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APD Officer
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Everything posted by kev

  1. I racked up a 4 mil in one day yesterday, this shit gonna be a breeze for me
  2. @Sam1 only person who can actually fly btw don't need to fuck everyone else over
  3. kev

    WTB items

    2 7.62 suppressors message me some offers
  4. grats on corp @Tb:) and thanks for the flash bangs ;)

  5. wait I got it nvm its back on I just need a comp request
  6. I moved it into a backpack it kicked me out of the server and when the orca came to pick me up the cops chased us :/
  7. and its gone gg
  8. http://prntscr.com/ivzbec
  9. I believe this is the only one owned by a civ right now so I expect high offers msg me or post here, will post proof in a bit
  10. yo I got a free dominos pizza what can I get
  11. kev

    LT Uniform

  12. kev

    .50 Type 115

    150k-500k each
  13. doesn’t save over restarts or soft logs
  14. 255
  15. New map changes provide a great balance between legal and illegal
  16. 25
  17. i'll take the BW garage check pms
  18. looking to buy what’s in the title lmk pm me offers, or add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/kastrooo
  19. 5 cops must be on and u need a bolt cutter for the doors to get to the vault which u place the bomb on, hacking terminal if u want the anti air to go offline also 7 cops for a blackwater robbery
  20. Are GPS jammers broken or am I using them wrong? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fusah


      Whats wrong.....

    3. Creepy


      You must be at least 10% smarter than your equipment at all times.

    4. kev


      same as a GPS tracker? @Jesse 

  21. hellll yeeeeah
  22. kev

    DP 23 3 crater (S2)

    you got bad rep, cannot trust
  23. 7.62, 6.5, and 9m suppressor rpg 5x rocket chrome strider armed qilin hunter
  24. offer msg or below
  25. 25 monopoly
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