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About JSTN

  • Birthday 05/08/2000

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Are these still open?
  2. JSTN

    Man Down!

    Did i get permed? lel
  3. @bigPat made me do it

    1. platinumfire


      vikings was a lot better "hey what does activate suicide vest do" Booom

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I remember when I put some fake tags on, joined some group and joined a 25 man run. Long story short, I got 25 kills and cops also came to take the trucks that survived c:

  4. yeo. hmu.
  5. yo @ScreaM hit me in the DMz pl0x

    1. ScreaM


      cleared some room go for it

  6. Can you prove it?
  7. I'm joking
  8. God! All I want is a uniform covered in dildos. @McDili https://gyazo.com/d20d7f91508169729188d6524a686872
  9. I've traveled to 9 cities over the past two weeks with no problems and somehow on my last fucking flight we get delayed for two hours. 

    1. Sociopathic


      Your life is so hard man.

    2. JSTN


      @Sociopathic I'm here for the first world problems

  10. w/ A3 Item codes: U_C_Scientist - scientist clothing V_Rangemaster_belt - rangemaster belt V_PlateCarrier2_blk - black carrier rig H_HelmetB_plain_blk - black combat helmet H_PilotHelmetHeli_B - black nato heli pilot helmet H_Beret_grn - green beret H_Beret_blk - black beret H_Cap_blk_Syndikat_F - black cap If anyone wants to help @Serpico out and give him the item codes, use this link.
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