largely to be because of the reasons outlined in my post you quoted.
  19. What high horse? The fact that I'm news team means nothing in these discussions. I don't bring it up because it's by no means relevant, and if I wasn't on the news team it wouldn't change my thought process. Disrespecting? No. That's basic psychology. There was a similar visceral reaction to the removal of CSAT clothes and people got over it,similar principle. Cops finally have a real ability to lose stuff and now a bunch of people are unhappy about it, that's not exactly surprising. Everyone knows the running meme of cop being ez money ez life. Because sure you would die,but what did you lose? A mag? Nobody cared. Now they got some skin in the game and it's an issue. I personally play more cop than I do civ at this point (especially while waiting for the news team launch). This forces me to have to think more now that I've got something to lose. On a personal note (i know personal notes hold no value in the discussion) It's the same reason when I play KOTH I run around with an MK1 when a bunch have lynxs and navids. I like a challenge. If someone swings a spike strip at me I'd report them,send in a comp request, and move on with my day. Same as I would with an RDM case. It makes no difference to me. As for the difference/problem. From a rule perspective, 3 to 1 rule leads to quite a gray area. Were they in a tactical position or not? How exactly do you define that? Whereas this is clear cut. On a personal note(which holds no grounds her I understand) if I'm going to be taken hostage/made to drop my gear, I'd rather it be by someone who bested me rather than some randos running up to me shouting 3 to 1.
  20. Agreed, though I'm for remove 5.56 because a vigi shouldn't be more powerful than a deputy. Let the people who played it for easy money because you couldn't ever lose anything leave, there's plenty that will stick around. I think cop gear prices need to be relooked at because they aren't reflective of this change.
  21. There's an ebb & flow of good ideas in Altis Life as a whole. Just because you model something off of another idea doesn't mean you're trying to become them. On the Dev side, this means having cleaner/more organized/better coding. On a game play side, this doesn't mean Olympus is trying to become Asylum. Just meant the Devs recognized a good idea when they saw one. P.S @G.O.A.T. If a child throws a temper tantrum you don't just give them what they want, that'll just teach them to throw more temper tantrums.
  22. I agree having both rules are redundant, should remove the 3 to 1 rule to get rid of redundancy.
  23. We (almost) did it! 



    Kinda sad this is news worthy though.

    1. Lucki


      Almost... doesn't count.

  24. Alright, let's have some fun. 1. I never attacked Bubbaloo I attacked his position on the topic. Unless you're referring to me calling him a broken record, which was poking fun at the fact I've literally debated this with him before. I have nothing personally against him, or anyone else I've argued with. In fact, I'd argue that I'd generally get along with most the people I've argued with. I don't bring personal feelings into a debate,or out of one,as they serve no purpose. 2. Because of the amount of times you try and bring up your superiority on the forums whether it's in a Montage thread or here or somewhere else. That's how I know. You're very easily predictable in that regard. 3. You're right, it is me. Why am I supposed to feel insulted by that? First of all, I look amazing there. Second, the thousands of people that came to that music festival I helped put on (where that picture was taken) definitely enjoyed it too, so I think I'll sleep easy tonight. And I'm not surprised at someone trying to claim I'm using circular logic. When someone is grasping at straws they'll attempt to use any tactic, no matter how futile it is. Hence why when I asked to prove how, neither of you have been able to. Now if you want to continue this discussion, feel free to PM me or discuss in TS when I'm home, this was horribly (yet entertainingly) off topic. I mean, I'm pretty confident you won't, but I implore you to anyways.
  25. Haha if you read my posts there's no illusions about being a hero. In fact as demonstrated I clearly disagree vehemently with many opinions posted in this thread. But I hardly see how he's stooping to their levels. I disagree with bubbaloo's supposed logic,but unlike say for instance snare, he hasn't tried to attack my character in a failed attempt to prove a point. Or just outright said fuck off like ronswanson has.
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