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Everything posted by Pancake

  1. can we get kernel level fac i trust yall 

  2. Jace Wickem stolen valor 

  3. Remember, we are witches. We are the poison ivy that you thought you uprooted last year but pops back up in the summertime. We are the blackberry brambles that cover the burned ground and grow thorns to protect their young fruit. We are the oaks that the lightning split once, but we still shade the ground and shelter the outcasts at the edge of the forest. ✊🏿

  4. she is literally just a girl leave her a lone
  5. @ Milo @ Fraali @ nicole @ Peapay real ass shit lets get on it crew
  6. happy birthday @ Tammy ! your 40s are your golden years! 🎂 

  7. Since it’s in now can we unlock the dip post please @ Grandma Gary  @ Mako  @ WALT  @ silton  @ Ryan

    1. Ryan


      Dip is in now? 😮 

  8. It's been 24 hours. Why hasn't the Senior Admin looked at my report yet?

  9. It's been 24 hours. Why hasn't the Senior Admin looked at my report yet?

    1. xsmitherz


      Maybe. Just maybe... the two Senior Admins have more in life to worry about than the speed of their response towards your ticket. Be patient

    2. Grandma Gary
  10. People don't choose what they're sexually attracted to, bigot
  11. Pretty sure this guy was in woo back, which was a known cheater gang I would disregard his opinion
  12. My buddy peach collector needs a whitelist it wont let him in the server can someone get on that please

  13. mailing schizophrenia medication to his house might also resolve the problem
  14. This post is the reason they fixed the blackjack AI and anyone who says otherwise is a paid crisis actor working for Ryan and Fraali
  15. how do i post images it says manage attachment space than doesn't let me someone help me PLEASE !!

    1. stayclaxxy


      use an image sharing service such as gyazo, puush, etc.

    2. doubleueyeceekay


      @ stayclaxxy  shut up!!!

      if your attachment space is full a staff member needs to clear it for you, senior staff iirc.

      but yeah just use an image hosting site like imgur. don't use gyazo because it's mossad spyware

  16. @ Community Director Sov @ -Shawn- I would personally recommend something that allows for a creative outlet, like painting, creative writing, or photography! they can all be very interesting and a great way to get out of the house! Maybe learn to play an instrument! DM me if you guys need anymore ideas or advice thanks glad i could help!
  17. you guys both need hobbies
  18. how did this @ gaz  guy win the giveaway he didn't even make a post on the giveaway hasn't played since 2020 what is this 

    1. Ryan


      Tagged the wrong Gaz. Its been fixed.

    2. Pancake


      Can we do events on s1 rn @ Ryan

  19. gave pretty clear reasoning on why they cant add it, its really easy to exploit. they wont add something that's easy to exploit regardless of how many people want it, it would cause more harm than good. If you want actual change on the server it seems like it would be alot smarter to focus on changes that might actually get added rather than pursue things that have been explicitly denied, or propose some alternative compromise, which I haven't seen you do. Chasing things you cant get is also a failure of your job as a cc rep. Also, what is the logic behind reverting the system? maybe people had different experiences than me but it was ridiculously easy to get war points you could spawn in kav and pdub 3 guys and get 30-40 warpoints and when you died you would lose 1. I dont think it makes any sense in a game like Olympus to incentivize worse gear, just gives the good players a reason to farm the shitters relentlessly, which is what happened. Longshot rewards were kind of cool, because it was rare, but long distance fighting in arma is easily one of the least fun ways to fight in this game, at least in my opinion. Titaning should also probably not be incentivized, as it is an extremely one sided fight, and you can fire a titan from complete safety and it is an incredibly powerful tool, especially if you are at war and don't have to titan engage. A titan is a very powerful tool than can shut down air vehicles in a large area, from complete safety with its main draw back being that its expensive. There is no reason to give titaning a way to generate profit as it completely negates the only drawback it has. If everybody gets a bunch of warpoints from titaning, all air travel all over the map will be more aids, the only type of person this would benefit is the type of person who sits around all day trying to titan people for no real reason, but thankfully nobody in the Olympus community would ever spend their time doing that, so I really don't understand the change. If you cant go warpoint positive after 6k hours in arma its on you man
  20. i get that, I think disabling wp transfers would be a great idea, not the point im trying to make. just wondering why your still pushing the change back to them being more affected by gear and range when the devs were pretty clear they wont do that
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