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Everything posted by Birb

  1. Birb

    o7 Boys

    its so sad to lose the best roleplayer on olympus im finna cry
  2. Birb

    o7 Boys

    @buckie also the only o7 that actually makes me upset
  3. Birb

    o7 Boys

    Ima pray on it
  4. Birb

    o7 Boys

    NO UNCLE NO also you didnt even @ me I'll miss you
  5. 8 mill also @Jig wtf you supposed to be broke
  6. they do, if you get vehicle ammo you can load them and shoot em
  7. just vibin bein a disappointment thats why im on the olympus forums.
  8. to add on, hypothetically, can load an hawk with some ammo and gun down kav on medic of course.
  9. i'd kick ur ass
  10. why cant this be a permanent addition?
  11. theres no point in adding a dopamine truck when no one can do a bw while @Mr GOAT is chief, i've experienced him fighting a bw before, it was terrifying.

  12. dont worry bb ill use ur lethal injection
  13. im a big boy i have a single pube and i aint no raccoon if you're gonna call me some negative animal call me like a pigeon
  14. just like real life, my fatass cant do that so this is accurate 5k
  15. did the same thing but won 400 mill this is pussy shit
  16. do you keep deleting the thing im tryna add to my signature @Grandma Gary tryna cover up this?


    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      You behave or imma have Boonie come round and babysit you.

    2. Birb
  17. i already offered 50
  18. wait so is it legit?
  19. wait wait, so i cant even use it? well can you whitelist it just for me
  20. 50 mill @Rexo freak u its mine hiss
  21. when will you come to my birthday it's been 14 years
  22. i'd like to purchase the adr-97 if it's a taser i'll overpay for it just looking to complete my collection
  23. grandama gary eats duh poo poo
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