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Everything posted by Nephew

  1. fuck a jail 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Savage


      @hesalittlerunaway that's not against the rules according to the recent update. And I was there and it was funny asf for everyone

    3. chino Brih

      chino Brih

      hey @Nephew YES SIR fuck the feds don't get arrested NOW

    1. Savage


      I think I was there for the beginning of it cause I knew something wasn't right when I saw a prime member in a police strider afk and a shit ton of Mk-1 shots in kav

  2. Last time talkin to heyday for a while, gl in college my nibba 

    1. heyday


      Later bro keep shitting on these niggas

    2. chino Brih
  3. If i was a potato i would be a baked potato
  4. Darkie

    1. Fedot


      yo how come when i say that I get beat up for being racist wtf @raykazi

  5. you currently have CQC clips in this montage can you please sign my profile for 50$
  6. grouped with players with family member names back in Arma 2
  7. still for sale 3mil min
  8. One is a 0 crater and one is a 1 crater
  9. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/866230113346262588/95E51DB058561BC228CACB5C1551861D235DC491/ Server: 1 Send offers below
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